[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH V3 1/3] VM Edit CPU/Memory: (Backend) Changes API.md, API.json and i18n.py

Rodrigo Trujillo rodrigo.trujillo at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Fri Apr 11 18:38:06 UTC 2014

This patch apply necessary changes in:
  - documentation (API.md): adds cpu and memory in update parameter
  - data validation (API.json: validate given cpu and memory numbers
  - error message (i18n.py): this new feature uses the same messages
    from Templates update, but a minor change was necessary in cpu text.

Signed-off-by: Rodrigo Trujillo <rodrigo.trujillo at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
 docs/API.md         |  3 +++
 src/kimchi/API.json | 12 ++++++++++++
 src/kimchi/i18n.py  |  3 ++-
 3 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/docs/API.md b/docs/API.md
index 143c70c..822e551 100644
--- a/docs/API.md
+++ b/docs/API.md
@@ -97,6 +97,9 @@ the following general conventions:
 * **DELETE**: Remove the Virtual Machine
 * **PUT**: update the parameters of existed VM
     * name: New name for this VM (only applied for shutoff VM)
+    * cpus: New number of virtual cpus for this VM (only applied for shutoff VM)
+    * memory: New amount of memory (MB) for this VM (only applied for shutoff
+      VM)
 * **POST**: *See Virtual Machine Actions*
 **Actions (POST):**
diff --git a/src/kimchi/API.json b/src/kimchi/API.json
index 5ca94e3..f95bddf 100644
--- a/src/kimchi/API.json
+++ b/src/kimchi/API.json
@@ -201,6 +201,18 @@
                     "type": "string",
                     "minLength": 1,
                     "error": "KCHVM0011E"
+                },
+                "cpus": {
+                    "description": "The new number of virtual CPUs for the VM",
+                    "type": "integer",
+                    "minimum": 1,
+                    "error": "KCHTMPL0012E"
+                },
+                "memory": {
+                    "description": "The new amount (MB) of memory for the VM",
+                    "type": "integer",
+                    "minimum": 512,
+                    "error": "KCHTMPL0013E"
diff --git a/src/kimchi/i18n.py b/src/kimchi/i18n.py
index ae8d24e..341700c 100644
--- a/src/kimchi/i18n.py
+++ b/src/kimchi/i18n.py
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ messages = {
     "KCHVM0019E": _("Unable to start virtual machine %(name)s. Details: %(err)s"),
     "KCHVM0020E": _("Unable to power off virtual machine %(name)s. Details: %(err)s"),
     "KCHVM0021E": _("Unable to delete virtual machine %(name)s. Details: %(err)s"),
+    "KCHVM0022E": _("Unable to update virtual machine in running state. You must power it off before."),
     "KCHVMIF0001E": _("Interface %(iface)s does not exist in virtual machine %(name)s"),
     "KCHVMIF0002E": _("Network %(network)s specified for virtual machine %(name)s does not exist"),
@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ messages = {
     "KCHTMPL0009E": _("Template icon must be a path to the image"),
     "KCHTMPL0010E": _("Template distribution must be a string"),
     "KCHTMPL0011E": _("Template distribution version must be a string"),
-    "KCHTMPL0012E": _("The number of CPUs must be a integer"),
+    "KCHTMPL0012E": _("The number of CPUs must be an integer greater than 0"),
     "KCHTMPL0013E": _("Amount of memory (MB) must be an integer greater than 512"),
     "KCHTMPL0014E": _("Template CDROM must be a local or remote ISO file"),
     "KCHTMPL0015E": _("Invalid storage pool URI %(value)s specified for template"),

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