[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH v2] Fix make install for systemd systems

Aline Manera alinefm at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Fri Jun 5 14:35:06 UTC 2015

On 05/06/2015 11:32, Ramon Medeiros wrote:
> On 06/05/2015 09:55 AM, Aline Manera wrote:
>> On 03/06/2015 10:39, Ramon Medeiros wrote:
>>> Make install now will install firewalld and systemctl service. Also,
>>> it will create base file structure to run kimchi (what was being 
>>> created
>>> at rpm spec).
>>> Changes:
>>> v2:
>>> Use macros to determine systemd directory
>>> Do not use root permissions on make install script (like rebooting 
>>> systemctl)
>>> ---
>>>   Makefile.am                   | 50 
>>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
>>>   configure.ac                  |  9 ++++++++
>>>   contrib/kimchi.spec.fedora.in | 16 --------------
>>>   contrib/kimchi.spec.suse.in   | 18 ----------------
>>>   4 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
>>> index 91a0fa2..46b0b5b 100644
>>> --- a/Makefile.am
>>> +++ b/Makefile.am
>>> @@ -115,27 +115,41 @@ ChangeLog:
>>>       fi
>>>   install-data-local:
>>> -    @if  test -d /usr/lib/systemd/system/ ; then \
>>> -        $(INSTALL_DATA) contrib/kimchid.service.fedora 
>>> /usr/lib/systemd/system/kimchid.service; \
>>> -        systemctl daemon-reload; \
>>> -    elif test -d /etc/systemd/system; then \
>>> -        $(INSTALL_DATA) contrib/kimchid.service.fedora 
>>> /etc/systemd/system/kimchid.service; \
>>> -        systemctl daemon-reload; \
>>> -    else \
>>> -        $(INSTALL_DATA) contrib/kimchid.sysvinit 
>>> /etc/init.d/kimchid; \
>>> -        chmod +x /etc/init.d/kimchid; \
>>> -    fi
>>> +    @if  test -d $(systemdsystemunitdir) ; then \
>>> +        mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/$(systemdsystemunitdir); \
>>> +        $(INSTALL_DATA) contrib/kimchid.service.fedora 
>>> $(DESTDIR)/$(systemdsystemunitdir)/kimchid.service; \
>>> +    else \
>>> +        mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/etc/init.d/ \
>>> +        $(INSTALL_DATA) contrib/kimchid.sysvinit 
>>> $(DESTDIR)/etc/init.d/kimchid; \
>>> +        chmod +x $(DESTDIR)/etc/init.d/kimchid; \
>>> +    fi; \
>>> +    if test -d /usr/lib/firewalld/services/; then \
>>> +        mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib/firewalld/services/; \
>>> +        $(INSTALL_DATA) src/firewalld.xml 
>>> $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib/firewalld/services/kimchid.xml; \
>>> +    fi; \
>>> +    mkdir -p 
>>> $(DESTDIR)/var/lib/kimchi/{debugreports,screenshots,vnc-tokens,isos}
>>> +    touch $(DESTDIR)/var/lib/kimchi/objectstore
>>> +    mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/var/log/kimchi/
>>> +    touch $(DESTDIR)/var/log/kimchi/kimchi-access.log
>>> +    touch $(DESTDIR)/var/log/kimchi/kimchi-error.log
>>> +    mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/etc/kimchi/
>>> +    touch $(DESTDIR)/etc/nginx/conf.d/kimchi.conf
>> You don't need to create the above directories/files as they will be 
>> created on demand on server start up.
> which files you are saying? These files are not created on startup:
>     mkdir -p 
> $(DESTDIR)/var/lib/kimchi/{debugreports,screenshots,vnc-tokens,isos}
>     touch $(DESTDIR)/var/lib/kimchi/objectstore
>     mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/var/log/kimchi/

Yes, there are. Otherwise, the user would not be able to start the 
server from a "make install" installation.

>>>   uninstall-local:
>>> -    @if test -f /usr/lib/systemd/system/kimchid.service; then \
>>> -        $(RM) /usr/lib/systemd/system/kimchid.service; \
>>> -        systemctl daemon-reload; \
>>> -    elif test -f /etc/systemd/system/kimchid.service; then \
>>> -        $(RM) /etc/systemd/system/kimchid.service; \
>>> +    @if test -f $(systemdsystemunitdir)/kimchid.service; then \
>>> +        $(RM) $(DESTDIR)/$(systemdsystemunitdir)/kimchid.service; \
>>>       elif test -f /etc/init.d/kimchid; then \
>>> -        $(RM) /etc/init.d/kimchid; \
>>> -    fi
>>> -
>>> +        $(RM) $(DESTDIR)/etc/init.d/kimchid; \
>>> +        $(RM) $(DESTDIR)/etc/init/kimchi.conf; \
>>> +    fi; \
>>> +    if test -d /usr/lib/firewalld/services/; then \
>>> +        $(RM) $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib/firewalld/services/kimchid.xml; \
>>> +    fi; \
>>> +    $(RM) -rf $(DESTDIR)/var/lib/kimchi
>>> +    $(RM) -rf $(DESTDIR)/var/log/kimchi
>>> +    $(RM) -rf $(DESTDIR)/etc/kimchi
>>> +    $(RM) $(DESTDIR)/etc/nginx/conf.d/kimchi.conf
>>> +
>>>   VERSION:
>>>       @if test -d .git; then                                \
>>>           git describe --abbrev=0 > $@; \
>>> diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
>>> index f5091b8..0261b5f 100644
>>> --- a/configure.ac
>>> +++ b/configure.ac
>>> @@ -64,6 +64,15 @@ else
>>>   AC_SUBST([ENABLE_SAMPLE], [False])
>>>   fi
>>> +# check for systemd
>>> +AC_ARG_WITH([systemdsystemunitdir],
>>> +    AS_HELP_STRING([--with-systemdsystemunitdir=DIR], [Directory 
>>> for systemd service files]),
>>> +    [], [with_systemdsystemunitdir=$($PKG_CONFIG 
>>> --variable=systemdsystemunitdir systemd)])
>>> +if test "x$with_systemdsystemunitdir" != xno; then
>>> +    AC_SUBST([systemdsystemunitdir], [$with_systemdsystemunitdir])
>>> +fi
>>> +
>> So the user will need to pass that information during the build?
>> Don't we have other way to discover it automatically?
> No, the user will not need to pass it. Please, try to use it in your 
> system. After running ./autogen --system, you will see the variable 
> systemdsystemunitdir at Makefile

OK. I'll try it.

>>>   AC_ARG_WITH(
>>>       [spice-html5],
>>>       [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-spice-html5],
>>> diff --git a/contrib/kimchi.spec.fedora.in 
>>> b/contrib/kimchi.spec.fedora.in
>>> index 30f8417..dc5533a 100644
>>> --- a/contrib/kimchi.spec.fedora.in
>>> +++ b/contrib/kimchi.spec.fedora.in
>>> @@ -85,22 +85,6 @@ make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
>>>   %if 0%{?with_systemd}
>>> -# create /var/lib/kimchi structure
>>> -mkdir -p 
>>> %{buildroot}/%{_sharedstatedir}/kimchi/{debugreports,screenshots,vnc-tokens,isos}
>>> -touch %{buildroot}/%{_sharedstatedir}/kimchi/objectstore
>>> -
>>> -# create /var/log/kimchi structure
>>> -mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_localstatedir}/log/kimchi/
>>> -touch %{buildroot}/%{_localstatedir}/log/kimchi/kimchi-access.log
>>> -touch %{buildroot}/%{_localstatedir}/log/kimchi/kimchi-error.log
>>> -
>>> -# create /etc/kimchi structure
>>> -mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/kimchi/
>>> -touch %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/nginx/conf.d/kimchi.conf
>>> -
>>> -# Install the systemd scripts
>>> -install -Dm 0644 contrib/kimchid.service.fedora 
>>> %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/kimchid.service
>>> -install -Dm 0640 src/firewalld.xml 
>>> %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/firewalld/services/kimchid.xml
>>>   %endif
>>>   %if 0%{?rhel} == 6
>>> diff --git a/contrib/kimchi.spec.suse.in b/contrib/kimchi.spec.suse.in
>>> index bf85661..5681a60 100644
>>> --- a/contrib/kimchi.spec.suse.in
>>> +++ b/contrib/kimchi.spec.suse.in
>>> @@ -54,24 +54,6 @@ make
>>>   rm -rf %{buildroot}
>>>   make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
>>> -# create /var/lib/kimchi structure
>>> -mkdir -p 
>>> %{buildroot}/%{_var}/lib/kimchi/{debugreports,screenshots,vnc-tokens,isos}
>>> -touch %{buildroot}/%{_var}/lib/kimchi/objectstore
>>> -
>>> -# create /var/log/kimchi structure
>>> -mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_localstatedir}/log/kimchi/
>>> -touch %{buildroot}/%{_localstatedir}/log/kimchi/kimchi-access.log
>>> -touch %{buildroot}/%{_localstatedir}/log/kimchi/kimchi-error.log
>>> -
>>> -# create /etc/kimchi structure
>>> -mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/kimchi/
>>> -
>>> -# create nginx configuration
>>> -touch %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/nginx/conf.d/kimchi.conf
>>> -
>>> -# Install the SysV init scripts
>>> -install -Dm 0755 contrib/kimchid.sysvinit 
>>> %{buildroot}%{_initrddir}/kimchid
>>> -
>>>   %post
>>>   chkconfig kimchid on

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