[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH v6 (BACKEND) 1/5] Storagepool SCSI/FC: Implement node devices API backend

Rodrigo Trujillo rodrigo.trujillo at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Thu Feb 13 18:32:57 UTC 2014

In order to implement support to SCSI/FC UI, it is necessary to retrieve
node devices.

Signed-off-by: Rodrigo Trujillo <rodrigo.trujillo at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
 src/kimchi/control/host.py | 16 ++++++++++++++
 src/kimchi/model/host.py   | 55 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 71 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/kimchi/control/host.py b/src/kimchi/control/host.py
index 053c822..936d298 100644
--- a/src/kimchi/control/host.py
+++ b/src/kimchi/control/host.py
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ class Host(Resource):
         self.shutdown = self.generate_action_handler('shutdown')
         self.stats = HostStats(self.model)
         self.partitions = Partitions(self.model)
+        self.devices = Devices(self.model)
     def data(self):
@@ -61,3 +62,18 @@ class Partition(Resource):
     def data(self):
         return self.info
+class Devices(Collection):
+    def __init__(self, model):
+        super(Devices, self).__init__(model)
+        self.resource = Device
+class Device(Resource):
+    def __init__(self, model, id):
+        super(Device, self).__init__(model, id)
+    @property
+    def data(self):
+        return self.info
diff --git a/src/kimchi/model/host.py b/src/kimchi/model/host.py
index 80f93db..bc75ec4 100644
--- a/src/kimchi/model/host.py
+++ b/src/kimchi/model/host.py
@@ -30,8 +30,10 @@ from cherrypy.process.plugins import BackgroundTask
 from kimchi import disks
 from kimchi import netinfo
+from kimchi import xmlutils
 from kimchi.basemodel import Singleton
 from kimchi.exception import NotFoundError, OperationFailed
+from kimchi.model.config import CapabilitiesModel
 from kimchi.model.vms import DOM_STATE_MAP
 from kimchi.utils import kimchi_log
@@ -201,3 +203,56 @@ class PartitionModel(object):
             raise NotFoundError("KCHPART0001E", {'name': name})
         return disks.get_partition_details(name)
+class DevicesModel(object):
+    def __init__(self, **kargs):
+        self.conn = kargs['conn']
+    def get_list(self, _cap=None):
+        conn = self.conn.get()
+        if _cap == None:
+            dev_names = [name.name() for name in conn.listAllDevices(0)]
+        elif _cap == 'fc_host':
+            dev_names = self._get_devices_fc_host()
+        else:
+            # Get devices with required capability
+            dev_names = conn.listDevices(_cap,0)
+        return dev_names
+    def _get_devices_fc_host(self):
+        conn = self.conn.get()
+        # Libvirt < 1.0.5 does not support fc_host capability
+        if not CapabilitiesModel().fc_host_support:
+            ret = []
+            scsi_hosts = conn.listDevices('scsi_host',0)
+            for host in scsi_hosts:
+                xml = conn.nodeDeviceLookupByName(host).XMLDesc(0)
+                path = '/device/capability/capability/@type'
+                if 'fc_host' in xmlutils.xpath_get_text(xml, path):
+                    ret.append(host)
+            return ret
+        return conn.listDevices('fc_host',0)
+class DeviceModel(object):
+    def __init__(self, **kargs):
+        self.conn = kargs['conn']
+    def lookup(self, nodedev_name):
+        conn = self.conn.get()
+        try:
+            dev_xml = conn.nodeDeviceLookupByName(nodedev_name).XMLDesc(0)
+        except:
+            raise NotFoundError('Node device "%s" not found' % nodedev_name)
+        cap_type = xmlutils.xpath_get_text(
+            dev_xml, '/device/capability/capability/@type')
+        wwnn = xmlutils.xpath_get_text(
+            dev_xml, '/device/capability/capability/wwnn')
+        wwpn = xmlutils.xpath_get_text(
+            dev_xml, '/device/capability/capability/wwpn')
+        return {
+            'name': nodedev_name,
+            'adapter_type': cap_type[0] if len(cap_type) >= 1 else '',
+            'wwnn': wwnn[0] if len(wwnn) == 1 else '',
+            'wwpn': wwpn[0] if len(wwpn) == 1 else ''}

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