[Kimchi-devel] Process for Updating the API?

Royce Lv lvroyce at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Tue Jan 21 09:32:32 UTC 2014

On 2014?01?21? 08:25, Christy Perez wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'm having trouble following the logic for adding a new resource to the
> API. Could someone outline the general steps you'd need to cover?
Steps are:
1. update API.md -- it is for REST API user to read
2. update controller, adding the corresponding collection and resource 
to make it dispatch to the right model implementation.
     Also, the API.json will be updated( if applicable), to specify the 
right parameter type and pattern of REST API
3. add model.py and mockmodel.py for implementation, this layer wraps 
libvirt call and the system lib
4. testcases, for tricky function we add unit test, for model we add 
test_model.py, for the controller logic and params checking, use 
5. when you add new file, update Makefile.am in its directory
     when you add new python-lib, update spec file and README
> From
> the patches on the mailing list, it looks like all anyone ever does is
> new items to API.md -- but I'm getting a 404 not found error so I am
> obviously missing something important.
It is hard to say what causes this, maybe you can send an RFC to let 
guys to help you,
But a quick debug tip I usually use is:
in src/kimchi/control/base.py you can see these:
             except NotFoundError, msg:
                 raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404, "Not found: '%s'" % 
msg)-->change it to *raise*
Instead of let cherrypy handle it, I will raise this NotFoundError 
directly, this print the call stack and show me where exactly went wrong.
> Thanks!
> - Christy
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