[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH 3/4] Pass ajaxError information on to original requester on ajaxError event
Hongliang Wang
hlwang at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Thu Feb 27 03:26:30 UTC 2014
On 02/27/2014 10:44 AM, Adam King wrote:
> Thanks for taking the time to review....
> A few comment responses inline below.
> On 2/26/2014 9:15 PM, Hongliang Wang wrote:
>> On 02/27/2014 08:47 AM, Adam King wrote:
>>> The previous implementation on the ajaxError event did not pass
>>> along all the
>>> available information to the original caller. Corrected with this
>>> patch.
>>> Updated guest vms processing to use the additional information.
>>> Corrected the error handler to show the JSON response reason when
>>> available,
>>> and show the new error message whenever a response is not avail.
>>> Signed-off-by: Adam King <rak at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>> ---
>>> ui/js/src/kimchi.guest_main.js | 9 +++++++--
>>> ui/js/src/kimchi.main.js | 4 +++-
>>> 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/ui/js/src/kimchi.guest_main.js
>>> b/ui/js/src/kimchi.guest_main.js
>>> index bbc8051..74bf7ad 100644
>>> --- a/ui/js/src/kimchi.guest_main.js
>>> +++ b/ui/js/src/kimchi.guest_main.js
>>> @@ -148,8 +148,13 @@ kimchi.listVmsAuto = function() {
>>> }
>>> kimchi.vmTimeout =
>>> window.setTimeout("kimchi.listVmsAuto();", 5000);
>>> - }, function(err) {
>>> - kimchi.message.error(err.responseJSON.reason);
>>> + }, function(errorResponse, textStatus, errorThrown) {
>>> + if(errorResponse.responseJSON &&
>>> errorResponse.responseJSON.reason) {
>>> + kimchi.message.error(errorResponse.responseJSON.reason);
>>> + }
>>> + else {
>>> + kimchi.message.error(i18n['KCHAPI6007E'].replace("%1",
>>> errorResponse.state()));
>>> + }
>> Good point to include network failure here! Though seems need
>> improvement. Consider this: server encounters an internal error which
>> will cause a 5xx response code and our code will run into else{}
>> block, because response body has no responseJSON defined for 5xx
>> error. And in your last patch,
>> KCHAPI6007E tells user "Can not contact the host system. Verify the
>> host system is up and that you have network connectivity to it. HTTP
>> request response %1. " which is wrong. Kimchi runs well and network
>> is connected. In this case, user should be told "Some internal error
>> occurs." or something likewise.
>> In fact, I considered the error message improvement at a global
>> viewpoint but still have no time to work on it. It's should be
>> handled in every Ajax requests including this listVMsAuto() function.
>> You can put this kind of code into the global Ajax error listener
>> $(document).bind('ajaxError', ...) which is in kimchi.main.js as you
>> touched below.
> A good point. We do need to improve the overall error handling.
>>> kimchi.vmTimeout =
>>> window.setTimeout("kimchi.listVmsAuto();", 5000);
>> As we've known there's error with this part, why do we still
>> continuously send this request that will continuously tell the user
>> the same error message?
>> Suggest not include this line as previous logic does.
> I thought about leaving it out, or altering the retry interval. I
> ultimately decided to keep it as is because it allows the user to
> begin using the server again almost as soon as it comes back up. The
> flashing error message is annoying, but I put that under the heading
> of improved error feedback. Its no worse than the other error
> feedback, just no better.
> We should probably think about improving error feedback on two axes:
> 1) improving the errors we can detect and the messages that
> describe them
> 2) improving how we communicate errors to the user.
>>> });
>>> };
>>> diff --git a/ui/js/src/kimchi.main.js b/ui/js/src/kimchi.main.js
>>> index c9d56e4..6bae95f 100644
>>> --- a/ui/js/src/kimchi.main.js
>>> +++ b/ui/js/src/kimchi.main.js
>>> @@ -163,7 +163,9 @@ kimchi.main = function() {
>>> return;
>>> }
>>> - ajaxSettings['originalError'] &&
>>> ajaxSettings['originalError'](jqXHR);
>>> + if(ajaxSettings['originalError']) {
>>> + jqXHR.fail(ajaxSettings['originalError']);
>>> + }
>> Seems it's unnecessary to make this change. Take a look at this whole
>> block:
>> $(document).bind('ajaxError', function(event, jqXHR, ajaxSettings,
>> errorThrown) {
>> // ... code above
>> ajaxSettings['originalError'] &&
>> ajaxSettings['originalError'](jqXHR);
>> });
>> It will run into this block only when some Ajax error occurs that we
>> bind "ajaxError" event. So we only need to run the error callback
>> directly without to bind it again to jqXHR.fail() function. it's a
>> redundancy.
>> Suggest keep this code without any change.
> I see how it looks redundant, but it isn't. The previous code only
> passed the single argument to the original error handler.
> If the response were not back, you are correct it would rebind the
> error handler.
> In this situation the response is back, so the original error handler
> is called immediately, but all the parameters are passed.
OK. I see. It should be:
ajaxSettings['originalError'](jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown);
>>> });
>>> kimchi.user.showUser(true);
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