IPv6 RR disabled on lists.ovirt.org -- WHY???

Marc Dequènes (Duck) duck at redhat.com
Fri May 27 08:13:53 UTC 2016


On 05/26/2016 07:24 PM, Anton Marchukov wrote:

> Based on the forwarded message and DNS checks I did everything should be
> fine. The only thing is that have CNAME for mail server may not be a
> good idea and it is better to make lists to be A and AAAA direct
> records, reverses are already fine. As I see that's the plan so looks
> good. When we change we can check headers of the nearest message after
> DSN propagation and google and see if it treats it as SPF pass.

I requested the 'lists' record to be made A/AAAA in the process. But as
the MX record points to the 'linode1' entry it was not critical. We
should nevertheless switch to be cleaner.

Thanks for your help.


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