[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH V2] Add nfs server and target UI in create storage pool

Aline Manera alinefm at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Mon Jan 6 17:48:39 UTC 2014

On 01/06/2014 03:47 AM, zhoumeina wrote:
> On 01/03/2014 12:37 AM, Aline Manera wrote:
>> Some comments:
>> 1) Seems there are tabs in this patch.
>>    Please, always use 4 spaces to indentation
>> 2) There are whitespaces in there too
>> alinefm at alinefm:~/kimchi$ git am ../mail-patches/\[Kimchi-devel\]\ 
>> \[PATCH\ V2\]\ Add\ nfs\ server\ and\ target\ UI\ in\ create\ 
>> storage\ pool.eml
>> Applying: Add nfs server and target UI in create storage pool
>> /home/alinefm/kimchi/.git/rebase-apply/patch:490: trailing whitespace.
>>             });
>> warning: 1 line adds whitespace errors.
>> 3) About UI
>> I'd suggest to use a single combo box instead of the select box.
>> The combo box will display one option to input the server manually 
>> and all servers.
>>  -------------------
>> | Input new server  |
>>  -------------------
>> | host A            |
>> | host B            |
> My design just like the attachement picture:
> I know what you mean here. But I think if just a single combobox ,it 
> will make the user confused.
> because combobox all have a dropdown arrow. And it stands for this box 
> is used for choose. If we want to input something.
> we should use filter-selectbox. In filter-selectbox, what we input 
> must in the list of select item. There is not a standard widget which 
> can be input
> and choose.  since the UI design does not have a standard rule. I can 
> not give a clear conclustion which way we should use. But personally 
> speaking
> I like the way I used now, it is more clear.

Anyone else would like to give your option about it?

>>  -------------------
>> The option "Input new server" will be the default one.
>> When this option is selected the input box (below the combo box) will 
>> be enabled to user input the server information.
>> When other option is selected (any host IP) the input box is disabled.
>> What do you think about it?
>> On 12/30/2013 07:42 AM, zhoumeina wrote:
>>> v1-v2 Fix some bug in this patch, make it working and retest
>>> This patch is working adding a select box in create nfs pool,
>>> when user don't want to input the server ip or name, he can
>>> simply select "used the server I have used before" and choose
>>> a server in a select box, this is more convinent.
>>> Add a new jquery filter-select widget
>>> In order to show server target I did a select box in UI, but sometimes
>>> maybe the export path number is large. So I made a filter-select
>>> widget to make user easier to choose the export path he want.
>>> This is the first jquery widget. And let us make all common widget to
>>> jquery widget from now on.
>>> Signed-off-by: zhoumeina <zhoumein at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>> ---
>>>   ui/css/theme-default/button.css          |   11 +--
>>>   ui/css/theme-default/form.css            |    6 ++
>>>   ui/css/theme-default/storage.css         |    4 +-
>>>   ui/js/Makefile.am                        |    4 +-
>>>   ui/js/src/kimchi.api.js                  |   26 ++++++-
>>>   ui/js/src/kimchi.storagepool_add_main.js |   73 +++++++++++++++--
>>>   ui/js/src/kimchi.utils.js                |   11 +++
>>>   ui/js/widgets/filter-select.js           |  137 
>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>   ui/js/widgets/select-menu.js             |   86 +++++++++++++++++++
>>>   ui/pages/i18n.html.tmpl                  |    5 +-
>>>   ui/pages/storagepool-add.html.tmpl       |   41 +++++++--
>>>   11 files changed, 376 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
>>>   create mode 100644 ui/js/widgets/filter-select.js
>>>   create mode 100644 ui/js/widgets/select-menu.js
>>> diff --git a/ui/css/theme-default/button.css 
>>> b/ui/css/theme-default/button.css
>>> index c7ed3f6..f99679a 100644
>>> --- a/ui/css/theme-default/button.css
>>> +++ b/ui/css/theme-default/button.css
>>> @@ -247,17 +247,16 @@
>>>   .btn-select {
>>>       display: inline-block;
>>>       position: relative;
>>> -    height: 38px;
>>> +    height: 30px;
>>>       padding-right: 20px;
>>>       margin: 5px;
>>>       vertical-align: top;
>>>       -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
>>>       -moz-border-radius: 5px;
>>> -    border-radius: 5px;
>>> -    background: #eee;
>>> +    background: #fff;
>>>       box-shadow: -1px -1px 1px #666, 1px 1px 1px #fff, 2px 2px 2px 
>>> rgba(0, 0, 0, .15) inset;
>>>       font-size: 13px;
>>> -    line-height: 38px;
>>> +    line-height: 30px;
>>>       text-align: left;
>>>       cursor: pointer;
>>>   }
>>> @@ -269,8 +268,8 @@
>>>   .btn-select .arrow {
>>>       position: absolute;
>>>       width: 15px;
>>> -    height: 38px;
>>> -    line-height: 38px;
>>> +    height: 30px;
>>> +    line-height: 30px;
>>>       top: 0;
>>>       right: 5px;
>>>       background: url(../images/theme-default/arrow-down-black.png) 
>>> no-repeat center center;
>>> diff --git a/ui/css/theme-default/form.css 
>>> b/ui/css/theme-default/form.css
>>> index c24b277..9db4bba 100644
>>> --- a/ui/css/theme-default/form.css
>>> +++ b/ui/css/theme-default/form.css
>>> @@ -45,3 +45,9 @@
>>>       line-height: 30px;
>>>       padding: 0 5px;
>>>   }
>>> +
>>> +.text-help {
>>> +    font-size: 12px;
>>> +    color: #333;
>>> +    margin: 0 0 5px 5px;
>>> +}
>>> diff --git a/ui/css/theme-default/storage.css 
>>> b/ui/css/theme-default/storage.css
>>> index d81dc75..ae89f1b 100644
>>> --- a/ui/css/theme-default/storage.css
>>> +++ b/ui/css/theme-default/storage.css
>>> @@ -529,7 +529,7 @@
>>>       width: 300px;
>>>       display: inline-block;
>>>       vertical-align: top;
>>> -    padding: 5px 5px 5px 20px;
>>> +    padding: 5px 5px 5px 22px;
>>>   }
>>>   .storage-type-wrapper-controls input[type="text"] {
>>> @@ -548,7 +548,7 @@
>>>   .storage-type-wrapper-controls > .dropdown {
>>>       margin: 5px 0 0 1px;
>>> -    width: 250px;
>>> +    width: 150px;
>>>   }
>>>   .storage-type-wrapper-controls input[type="text"][disabled] {
>>> diff --git a/ui/js/Makefile.am b/ui/js/Makefile.am
>>> index 337e369..8dfd4d6 100644
>>> --- a/ui/js/Makefile.am
>>> +++ b/ui/js/Makefile.am
>>> @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
>>>   SUBDIRS = novnc
>>> -EXTRA_DIST = src
>>> +EXTRA_DIST = src widgets
>>>   jsdir = $(datadir)/kimchi/ui/js
>>> @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ dist_js_DATA = \
>>>       modernizr.custom.2.6.2.min.js \
>>>       $(NULL)
>>> -kimchi.min.js: src/*.js
>>> +kimchi.min.js: widgets/*.js src/*.js
>>>       cat $(sort $^) > $@
>>>   CLEANFILES = kimchi.min.js
>>> diff --git a/ui/js/src/kimchi.api.js b/ui/js/src/kimchi.api.js
>>> index fbcf4a2..f6115a8 100644
>>> --- a/ui/js/src/kimchi.api.js
>>> +++ b/ui/js/src/kimchi.api.js
>>> @@ -681,5 +681,29 @@ var kimchi = {
>>>               success : suc,
>>>               error : err
>>>           });
>>> +    },
>>> +
>>> +    getStorageServers: function(type, suc, err) {
>>> +        var url = kimchi.url + 'storageservers?target_type=' + type;
>>> +        kimchi.requestJSON({
>>> +            url : url,
>>> +            type : 'GET',
>>> +            contentType : 'application/json',
>>> +            dataType : 'json',
>>> +            success : suc,
>>> +            error : err
>>> +        });
>>> +    },
>>> +
>>> +    getStorageTargets: function(server,type, suc, err) {
>>> +        var url = kimchi.url + 'storageservers/' + server + 
>>> '/storagetargets?target_type=' + type;
>>> +        kimchi.requestJSON({
>>> +            url : url,
>>> +            type : 'GET',
>>> +            contentType : 'application/json',
>>> +            dataType : 'json',
>>> +            success : suc,
>>> +            error : err
>>> +        });
>>>       }
>>> -};
>>> +};
>>> \ No newline at end of file
>>> diff --git a/ui/js/src/kimchi.storagepool_add_main.js 
>>> b/ui/js/src/kimchi.storagepool_add_main.js
>>> index b31610a..7955352 100644
>>> --- a/ui/js/src/kimchi.storagepool_add_main.js
>>> +++ b/ui/js/src/kimchi.storagepool_add_main.js
>>> @@ -51,7 +51,72 @@ kimchi.initStorageAddPage = function() {
>>>               });
>>>               $('.host-partition').html(listHtml);
>>>           }
>>> -        kimchi.select('storagePool-list', options);
>>> +        $('#storagePool-list').selectMenu();
>>> +        $('#storagePool-list').selectMenu("setData", options);
>>> +        kimchi.getStorageServers('netfs', function(data) {
>>> +            var serverContent = [];
>>> +            serverContent.push({
>>> +                label : i18n['select_default'],
>>> +                value : ''
>>> +            });
>>> +            if (data.length > 0) {
>>> +                $.each(data, function(index, value) {
>>> +                    serverContent.push({
>>> +                        label : value,
>>> +                        value : value
>>> +                    });
>>> +                });
>>> +            }
>>> +            $('#nfs-server-used').selectMenu();
>>> +            $('#nfs-server-used').selectMenu("setData", 
>>> serverContent);
>>> +            $('#nfs-server-target').filterselect();
>>> +            $('input[name=nfsServerType]').change(function() {
>>> +                if ($(this).val() === 'input') {
>>> + $('#nfsServerInputDiv').removeClass('tmpl-html');
>>> + $('#nfsServerChooseDiv').addClass('tmpl-html');
>>> +                } else {
>>> + $('#nfsServerInputDiv').addClass('tmpl-html');
>>> + $('#nfsServerChooseDiv').removeClass('tmpl-html');
>>> +                }
>>> +            });
>>> +            $('#nfsServerSelect').change(function() {
>>> +                $('#nfsserverId').val($(this).val());
>>> +                $('#nfsserverId').trigger("keydown");
>>> +            });
>>> +            $('#nfsserverId').on("keydown",function() {
>>> +                if ($(this).val() !== '' && 
>>> kimchi.isServer($(this).val())) {
>>> +                    $('#nfspathId').removeAttr('disabled');
>>> +                } else {
>>> + $('#nfspathId').attr('disabled','disabled');
>>> +                }
>>> + $('#nfs-server-target').filterselect('clear');
>>> +            });
>>> +            $('#nfspathId').focus(function() {
>>> +                var targetContent = [];
>>> + kimchi.getStorageTargets($('#nfsserverId').val(), 'netfs', 
>>> function(data) {
>>> +                    if (data.length > 0) {
>>> +                        $.each(data, function(index, value) {
>>> +                            targetContent.push({
>>> +                                label : value.target,
>>> +                                value : value.target
>>> +                            });
>>> +                        });
>>> +                    }  else {
>>> +                        targetContent.push({
>>> +                            label : i18n['msg.no.result'],
>>> +                            value : ''
>>> +                        });
>>> +                    }
>>> + $('#nfs-server-target').filterselect("setData", targetContent);
>>> +                },function() {
>>> +                    targetContent.push({
>>> +                        label : i18n['msg.no.result'],
>>> +                        value : ''
>>> +                    });
>>> + $('#nfs-server-target').filterselect("setData", targetContent);
>>> +                });
>>> +            });
>>> +        });
>>>           $('#poolType').change(function() {
>>>               if ($(this).val() === 'dir') {
>>>                   $('.path-section').removeClass('tmpl-html');
>>> @@ -88,7 +153,6 @@ kimchi.validateForm = function() {
>>>       } else {
>>>           return kimchi.validateLogicalForm();
>>>       }
>>> -
>>>   };
>>>   kimchi.validateDirForm = function () {
>>> @@ -116,11 +180,8 @@ kimchi.validateNfsForm = function () {
>>> kimchi.message.error(i18n['msg.pool.edit.nfspath.blank']);
>>>           return false;
>>>       }
>>> -    var domain = 
>>> "([0-9a-z_!~*'()-]+\.)*([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]{0,61})?[0-9a-z]\.[a-z]{2,6}"
>>> -    var ip = "(\\d{1,3}\.){3}\\d{1,3}"
>>> -    regex = new RegExp('^' + domain + '|' + ip + '$')
>>> -    if(!regex.test(nfsserver)) {
>>> +    if(kimchi.isServer(nfsserver)) {
>>> kimchi.message.error(i18n['msg.validate.pool.edit.nfsserver']);
>>>           return false;
>>>       }
>>> diff --git a/ui/js/src/kimchi.utils.js b/ui/js/src/kimchi.utils.js
>>> index 8af6a11..6439db6 100644
>>> --- a/ui/js/src/kimchi.utils.js
>>> +++ b/ui/js/src/kimchi.utils.js
>>> @@ -163,3 +163,14 @@ kimchi.changetoProperUnit = function(numOrg, 
>>> digits, base) {
>>>       kimchi.formatMeasurement = format;
>>>   })();
>>> +
>>> +kimchi.isServer = function(server) {
>>> +    var domain = 
>>> "([0-9a-z_!~*'()-]+\.)*([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]{0,61})?[0-9a-z]\.[a-z]{2,6}"
>>> +    var ip = "(\\d{1,3}\.){3}\\d{1,3}"
>>> +    regex = new RegExp('^' + domain + '|' + ip + '$');
>>> +    if(!regex.test(server)) {
>>> +        return false;
>>> +    } else {
>>> +        return true;
>>> +    }
>>> +};
>>> \ No newline at end of file
>>> diff --git a/ui/js/widgets/filter-select.js 
>>> b/ui/js/widgets/filter-select.js
>>> new file mode 100644
>>> index 0000000..02fe5d9
>>> --- /dev/null
>>> +++ b/ui/js/widgets/filter-select.js
>>> @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
>>> +/*
>>> + * Project Kimchi
>>> + *
>>> + * Copyright IBM, Corp. 2013
>>> + *
>>> + * Authors:
>>> + *  zhoumeina <zhoumein at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>> + *
>>> + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
>>> + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
>>> + * You may obtain a copy of the License at
>>> + *
>>> + *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
>>> + *
>>> + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
>>> + * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
>>> implied.
>>> + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
>>> + * limitations under the License.
>>> + */
>>> +(function($) {
>>> +    $.widget('kimchi.filterselect', {
>>> +        options : {
>>> +            key : 0,
>>> +            value : 0
>>> +        },
>>> +
>>> +        _create : function() {
>>> +            this.listControl = this.element;
>>> +            this.element.html('');
>>> +            var targetId = this.listControl.data('target');
>>> +            var labelId = this.listControl.data('label');
>>> +            this.target = $('#' + targetId);
>>> +            this.label = $('#' + labelId);
>>> +            this.selectDiv = this.listControl.parent().parent();
>>> +            this.selectDiv.addClass('btn-select dropdown popable');
>>> +            this.listControl.parent().addClass('popover');
>>> +        },
>>> +
>>> +        _setOption : function(key, value) {
>>> +        },
>>> +
>>> +        setData : function(options) {
>>> +            this.element.html('');
>>> +            var that = this;
>>> +            var value = this.target.val();
>>> +            var selectedClass = 'active';
>>> +            var itemTag = 'li';
>>> +
>>> +            that.listControl.on('click', itemTag, function(e) {
>>> + that.listControl.children().removeClass(selectedClass);
>>> +                that.listControl.addClass(selectedClass);
>>> +                that.target.text($(this).text());
>>> +                var oldValue = that.target.val();
>>> +                var newValue = $(this).data('value');
>>> +                that.target.val(newValue);
>>> +                if (oldValue !== newValue) {
>>> +                    that.target.change();
>>> +                }
>>> +            });
>>> +
>>> +            that.selectDiv.click(function(e) {
>>> +                that.listControl.html('');
>>> +                var items = that._dataList(options);
>>> +                $.each(items, function(index, item) {
>>> +                    that.listControl.append(item);
>>> +                })
>>> +                var isOpen = that.selectDiv.hasClass('open');
>>> +                that.selectDiv.removeClass('open');
>>> +                if (!isOpen && items.length > 0) {
>>> +                    that.selectDiv.addClass('open');
>>> +                }
>>> +                e.preventDefault();
>>> +                e.stopPropagation();
>>> +            });
>>> +
>>> +            that.target.keyup(function(event) {
>>> +                that.listControl.html('');
>>> +                var items = that._dataList(options);
>>> +                var temp = 0;
>>> +                $.each(items, function(index, item) {
>>> +                    if (item.html().indexOf(that.target.val()) >= 0) {
>>> +                        that.listControl.append(item);
>>> +                        temp++;
>>> +                    }
>>> +                });
>>> +                if (that.listControl.html() === '') {
>>> + that.listControl.html(i18n['msg.storagepool.unvalid.path']);
>>> +                }
>>> +                if (temp > 0) {
>>> +                    that._open();
>>> +                }
>>> +            });
>>> +        },
>>> +
>>> +        _dataList : function(options) {
>>> +            var item;
>>> +            var itemTag = 'li';
>>> +            var selectedClass = 'active';
>>> +            var items = [];
>>> +            var that = this;
>>> +            $.each(options, function(index, option) {
>>> +                item = $('<' + itemTag + '></' + itemTag + '>');
>>> +                item.text(option.label);
>>> +                item.data('value', option.value);
>>> +                if (option.value === that.target.val()) {
>>> +                    item.addClass(selectedClass);
>>> +                }
>>> +                items.push(item);
>>> +            });
>>> +            return items;
>>> +        },
>>> +
>>> +        clear : function() {
>>> +            this.target.val("");
>>> +        },
>>> +
>>> +        _open : function() {
>>> +            var isOpen = this.selectDiv.hasClass('open');
>>> +            if (!isOpen) {
>>> +                this.selectDiv.addClass('open');
>>> +            }
>>> +        },
>>> +
>>> +        _close : function() {
>>> +            var isOpen = this.selectDiv.hasClass('open');
>>> +            if (isOpen) {
>>> +                this.selectDiv.removeClass('open');
>>> +            }
>>> +        },
>>> +
>>> +        destroy : function() {
>>> +            // call the base destroy function
>>> +            $.Widget.prototype.destroy.call(this);
>>> +        }
>>> +    });
>>> +}(jQuery));
>>> \ No newline at end of file
>>> diff --git a/ui/js/widgets/select-menu.js 
>>> b/ui/js/widgets/select-menu.js
>>> new file mode 100644
>>> index 0000000..4124096
>>> --- /dev/null
>>> +++ b/ui/js/widgets/select-menu.js
>>> @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
>>> +/*
>>> + * Project Kimchi
>>> + *
>>> + * Copyright IBM, Corp. 2013
>>> + *
>>> + * Authors:
>>> + *  zhoumeina <zhoumein at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>> + *
>>> + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
>>> + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
>>> + * You may obtain a copy of the License at
>>> + *
>>> + *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
>>> + *
>>> + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
>>> + * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
>>> implied.
>>> + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
>>> + * limitations under the License.
>>> + */
>>> +(function($) {
>>> +    $.widget('kimchi.selectMenu', {
>>> +        options: {
>>> +               key: 0,
>>> +               value: 0
>>> +              },
>>> +
>>> +        _create : function() {
>>> +            this.listControl = this.element;
>>> +            this.element.html('');
>>> +            var targetId = this.listControl.data('target');
>>> +            var labelId = this.listControl.data('label');
>>> +            this.target = $('#' + targetId);
>>> +            this.label = $('#' + labelId);
>>> +            this.selectDiv = this.listControl.parent().parent();
>>> +            this.selectDiv.addClass('btn-select dropdown popable');
>>> +            this.listControl.parent().addClass('popover');
>>> +            var that = this;
>>> +        },
>>> +
>>> +        _setOption : function(key,value) {},
>>> +
>>> +        setData : function (options) {
>>> +            var that = this;
>>> +            var value = this.target.val();
>>> +            var selectedClass = 'active';
>>> +            var itemTag = 'li';
>>> +            $.each(options, function(index, option) {
>>> +                item = $('<' + itemTag + '></' + itemTag + '>');
>>> +                item.text(option.label);
>>> +                item.data('value', option.value);
>>> +                if(option.value === value) {
>>> +                    item.addClass(selectedClass);
>>> +                    that.label.text(option.label);
>>> +                }
>>> +                that.listControl.append(item);
>>> +            });
>>> +            that.listControl.on('click', itemTag, function() {
>>> + that.listControl.children().removeClass(selectedClass);
>>> +                that.listControl.addClass(selectedClass);
>>> +                that.label.text($(this).text());
>>> +                var oldValue = that.target.val();
>>> +                var newValue = $(this).data('value');
>>> +                that.target.val(newValue);
>>> +                if(oldValue !== newValue) {
>>> +                    that.target.change();
>>> +                }
>>> +            });
>>> +
>>> +            that.selectDiv.click(function(e) {
>>> +                var isOpen = that.selectDiv.hasClass('open');
>>> +                that.selectDiv.removeClass('open');
>>> +                if (!isOpen) {
>>> +                    that.selectDiv.addClass('open');
>>> +                }
>>> +                e.preventDefault();
>>> +                e.stopPropagation();
>>> +            });
>>> +        },
>>> +
>>> +        destroy : function() {
>>> +            // call the base destroy function
>>> +            $.Widget.prototype.destroy.call(this);
>>> +        }
>>> +    });
>>> +}(jQuery));
>>> \ No newline at end of file
>>> diff --git a/ui/pages/i18n.html.tmpl b/ui/pages/i18n.html.tmpl
>>> index c1fc3d1..c95da9b 100644
>>> --- a/ui/pages/i18n.html.tmpl
>>> +++ b/ui/pages/i18n.html.tmpl
>>> @@ -121,7 +121,10 @@ var i18n = {
>>>       'action_create': "$_("Create")",
>>>       'msg_warning': "$_("Warning")",
>>>       'msg.logicalpool.confirm.delete': "$_("It will format your 
>>> disk and you will loose any data in"
>>> -                                      " there, are you sure to 
>>> continue? ")"
>>> +                                      " there, are you sure to 
>>> continue? ")",
>>> +    'select_default': "$_("Please choose")",
>>> +    'msg.storagepool.unvalid.path': "$_("This is not a valid path")",
>>> +    'msg.no.result' : "$_("No valid result")"
>>>   };
>>>   </script>
>>>   </body>
>>> diff --git a/ui/pages/storagepool-add.html.tmpl 
>>> b/ui/pages/storagepool-add.html.tmpl
>>> index 5a2dd45..3a73390 100644
>>> --- a/ui/pages/storagepool-add.html.tmpl
>>> +++ b/ui/pages/storagepool-add.html.tmpl
>>> @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
>>>   <!DOCTYPE html>
>>>   <html>
>>>   <body>
>>> -    <div class="window" style="width: 600px; height: 600px;">
>>> +    <div class="window" style="width: 800px; height: 650px;">
>>>           <header>
>>>               <h1 class="title">$_("Define a New Storage Pool")</h1>
>>>               <div class="close">X</div>
>>> @@ -47,10 +47,10 @@
>>>                   <section class="form-section">
>>>                       <h2>2. $_("Storage Pool Type")</h2>
>>>                       <div class="storage-type-wrapper-controls">
>>> -                        <div class="btn dropdown popable">
>>> +                        <div>
>>>                               <input id="poolType" name="type" 
>>> type="hidden" value="dir"/>
>>>                               <span class="text" 
>>> id="pool-type-label"></span><span class="arrow"></span>
>>> -                            <div class="popover" style="width: 100%">
>>> +                            <div style="width: 100%">
>>>                                   <ul class="select-list" 
>>> id="storagePool-list" data-target="poolType" 
>>> data-label="pool-type-label">
>>>                                   </ul>
>>>                               </div>
>>> @@ -74,22 +74,43 @@
>>>                       <section class="form-section">
>>>                           <h2>3. $_("NFS server IP")</h2>
>>>                           <div class="field">
>>> +                            <input type="radio" id="nfsServerInput" 
>>> value="input" name="nfsServerType" checked="true">
>>> +                            <label>$_("I want to input the server 
>>> myself.")</label>
>>> +                            <input type="radio" 
>>> id="nfsServerChoose" value="choose" name="nfsServerType">
>>> +                            <label>$_("I want to choose a server I 
>>> used before.")</label>
>>> +                        </div>
>>> +                        <div id="nfsServerInputDiv" class="field">
>>>                               <p class="text-help">
>>>                                   $_("NFS server IP or hostname. It 
>>> should not be empty.")</p>
>>>                               <input id="nfsserverId" type="text" 
>>> class="text"
>>>                                   style="width: 300px">
>>>                           </div>
>>> +                        <div id="nfsServerChooseDiv" class="field 
>>> tmpl-html" style="overflow:visible">
>>> +                            <p class="text-help">
>>> +                                $_("Please choose the nfs server 
>>> you want to create storage pool.")</p>
>>> +                            <div style="width: 285px">
>>> +                                <input id="nfsServerSelect" 
>>> type="hidden"/>
>>> +                                <span class="text" 
>>> id="nfs-server-label"></span><span class="arrow"></span>
>>> +                                <div style="width: 100%">
>>> +                                    <ul class="select-list" 
>>> id="nfs-server-used" data-target="nfsServerSelect" 
>>> data-label="nfs-server-label">
>>> +                                    </ul>
>>> +                                </div>
>>> +                            </div>
>>> +                        </div>
>>>                       </section>
>>>                       <section class="form-section">
>>>                           <h2>4. $_("NFS Path")</h2>
>>> -                        <div class="field">
>>> +                        <div class="field" style="overflow:visible">
>>>                               <p class="text-help">$_("The nfs 
>>> exported path on nfs server")</p>
>>> -                            <input id="nfspathId" type="text" 
>>> class="text"
>>> -                                style="width: 300px">
>>> -                            <input type="hidden" id="localpathId" 
>>> class="text"
>>> -                                value="none">
>>> -                        </div>
>>> -                        <div class="clear"></div>
>>> +                            <div style="width: 285px">
>>> +                                <input id="nfspathId" class="text" 
>>> disabled="disabled" style="width:293px;"/>
>>> +                                <span class="text" 
>>> id="nfs-target-label"></span><span class="arrow"></span>
>>> +                                <div style="width: 100%">
>>> +                                    <ul class="select-list" 
>>> id="nfs-server-target" data-target="nfspathId" 
>>> data-label="nfs-target-label">
>>> +                                    </ul>
>>> +                                </div>
>>> +                            </div>
>>> +                        </div>
>>>                       </section>
>>>                   </div>
>>>                   <div class="logical-section tmpl-html">

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