[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH V4] Issue#305: Redesign bridged network UI section

Aline Manera alinefm at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Fri Jun 6 18:08:03 UTC 2014

On 06/06/2014 12:29 PM, Wen Wang wrote:
> I have made a mockup of this part. It's a little bit hard for the 
> alignment of the  combobox and the textbox.
> And if it is okay, I think "VLAN ID" label can be aligned with "Enable 
> VLAN" instead of the checkbox. 

It is OK for me

> And another suggestion
> is can I make the combobox and the textbox a little bit smaller so 
> that it will fit the scenario better.

It would be good to have a mockup too so we can compare both.
But my first answer would be: ok just you keep the same style.

And remember to add a margin to the combobox content. It is too close to 
combobox border.
And the input box has circle borders in the template edit dialog.

> Thanks
> Wang Wen
> On 06/05/2014 08:59 PM, Aline Manera wrote:
>> On 06/05/2014 04:46 AM, Zhou Zheng Sheng wrote:
>>> on 2014/06/05 15:41, Sheldon wrote:
>>>> On 06/04/2014 08:41 AM, Aline Manera wrote:
>>>>> Hi Wen Wang!
>>>>> Thanks for the patch! The UI looks better now but I still have some
>>>>> suggestions to make:
>>>>> In the red are you can see those 2 fields are redundant.
>>>>> We can only have the input box to collect the VLAN ID from user. 
>>>>> If the input
>>>>> box is empty
>>>>> (without any value) means the user does not want to set enable 
>>>>> VLAN. Otherwise
>>>>> we get the value
>>>>> and set it as the VLAN ID.
>>>>> So the fields to create a "Bridged" network are "Destination" (a 
>>>>> combo box)
>>>>> and "VLAN ID" (an input box).
>>>> I have checked this with Mark.
>>>> He is the original designer of this VLAN ID.
>>>> we think the check box is used to tell the user that he want to 
>>>> enable vlan.
>>>> the vlan is disabled by default.
>>>> check box is more explicitly to show enable/disable.
>>>> just one input, usually user do not know input can imply 
>>>> enable/disable function.
>>> For the check box part, I agree. Don't make the user think. A check box
>>> disabled by default is more vivid. A naked VLAN ID input box is strange
>>> by the first impression, and if it's with long explanation label, it is
>>> tedious.
>> Ok. For good of all let's keep the check box. =)
>> BUT I still have a suggestion:
>> Destination:  |_______________________|
>> [ ] Enable VLAN
>> And **if and only if** the check box is checked the input box to 
>> collect the VLAN ID is displayed.
>> Destination: |_______________________|
>> [x] Enable VLAN
>> VLAN ID:      |_______________________|
>> Agree?
>>>>> I'd like to see those 2 fields like below:
>>>>> Destination:    |_____________________|
>>>>> VLAN ID:        |_____________________|
>>>>> In the first column the labels and in the second one the fields.
>>>>> We also need to use the default kimchi style to the combo box and 
>>>>> the input box.
>>>>> The image below is from the "Edit Template" dialog.
>>>>> We need to apply the same style to the network dialog.
>>>>> Does that make sense for you?
>>>>> On 05/16/2014 12:29 AM, Wen Wang wrote:
>>>>>> Finished align vlan fields. Redesigned the pattern of the label 
>>>>>> positions
>>>>>> V3 -> V4:
>>>>>> Address to Hongliang Wang: Assigned "for" attribute for label to 
>>>>>> associate it with text box accordingly
>>>>>> V2 -> V3:
>>>>>> Address to Hongliang Wang: Have the additional margin place removed.
>>>>>> v1 -> v2:
>>>>>> Address to Hongliang Wang: Have the unrelated lines removed & 
>>>>>> Have the display format changed from table to div.
>>>>>> Address to Yuxin Huo: Have the unused IDs removed.
>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Wen Wang<wenwang at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>    ui/css/theme-default/network.css | 21 ++++++++++++++++-----
>>>>>>    ui/js/src/kimchi.network.js      |  8 ++++----
>>>>>>    ui/pages/tabs/network.html.tmpl  | 34 
>>>>>> +++++++++++++++++++++-------------
>>>>>>    3 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
>>>>>> diff --git a/ui/css/theme-default/network.css 
>>>>>> b/ui/css/theme-default/network.css
>>>>>> index 67f2aa2..176b277 100644
>>>>>> --- a/ui/css/theme-default/network.css
>>>>>> +++ b/ui/css/theme-default/network.css
>>>>>> @@ -209,19 +209,30 @@
>>>>>>        vertical-align: top;
>>>>>>    }
>>>>>> -.network-config .destination {
>>>>>> -    margin-left: 28px;
>>>>>> +.bridge-option-column {
>>>>>> +    display: inline-block;
>>>>>> +    margin-left: 56px;
>>>>>> +    vertical-align: middle;
>>>>>> +}
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +.bridge-option-column > div {
>>>>>> +    height: 25px;
>>>>>> +    line-height: 25px;
>>>>>>    }
>>>>>> -.network-config .VLAN {
>>>>>> -    margin-left: 28px;
>>>>>> +.bridge-option-column select {
>>>>>> +    height: 26px;
>>>>>>    }
>>>>>> -.network-config .VLAN input[type="text"] {
>>>>>> +.bridge-option-column input[type="text"] {
>>>>>>        height: 25px;
>>>>>>        width: 60px;
>>>>>>    }
>>>>>> +#labelNetworkVlanID {
>>>>>> +    margin-left: 26px;
>>>>>> +}
>>>>>> +
>>>>>>    .network-config .input-hint-icon {
>>>>>>        margin: -1px 1px 0 0;
>>>>>>        display: inline-block;
>>>>>> diff --git a/ui/js/src/kimchi.network.js 
>>>>>> b/ui/js/src/kimchi.network.js
>>>>>> index 7a331be..ca6d29b 100644
>>>>>> --- a/ui/js/src/kimchi.network.js
>>>>>> +++ b/ui/js/src/kimchi.network.js
>>>>>> @@ -275,13 +275,14 @@ kimchi.enableBridgeOptions = 
>>>>>> function(enable) {
>>>>>>            $("#networkVlanID").prop("disabled", true);
>>>>>>            $("#networkVlanID").val("");
>>>>>>            $("#networkInterface").val("");
>>>>>> -        $("#bridge-options").slideUp(100);
>>>>>> +        $("#bridgeOptions").slideUp(100);
>>>>>>        } else if (!$("#networkInterface").val()){
>>>>>>            $("#networkInterface").prop("selectedIndex", 0);
>>>>>> -        $("#bridge-options").slideDown(100);
>>>>>> +        $("#bridgeOptions").slideDown(100);
>>>>>>        }
>>>>>>    };
>>>>>> +
>>>>>>    kimchi.setDefaultNetworkType = function(isInterfaceAvail) {
>>>>>>        $("#networkTypeBri").prop("checked", isInterfaceAvail);
>>>>>>        $("#networkTypeBri").prop("disabled", !isInterfaceAvail);
>>>>>> @@ -289,7 +290,7 @@ kimchi.setDefaultNetworkType = 
>>>>>> function(isInterfaceAvail) {
>>>>>>        if (!isInterfaceAvail) {
>>>>>>            kimchi.enableBridgeOptions(false);
>>>>>>        } else {
>>>>>> -        $("#bridge-options").slideDown(100);
>>>>>> +        $("#bridgeOptions").slideDown(100);
>>>>>>        }
>>>>>>    };
>>>>>> @@ -318,7 +319,6 @@ kimchi.cleanNetworkDialog = function() {
>>>>>>        $("#networkVlanID").prop("disabled", true);
>>>>>>        $("#enableVlan").prop("checked", false);
>>>>>>    };
>>>>>> -
>>>>>>    kimchi.setupNetworkFormEvent = function() {
>>>>>>        $("#networkName").on("keyup", function(event) {
>>>>>> $("#networkName").toggleClass("invalid-field", 
>>>>>> !$("#networkName").val().match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/));
>>>>>> diff --git a/ui/pages/tabs/network.html.tmpl 
>>>>>> b/ui/pages/tabs/network.html.tmpl
>>>>>> index e49b257..aedf7e8 100644
>>>>>> --- a/ui/pages/tabs/network.html.tmpl
>>>>>> +++ b/ui/pages/tabs/network.html.tmpl
>>>>>> @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
>>>>>>            <div class="section-container">
>>>>>>                <div class="section-header">1. $_("Network 
>>>>>> Name")</div>
>>>>>>                <div class="section-content">
>>>>>> -                <input type="text" id="networkName">
>>>>>> +                <input type="text" id="networkName" />
>>>>>>                    <div class="input-hint">
>>>>>>                        <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-info 
>>>>>> input-hint-icon"></span>
>>>>>>                        <span 
>>>>>> class="input-hint-text">$_("Alphanumeric and '_' characters 
>>>>>> only.")</span>
>>>>>> @@ -57,27 +57,35 @@
>>>>>>                <div class="section-header">2. $_("Network 
>>>>>> Type")</div>
>>>>>>                <div class="section-content">
>>>>>>                    <div class="input-container">
>>>>>> -                    <input type="radio" id="networkTypeIso" 
>>>>>> name="networkType" value="isolated">
>>>>>> +                    <input type="radio" id="networkTypeIso" 
>>>>>> name="networkType" value="isolated" />
>>>>>>                        <label for="networkTypeIso">$_("Isolated: 
>>>>>> no physical network connection")</label>
>>>>>>                    </div>
>>>>>>                    <div class="input-container">
>>>>>> -                    <input type="radio" id="networkTypeNat" 
>>>>>> name="networkType" value="nat">
>>>>>> +                    <input type="radio" id="networkTypeNat" 
>>>>>> name="networkType" value="nat" />
>>>>>>                        <label for="networkTypeNat">$_("NAT: 
>>>>>> outbound physical network connection only")</label>
>>>>>>                    </div>
>>>>>>                    <div class="input-container">
>>>>>> -                    <input type="radio" id="networkTypeBri" 
>>>>>> name="networkType" value="bridged">
>>>>>> +                    <input type="radio" id="networkTypeBri" 
>>>>>> name="networkType" value="bridged" />
>>>>>>                        <label for="networkTypeBri">$_("Bridged: 
>>>>>> Virtual machines are connected to physical network 
>>>>>> directly")</label>
>>>>>>                    </div>
>>>>>> -                <div id="bridge-options">
>>>>>> -                    <div class="destination">
>>>>>> -                        <label 
>>>>>> for="networkInterface">$_("Destination"): </label>
>>>>>> -                        <select id="networkInterface"></select>
>>>>>> +                <div id="bridgeOptions">
>>>>>> +                    <div class="bridge-option-column">
>>>>>> +                        <div>
>>>>>> +                            <label 
>>>>>> for="networkInterface">$_("Destination"): </label>
>>>>>> +                        </div>
>>>>>> +                        <div>
>>>>>> +                            <select id="networkInterface"></select>
>>>>>> +                        </div>
>>>>>>                        </div>
>>>>>> -                    <div class="VLAN">
>>>>>> -                        <label for="enableVlan">$_("Enable 
>>>>>> VLAN"): </label>
>>>>>> -                        <input id="enableVlan" type="checkbox" 
>>>>>> value=""/>
>>>>>> -                        <label for="networkVlanID">$_("VLAN 
>>>>>> ID"): </label>
>>>>>> -                        <input type="text" id="networkVlanID" 
>>>>>> disabled>
>>>>>> +                    <div class="bridge-option-column">
>>>>>> +                        <div>
>>>>>> +                            <input id="enableVlan" 
>>>>>> type="checkbox" value="" />
>>>>>> +                            <label for="enableVlan">$_("Enable 
>>>>>> VLAN"): </label>
>>>>>> +                        </div>
>>>>>> +                        <div>
>>>>>> +                            <label for="networkVlanID" 
>>>>>> id="labelNetworkVlanID">$_("VLAN ID"): </label>
>>>>>> +                            <input type="text" 
>>>>>> id="networkVlanID" disabled />
>>>>>> +                        </div>
>>>>>>                        </div>
>>>>>>                    </div>
>>>>>>                </div>
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Kimchi-devel mailing list
>>>>> Kimchi-devel at ovirt.org
>>>>> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/kimchi-devel
>>>> -- 
>>>> Thanks and best regards!
>>>> Sheldon Feng(???)<shaohef at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>>> IBM Linux Technology Center

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