[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH V2] Update control.in file as well

Socorro Stoppler socorro at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Tue Oct 20 17:01:22 UTC 2015

I got the same results as you did in my Ubuntu.  So the reference for 
libxslt only be removed for Ubuntu?

On 10/20/2015 09:53 AM, Aline Manera wrote:
> I've just done some verification here.
> We use the 'xsltproc' command to build the help pages.
> From my system I got:
> # get the full path to the xsltproc command
> alinefm at alinefm-ThinkPad-T440:~/kimchi$ which xsltproc
> /usr/bin/xsltproc
> # identify which package provides this command
> alinefm at alinefm-ThinkPad-T440:~/kimchi$ dpkg -S /usr/bin/xsltproc
> *xsltproc*: /usr/bin/xsltproc
> Could you do the same in your system and confirm xsltproc command 
> comes with xsltproc package?
> So instead of depending on libxslt, we should depend on xsltproc 
> package for Ubuntu!
> Does all that make sense? =)
> Regards,
> Aline Manera
> On 20/10/2015 14:41, Socorro Stoppler wrote:
>> According to Paulo, the package name is libxslt1-dev.  As I was just 
>> following the readme, since it stated that libxslt was a dependency, 
>> I went with that and didn't
>> bother trying to run Kimchi without it.  Since all other distros 
>> referred to it as a dependency as well, I just assumed it was needed 
>> :).  If indeed we don't need it at all,
>> then it's one less package to deal with and we'll need to remove 
>> references to it.  Let me know what the next steps should be. Thanks!
>> On 10/20/2015 09:32 AM, Aline Manera wrote:
>>> I am asking because I have the following packages installed:
>>> alinefm at alinefm-ThinkPad-T440:~/kimchi$ sudo dpkg --get-selections | 
>>> grep libxslt
>>> libxslt1.1:amd64                install
>>> python-libxslt1                   install
>>> And even without libxslt-dev I can build/run Kimchi without problems.
>>> Should the right package name be libxslt1 ?
>>> Regards,
>>> Aline Manera
>>> On 20/10/2015 14:28, Socorro Stoppler wrote:
>>>> Hi Aline,
>>>> In readme, we have the following dependencies to be installed.  
>>>> When installing them, it couldn't install libxslt due to wrong name.
>>>> For Ubuntu, it had the following packages to be installed:
>>>> |sudo apt-get install gcc make autoconf automake gettext git \ 
>>>> python-cherrypy3 python-cheetah python-imaging \ python-pam 
>>>> python-m2crypto python-jsonschema \ python-psutil python-ldap 
>>>> python-lxml nginx \ libxslt openssl python-dev python-pip \ g++ 
>>>> fonts-font-awesome texlive-fonts-extra |
>>>> I don't have the error anymore.  Would you like me to uninstall to 
>>>> get exact message?  (but I believe it's a generic msg - not finding 
>>>> the package).
>>>> Thanks
>>>> -Socorro
>>>> On 10/20/2015 09:13 AM, Aline Manera wrote:
>>>>> Hi Socorro,
>>>>> Sorry to not confirm earlier, but I don't have this package 
>>>>> installed in my Ubuntu system and I don't see problems to 
>>>>> build/run Kimchi.
>>>>> What is the problem you are having without this package installed?
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Aline Manera
>>>>> On 16/10/2015 19:09, Socorro Stoppler wrote:
>>>>>> v1 - first version
>>>>>> v2 - Update control.in file as well for libxslt pkg name
>>>>>> Socorro Stoppler (1):
>>>>>>    Add correct package name for libxslt in Ubuntu
>>>>>>   contrib/DEBIAN/control.in | 2 +-
>>>>>>   docs/README.md            | 2 +-
>>>>>>   2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

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