[Kimchi-devel] [RFC][Kimchi] Guest Max memory setup and update

Samuel Henrique De Oliveira Guimaraes samuel.guimaraes at eldorado.org.br
Tue Feb 2 12:51:29 UTC 2016

Patch sent to ML with the UI changes in Max Memory.


-----Original Message-----
From: kimchi-devel-bounces at ovirt.org [mailto:kimchi-devel-bounces at ovirt.org] On Behalf Of Aline Manera
Sent: sexta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2016 10:00
To: Rodrigo Trujillo <rodrigo.trujillo at linux.vnet.ibm.com>; Kimchi Devel <kimchi-devel at ovirt.org>
Subject: Re: [Kimchi-devel] [RFC][Kimchi] Guest Max memory setup and update

Hi all,

Only keep in mind Kimchi is for entry-level users.

That way the Max CPUs and Max Memory values should not be always visible.

So for UI, do something like:

Memory: | <input box>|             + More details

When selecting "More details", the input box for max memory is displayed

Max Memory: | <input box>|

The same for CPUs.

Aline Manera

On 01/08/2016 04:18 PM, Rodrigo Trujillo wrote:
> Hi all,
> The guest xml tag <max_memory> is necessary to allow memory hotplug. 
> Currently, max_memory is the lesser value among "guest memory X4", 
> "Host Memory" or "1TB". It is also not possible to user, to set it.
> Proposal: Modify backend and frontend in order to allow users to 
> increase/decrease max_memory value. In other words, user will be 
> allowed to set the amount of memory that will be possible to hotplug.
> BACKEND   (a previous patch was already sent to mailing list, must 
> sent new version)
> - Remove current settings when guest is created. Set max_memory equal 
> guest memory.;
> - Does not allow change max_memory when guest is running;
> - When hotplug, continue with slots of 1GB, but restrict 32 slots in 
> PowerPC;
> - Update/Add tests;
> - Change JSON memory field to:   memory: { current: XXX, maxmemory: 
> YYYY };
> - In guest edit window,  modify memory input field. Change it to a 
> increase/decrease ( +/- ) input box;
> - Create a hidden area which will hold max memory input box 
> (increase/decrease);
> - Increments will be of 1GB;
> - Create a "More Options" link besides Memory , that is going to 
> show/hide  max memory area;
> - If guest is online:
>     * max memory field will be disabled;
>     * memory will be enabled, allowing hotplug;
> - When guest is offline, it is ok to change max memory, enable it;
> JSON must be changed in requests and responses:
>     - When updating guest (PUT), memory field will become:
>             memory: { current: <memory new value>, maxmemory: 
> <maxmemory new value> }
>     - response (GET):
>             memory: { current: <memory new value>, maxmemory: 
> <maxmemory new value> }
> It is not necessary to include maxmemory if was not changed.
> Thoughts ?
> Rodrigo Trujillo
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