[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH] New Navigation bar

Aline Manera alinefm at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Mon Nov 16 14:28:50 UTC 2015

Hi Atreyee,

My overall comments:

1) The "Host"/"Virtualization" tabs are not being displayed as a Tab.
     You need to its background and also the first level second level 
tab. It is the same on imaging the blue squares in the image below 
filled with blue color. (does that make sense?)
     To distinguish a selected tab in the second level we can use a 
darker color, ie, a darker blue (for ginger) or a darker green (for kimchi).

2) The first and the seconds level of tabs will have the same color. For 
Kimchi, we continue to have one different color per tab which is odd IMO.

3) I'd suggest to align the "localhost" text with the first tab in the 
second level. So the "Host" tab will be left shifted to have the "Host" 
text aligned with "localhost".
     The same for Kimchi. You can check the red lines in the images below.

4) More comments in the patch related to the code.

On 11/11/2015 20:34, atreyee at linux.vnet.ibm.com wrote:
> From: Atreyee Mukhopadhyay <atreyee at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
> This patch is to implement new feature mentioned in issue #746.
> First level navigation bar with Host and Virtualization tabs.
> Second level tab navigation based on first level navigation.
> Atreyee Mukhopadhyay (1):
>    Issue #746 : New navigation bar.
>   src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/ui/config/tab-ext.xml |  1 +
>   src/wok/plugins/kimchi/ui/config/tab-ext.xml     |  1 +
>   ui/css/src/modules/_toolbar.scss                 |  9 ++-
>   ui/css/src/modules/_wok-variables.scss           |  7 +-
>   ui/js/src/wok.main.js                            | 81 +++++++++++++++++++++---
>   ui/pages/wok-ui.html.tmpl                        |  6 +-
>   6 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

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