[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH 0/3 RFC] Refactor exception

aline.manera at gmail.com aline.manera at gmail.com
Fri Jan 31 21:17:29 UTC 2014

Or even better, we map all code and messages on UI (i18n.html) and backend
returns the code and params.

For example:
KimchiError('VMERRO01', 'my-vm')

And on UI:
i18n[code], params

That way the translation will be done just in one place - UI

But while using the REST API we will return code and params - not a full
(I am not sure I like it)

What do you think about those 2 proposals?
 On Jan 31, 2014 4:21 PM, "Aline Manera" <alinefm at linux.vnet.ibm.com> wrote:

> From: Aline Manera <alinefm at br.ibm.com>
> Hi all,
> This is the RFC for the refactor exception task.
> Sheldon has already done something related to that some time ago.
> He also created a wiki for that:
>     - https://github.com/kimchi-project/kimchi/wiki/refactor-exception
> The only change I made in him approach is translating the message in
> backend
> and send it to UI
> That way we don't need to duplicate the messages on backend and UI (as it
> is
> explained on wiki)
> The steps to get it done:
> 1) Change cherrypy error handler to send the exception data to UI
> 2) Create a common Exception class (KimchiError) to translate the error
> message
>    and proper set the parameters
> 3) Update UI to show the message received from backend to the user
> I also would like to create a file on backend: __messages__.py which will
> contain all messages used on backend.
> For example:
> # __messages__.py
> VM_START_FAILED = "<code>: Failed to start virtual machine %(name)s"
> The contants names should be: <resource>_<action>_<error>
> The <code> need to be a unique value between all messages.
> It is needed in order to we identify the error independent of the message
> language.
> That way a user running Kimchi in German can easily post his error on mail
> list
> or github, and we can identify where the problem is by the message code.
> I also will add this code in the UI messages.
> For the code, we can build it like:
> <resource><BACK|UI><type-of-error><ident>
> And on backend:
> And on UI:
> So we will also need:
> 4) Create a __messages__ file with all messages used on backend
> 5) Update build process to add the messages in this file to .po files
> 6) Update UI messages to add a code for them
> I made a small patch set with my proposal.
> This patch set does not include the items 4,5 and 6
> In fact, I used an existent message for test (as you can notice on patches)
> And *just for example* it will *always* raise an exception while starting
> a VM.
> Any comments/suggestions are welcome. =)
> Aline Manera (2):
>   refactor exception: Create a common Exception to translate error
>     messages
>   refator exception: Example of use
> ShaoHe Feng (1):
>   refactor exception: Add a kimchi special error handler
>  src/kimchi/control/base.py     |    5 ++++-
>  src/kimchi/exception.py        |   29 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------
>  src/kimchi/model/vms.py        |    4 +++-
>  src/kimchi/template.py         |   14 ++++++++++++++
>  ui/js/src/kimchi.guest_main.js |    4 ++--
>  5 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
> --
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