[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH] Bugfix: Cancel option not working properly in New Storage Define

Christy Perez christy at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Wed Sep 24 16:05:54 UTC 2014

On 09/23/2014 09:40 PM, Wen Wang wrote:
> What we are solving is the problem that when adding a logical pool with
> the right "Storage Pool Name" as well as selected "Device Path",
> Clicking on "Create" and a warn message box showed up. Now you click on
> cancel or the "X" that you regret creating the storage,
> the inputbox of "Storage Pool Name" and the "Create" button is still
> disabled. ThoughBug#457 
> <https://bugzilla.linux.ibm.com/show_bug.cgi?id=457>  has been fixed,
> this issue still exists and this patch is used to fix this.
> This patch just change the widget back to editable when canceling the
> creating, it is going to have the right display when you are really
> doing the create.
Wen Wang,

I was initially confused by Aline's comment (because 'only' is an
ambiguous word), but after thinking for a while about it I realized I
had misinterpreted it, and now agree with what she's suggesting. Maybe I
can help here.

Currently, when a user clicks create, the button changes to Please Wait,
and then (also) the Delete Confirmation box appears over it. Then, if a
user clicks Cancel, the loading operation/button remains, and this bug
is seen.

What you're doing is resetting everything on Cancel (which will work
fine). However, I believe what Aline is suggesting, is to not change the
button to Please Wait until *after* okay is clicked on the confirmation
box. In that case, iiuc, you won't need to reset anything back to
editable, because it was never set to disabled to begin with.

I could be slightly off in my understanding of when you'll need to reset
the box, but I hope that this made her suggestion more clear.

- Christy

> Best Regards
> On 9/24/2014 12:22 AM, Aline Manera wrote:
>> On 09/23/2014 03:18 AM, Wen Wang wrote:
>>> From: Wen Wang <wenwang at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>> This bug fix the defect that when adding a new logical storage pool, a
>>> confrim message box show up and when canceling it, the inputbox as well
>>> as button "Create" is still disabled.
>>> Signed-off-by: Wen Wang <wenwang at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>> ---
>>>   ui/js/src/kimchi.storagepool_add_main.js |    3 +++
>>>   1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/ui/js/src/kimchi.storagepool_add_main.js
>>> b/ui/js/src/kimchi.storagepool_add_main.js
>>> index 4f1f943..d926ad7 100644
>>> --- a/ui/js/src/kimchi.storagepool_add_main.js
>>> +++ b/ui/js/src/kimchi.storagepool_add_main.js
>>> @@ -409,6 +409,9 @@ kimchi.addPool = function(event) {
>>>                       $('#pool-doAdd').show();
>>>                   });
>>>               }, function() {
>>> +                $('input', '#form-pool-add').removeAttr('disabled');
>>> +                $('#pool-loading').hide();
>>> +                $('#pool-doAdd').show();
>>>               });
>>>           } else {
>>>               kimchi.createStoragePool(formData, function() {
>> Instead of resetting the button state, I think we should only change
>> it to "Please, wait..." when the action is confirmed.
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