[Kimchi-devel] Entering code freeze for Wok/Kimchi 2.0

Aline Manera alinefm at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Wed Dec 2 23:26:44 UTC 2015

Hi all,

We are now entering on code freeze, which means only bug fixes will be 
accepted on master branch from now on.
To allow parallel development, Wok and Kimchi will have a next branch in 
which new features can be merged.
After Wok/Kimchi 2.0 announcement, the next branch will be merged on 
master branch, and then, we turn back with a single branch (master) per 

There is a hug list of bugs open on github, so please, let's do our best 
to have the most bugs closed till the release.

Kimchi issues: https://github.com/kimchi-project/kimchi/issues

Thank you,
Aline Manera

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