[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH 2/2] Modified code to check platform and if its s390x then collect dbginfo tar along with sosreport and create new tar having both the above tar and move to /var/lib/kimchi/debugreports. Also added i18n error messages required for dbginfo.

Aline Manera alinefm at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Tue Nov 3 17:19:38 UTC 2015

The same I commented regarding the commit message.

On 02/11/2015 10:03, mesmriti at linux.vnet.ibm.com wrote:
> From: Megha Smriti <mesmriti at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
> ---
>   src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/i18n.py               |  2 +
>   src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/model/debugreports.py | 80 +++++++++++++++++++++---
>   2 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/i18n.py b/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/i18n.py
> index 01573b0..e19b997 100644
> --- a/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/i18n.py
> +++ b/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/i18n.py
> @@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ messages = {
>       "GGBDR0007E": _("Debug report name must be a string. Only letters, digits, underscore ('_') and "
>                       "hyphen ('-') are allowed."),
>       "GGBDR0008E": _("The debug report with specified name \"%(name)s\" already exists. Please use another one."),
> +    "GGBDR0009E": _("Unable to create dbginfo report with %(retcode)s. Details: %(err)s"),

> +    "GGBDR0010E": _("Unable to tar the final debug report tar file with %(retcode)s. Details: %(error)s"),

"Unable to compress the final debug report data due error %(retcode)s. 
Details: %(error)s"

>       "GGBHOST0001E": _("Unable to shutdown host machine as there are running virtual machines"),
>       "GGBHOST0002E": _("Unable to reboot host machine as there are running virtual machines"),
>       "GGBHOST0005E": _("When specifying CPU topology, each element must be an integer greater than zero."),
> diff --git a/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/model/debugreports.py b/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/model/debugreports.py
> index 0bb36fe..719e460 100644
> --- a/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/model/debugreports.py
> +++ b/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/model/debugreports.py
> @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import os
>   import shutil
>   import subprocess
>   import time
> +import platform
>   import re
>   from wok.exception import InvalidParameter, NotFoundError, OperationFailed
> @@ -108,16 +109,75 @@ class DebugReportsModel(object):
>                   raise OperationFailed('GGBDR0004E', {'name': name})
>               md5_report_file = sosreport_file + '.md5'
>               report_file_extension = '.' + sosreport_file.split('.', 1)[1]
> -            path = config.get_debugreports_path()
> -            sosreport_target = os.path.join(path,
> -                                            name + report_file_extension)
> -            msg = 'Moving debug report file "%s" to "%s"' \
> -                  % (sosreport_file, sosreport_target)
> -            wok_log.info(msg)
> -            shutil.move(sosreport_file, sosreport_target)
> -            delete_the_sosreport_md5_file(md5_report_file)
> -            cb('OK', True)
> -            return
> +            # If the platform is a system Z machine.
> +            if platform.machine().startswith('s390'):

I suggest to create a new function to handle the sosreport generation 
for s390x. Just to make the code easier to read.

> +                dbgreport_regex = '(\S+\s+)(\/\w+\/\w+-[\d+]{4}-[\d+]{2}' \
> +                                  '-[\d+]{2}-[\d+]{2}-[\d+]{2}' \
> +                                  '-[\d+]{2}-\w+-\d+\S+)(\s+\S+)'
> +                command = ['/usr/sbin/dbginfo.sh']

Is there a parameter like '--tmp-dir' from sosreport to use with dbginfo.sh?

What about the report name? Is it auto generated?

> +                output, error, retcode = run_command(command)
> +                if retcode != 0:
> +                    raise OperationFailed("GGBDR0009E",
> +                                          {'retcode': retcode, 'err': error})
> +                output = output.splitlines()
> +                for line in output:
> +                    line = line.strip()
> +                    n = re.match(dbgreport_regex, line)
> +                    if n:
> +                        dbginfo_report = n.groups()[1]
> +                        break

> +                pathis = '/var/tmp/'
> +                file_extension_dbginfo = dbginfo_report.split('/', 2)[2]
> +                target_report_file = os.path.join(pathis,
> +                                                  file_extension_dbginfo)
> +                msg = 'Moving the "%s" to "%s"'\
> +                      % (dbginfo_report, target_report_file)
> +                shutil.move(dbginfo_report, target_report_file)

So the report is generated somewhere and moved to /var/tmp. Is that 
correct? Why do you need to move it to /var/tmp?

> +                wok_log.info(msg)

> +                final_tar_report_name = name + report_file_extension

In the code below you are creating the tar.gz file. So why are you using 
an extension variable? It should correspond to the tar command you are 
using below.

> +                if dbginfo_report is not None:
> +                    sosreport_tar = sosreport_file.split('/', 3)[3]
> +                    dbginfo_tar = dbginfo_report.split('/', 2)[2]
> +                    msg = 'Zipping the sosreport and debug info files into ' \
> +                          'final report file'
> +                    wok_log.info(msg)
> +                    command = ['tar', '-cvzf', '%s' % final_tar_report_name,
> +                               '-C', '/var/tmp/', dbginfo_tar, sosreport_tar]

Are you mixing sosreport with dbginfo? Is sosreport still present in 
s390x systems? Is the debug report a collection of sosreport + dbginfo?

Sorry, I am newbie with s390x tools, so it'd be good if you explain what 
you are going to do here.

> +                    output, error, retcode = run_command(command)
> +                    if retcode != 0:
> +                        raise OperationFailed("GGBDR0010E",
> +                                              {'retcode': retcode,
> +                                               'error': error})
> +                    path = config.get_debugreports_path()
> +                    dbg_target = os.path.join(path,
> +                                              name + report_file_extension)
> +                    # Moving report
> +                    msg = 'Moving final debug  report file "%s" to "%s"' % \
> +                          (final_tar_report_name, dbg_target)
> +                    wok_log.info(msg)
> +                    shutil.move(final_tar_report_name, dbg_target)
> +                    delete_the_sosreport_md5_file(md5_report_file)
> +                    msg = 'Deleting the dbginfo file "%s" ' \
> +                          % target_report_file
> +                    wok_log.info(msg)
> +                    os.remove(target_report_file)
> +                    msg = 'Deleting the sosreport file "%s" ' % sosreport_file
> +                    wok_log.info(msg)
> +                    os.remove(sosreport_file)
> +                    wok_log.info('The debug report file has been moved')
> +                    cb('OK', True)
> +                    return

> +            else:
> +                path = config.get_debugreports_path()
> +                sosreport_target = os.path.join(path,
> +                                                name + report_file_extension)
> +                msg = 'Moving debug report file "%s" to "%s"' \
> +                      % (sosreport_file, sosreport_target)
> +                wok_log.info(msg)
> +                shutil.move(sosreport_file, sosreport_target)
> +                delete_the_sosreport_md5_file(md5_report_file)
> +                cb('OK', True)
> +                return
>           except WokException as e:
>               log_error(e)

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