[oVirt Jenkins] ovirt-system-tests_he-basic-suite-4.1 - Build # 10 - Fixed!

jenkins at jenkins.phx.ovirt.org jenkins at jenkins.phx.ovirt.org
Sat Aug 26 03:50:04 UTC 2017

Project: http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt-system-tests_he-basic-suite-4.1/ 
Build: http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt-system-tests_he-basic-suite-4.1/10/
Build Number: 10
Build Status:  Fixed
Triggered By: Started by timer

Changes Since Last Success:
Changes for Build #6
[Eyal Shenitzky] basic-suite-master: add cold_storage_migration test

[Barak Korren] Fix small bug in slave repo setup

Changes for Build #7
[Roy Golan] Use Jinja2 templating

[Daniel Belenky] mock_runner fix empty mrmap bug

Changes for Build #8
[Your Name] Use a long name with special chars as a network name

Changes for Build #9
[Eyal Shenitzky] basic-suite-master: refactor snapshot_cold_merge test to v4

Changes for Build #10
[Eyal Shenitzky] basic-suite-master: refactor snapshot_cold_merge test to v4

Failed Tests:
All tests passed

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