[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH] Re: Solve the snapshot revert problem, relate to issue #526

Crístian Viana vianac at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Thu Jan 22 17:40:49 UTC 2015

On 22-01-2015 14:45, Aline Manera wrote:
>> Now I see that we cannot create that specific test scenario in our 
>> mockmodel, given its current implementation. Our MockSnapshot is too 
>> simple, it isn't aware of the original VM's name (and many more 
>> things), so unless we change our class MockSnapshot - which I don't 
>> think it's worth it now - we cannot reproduce that issue. So we can 
>> keep it as it is now, as you proposed.
> What are the consequences on it when running Kimchi on test mode?

Under the mockmodel, we're not able to reproduce the same scenario the 
way it happens in the real model (i.e. on libvirt with QEMU), thus the 
tests don't test the real behaviour. The class MockSnapshot doesn't keep 
track of the original VM's name, so we cannot reproduce a situation 
where reverting to a snapshot changes the VM name, which is what this 
patch fixes. So the consequence is that the failing scenario cannot be 
tested under our test mode, only if we reproduce that situation manuall 
on a real model. Or unless we update the class MockSnapshot to be as 
close as a real snapshot.

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