[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH] Change python #! line to be more portable

Alan Jenkins alan.james.jenkins at gmail.com
Fri Feb 27 18:12:58 UTC 2015

Hey Aline,

Kimchi in its current state doesn't work with Python 3 which is why I
explicitly stated Python 2.

For Kimchi to work with Python 3 we would need to get Python 3 versions of
all the libraries that Kimchi uses and I looked in to this and there are
one or two that are in use that are not yet compatible with Python 3.

So for the moment I would recommend explicitly stating python2 until we are
able to get Kimchi working with Python 3.


Alan Jenkins

On 27 February 2015 at 15:55, Aline Manera <alinefm at linux.vnet.ibm.com>

> On 12/02/2015 10:30, Alan Jenkins wrote:
>> Hey guys,
>>      This is a patch to change the #! line used in Kimchi from the
>> ambiguous
>>      /usr/bin/python to a more specific and more portable /usr/bin/env
>> python2.
> From my understanding, using python2 will limit Kimchi to run using
> python2.
> I suggest to use "/usr/bin/env python"
>       This enables users of distributions that have switched to the
>> default python version
>>      to python3 to run Kimchi without having to go and manually change
>> the line and at the
>>      same time allows people who have python installed to non default
>> locations to also use
>>      Kimchi by setting the python2 environment variable.
>> Thanks,
>>      Alan Jenkins (demon012)
>> Alan Jenkins (1):
>>    Change from using /usr/bin/python to /usr/bin/env python2 to improve
>>        portability.
>>   contrib/check_i18n.py      | 2 +-
>>   src/kimchi/vnc.py          | 2 +-
>>   src/kimchid.in             | 2 +-
>>   ui/pages/help/gen-index.py | 2 +-
>>   4 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
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