[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH] [Kimchi] [RFC] Create new volume and attach to VM

Aline Manera alinefm at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Fri Feb 5 12:35:13 UTC 2016

On 02/05/2016 10:27 AM, Paulo Ricardo Paz Vital wrote:
> On 02/05/2016 10:03 AM, Aline Manera wrote:
>> On 02/05/2016 09:03 AM, Paulo Ricardo Paz Vital wrote:
>>> Looks good! I tested the patch and could create a new volume and attach
>>> it to the VM I was editing.
>>> Just only one suggestion. Add the extension iso in the end of the
>>> filename of the volume when creating. The volume I added to my VM
>>> 'ubuntu15.10-vm-1' was created with this info:
>>> $ sudo qemu-img info /var/lib/libvirt/images/ubuntu15.10-vm-11454669512074
>>> image: /var/lib/libvirt/images/ubuntu15.10-vm-11454669512074
>>> file format: qcow2
>>> virtual size: 10K (10240 bytes)
>>> disk size: 196K
>>> cluster_size: 65536
>>> Format specific information:
>>>      compat: 0.10
>>>      refcount bits: 16
>>> Would be nice, that the file has the name
>>> ubuntu15.10-vm-11454669512074.iso
>> The extension '.iso' is for ISO files. In this case, we should use the
>> extension given by the selected format, ie, in your case
>> ubuntu15.10-vm-11454669512074*.qcow2
>> *Socorro, following Paulo's suggestion, please, append the ".<format>"
>> to the end of the file name.
> Ooops, I mean '.img' instead of '.iso', but if add the '.<format>' is
> not a big issue, would be better than.

Yeap! So I'd suggest to use .img (instead the format) as Template is 
using that way and we keep consistence.

>> *
>> *
>>> On 02/05/2016 12:41 AM, Socorro Stoppler wrote:
>>>> This is the initial checkin for creating a new volume and attaching to VM when editing a guest.
>>>> Not sure of all the supported cases, but certainly tried default pool and qcow2 format per the
>>>> example provided and it was successful.
>>>> Known issue - which currently exists in the code already in master - code is broken when VM
>>>> is running.  This patch does not address that.  It will get addressed separately.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Socorro Stoppler <socorro at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>>> ---
>>>>   ui/js/src/kimchi.guest_storage_add.main.js | 320 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
>>>>   ui/pages/guest-storage-add.html.tmpl       |  58 ++++--
>>>>   2 files changed, 315 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/ui/js/src/kimchi.guest_storage_add.main.js b/ui/js/src/kimchi.guest_storage_add.main.js
>>>> index 6e1926b..9c3f6e4 100644
>>>> --- a/ui/js/src/kimchi.guest_storage_add.main.js
>>>> +++ b/ui/js/src/kimchi.guest_storage_add.main.js
>>>> @@ -15,6 +15,37 @@
>>>>    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
>>>>    * limitations under the License.
>>>>    */
>>>> +kimchi.switchPage = function(fromPageId, toPageId, direction) {
>>>> +    $('.tab-content').css('overflow', 'hidden');
>>>> +    direction = direction || 'left';
>>>> +    var toLeftBegin;
>>>> +    var fromLeftEnd;
>>>> +    if ('left' === direction) {
>>>> +        toLeftBegin = '100%';
>>>> +        fromLeftEnd = '-100%';
>>>> +    } else if ('right' === direction) {
>>>> +        toLeftBegin = '-100%';
>>>> +        fromLeftEnd = '100%';
>>>> +    }
>>>> +    var formPage = $('#' + fromPageId);
>>>> +    var toPage = $('#' + toPageId);
>>>> +    toPage.css({
>>>> +        left: toLeftBegin
>>>> +    });
>>>> +    formPage.animate({
>>>> +        left: fromLeftEnd,
>>>> +        opacity: 0.1
>>>> +    }, 400, function() {
>>>> +        $('.tab-content').css('overflow', 'visible');
>>>> +    });
>>>> +    toPage.animate({
>>>> +        left: '0',
>>>> +        opacity: 1
>>>> +    }, 400, function() {
>>>> +        $('.tab-content').css('overflow', 'visible');
>>>> +    });
>>>> +};
>>>> +
>>>>   kimchi.guest_storage_add_main = function() {
>>>>       var types = [{
>>>>           label: 'cdrom',
>>>> @@ -35,9 +66,27 @@ kimchi.guest_storage_add_main = function() {
>>>>       var pathTextbox = $('input[name="path"]', storageAddForm);
>>>>       var poolTextbox = $('select#guest-disk-pool', storageAddForm);
>>>>       var volTextbox = $('select#guest-disk-vol', storageAddForm);
>>>> +    var newPoolTextbox = $('select#guest-disk-pool-new', storageAddForm);
>>>> +    var capacityTextbox = $('input[name="capacity"]', storageAddForm);
>>>> +    var formatTextbox = $('select#guest-disk-format-new', storageAddForm);
>>>>       var selectStorageTypeHTML = '';
>>>>       var selectStoragePoolHTML = '';
>>>>       var selectStorageVolHTML  = '';
>>>> +    var rbExisting = 'false';
>>>> +
>>>> +    var getFormatList = function() {
>>>> +        var format = ["bochs", "cloop", "cow", "dmg", "qcow", "qcow2", "qed", "raw", "vmdk", "vpc"];
>>>> +        var selectFormatHTML = '';
>>>> +        var i;
>>>> +        for (i = 0; i < format.length; i++) {
>>>> +            selectFormatHTML += '<option value="'+ format[i] + '">' + format[i] + '</option>';
>>>> +        }
>>>> +        formatTextbox.empty();
>>>> +        formatTextbox.append(selectFormatHTML);
>>>> +        $(formatTextbox).change();
>>>> +        formatTextbox.selectpicker();
>>>> +        $('.selectpicker').selectpicker('refresh');
>>>> +    };
>>>>       typeTextbox.change(function() {
>>>>           var pathObject = {'cdrom': ".path-section", 'disk': '.volume-section'};
>>>> @@ -45,41 +94,82 @@ kimchi.guest_storage_add_main = function() {
>>>>           $.each(pathObject, function(type, value) {
>>>>               if(selectType === type){
>>>>                   $(value).removeClass('hidden');
>>>> +            } else if ((selectType === null) && (type === 'disk')) {
>>>> +                $(value).removeClass('hidden');
>>>>               } else {
>>>>                   $(value).addClass('hidden');
>>>>               }
>>>>           });
>>>> -
>>>>           if ($(".path-section").hasClass('hidden')) {
>>>> -            $(poolTextbox).val('default');
>>>> -            $(poolTextbox).change();
>>>>               $(pathTextbox).val("");
>>>> -        }
>>>> -        else {
>>>> +            if ($('#new-disk').checked) {
>>>> +                $('#existing-disk-box').addClass('hidden');
>>>> +                $(newPoolTextbox).val('default');
>>>> +                $(newPoolTextbox).change();
>>>> +            } else if ($('#existing-disk').checked) {
>>>> +                $('#new-disk-box').addClass('hidden');
>>>> +                $(poolTextbox).val('default');
>>>> +                $(poolTextbox).change();
>>>> +            } else {
>>>> +                if (rbExisting === 'true') {
>>>> +                    $('#new-disk-box').addClass('hidden');
>>>> +                } else {
>>>> +                    $('#existing-disk-box').addClass('hidden');
>>>> +                }
>>>> +            }
>>>> +        } else {
>>>>               $(poolTextbox).val("");
>>>>               $(volTextbox).val("");
>>>> +            $(newPoolTextbox).val("");
>>>> +            $(capacityTextbox).val("");
>>>> +            $(formatTextbox).val("");
>>>>           }
>>>>           $('.selectpicker').selectpicker('refresh');
>>>>       });
>>>> -    kimchi.listStoragePools(function(result) {
>>>> -        var options = [];
>>>> -        if (result && result.length) {
>>>> -            $.each(result, function(index, storagePool) {
>>>> -                if ((storagePool.state==="active") && (storagePool.type !== 'kimchi-iso')) {
>>>> -                    options.push({
>>>> -                        label: storagePool.name,
>>>> -                        value: storagePool.name
>>>> -                        });
>>>> -                    selectStoragePoolHTML += '<option value="'+ storagePool.name + '">' + storagePool.name + '</option>';
>>>> +    var getStoragePools = function(radioButton) {
>>>> +        kimchi.listStoragePools(function(result) {
>>>> +            var options = [];
>>>> +            selectStoragePoolHTML = ''; //reset string
>>>> +            if (result && result.length) {
>>>> +                $.each(result, function(index, storagePool) {
>>>> +                    if (radioButton === 'existing') {
>>>> +                        if ((storagePool.state==="active") && (storagePool.type !== 'kimchi-iso')) {
>>>> +                            options.push({
>>>> +                                label: storagePool.name,
>>>> +                                value: storagePool.name
>>>> +                                });
>>>> +                            selectStoragePoolHTML += '<option value="'+ storagePool.name + '">' + storagePool.name + '</option>';
>>>> +                        }
>>>> +                    } else { //new disk
>>>> +                        if ((storagePool.type != 'iscsi') && (storagePool.type != 'scsi')) {
>>>> +                            options.push({
>>>> +                                label: storagePool.name,
>>>> +                                value: storagePool.name
>>>> +                                });
>>>> +                            selectStoragePoolHTML += '<option value="'+ storagePool.name + '">' + storagePool.name + '</option>';
>>>> +                        }
>>>>                       }
>>>> -
>>>>                   });
>>>> -            poolTextbox.append(selectStoragePoolHTML);
>>>> -            poolTextbox.val(options[0].value);
>>>> -            poolTextbox.selectpicker();
>>>> -        }
>>>> -    });
>>>> +                if (radioButton === 'existing') {
>>>> +                    poolTextbox.empty();
>>>> +                    poolTextbox.append(selectStoragePoolHTML);
>>>> +                    $(poolTextbox).change();
>>>> +	            poolTextbox.selectpicker();
>>>> +                    $('.selectpicker').selectpicker('refresh');
>>>> +                } else if (radioButton === 'new') { //new disk
>>>> +                    newPoolTextbox.empty();
>>>> +                    newPoolTextbox.append(selectStoragePoolHTML);
>>>> +                    $(newPoolTextbox).val(options[0].value);
>>>> +                    newPoolTextbox.selectpicker();
>>>> +                    getFormatList();
>>>> +                }
>>>> +            }
>>>> +        });
>>>> +    };
>>>> +
>>>> +    //First time retrieving list of Storage Pools - defaulting to new disk
>>>> +    getStoragePools('new');
>>>>       poolTextbox.change(function() {
>>>>           var options = [];
>>>> @@ -109,13 +199,15 @@ kimchi.guest_storage_add_main = function() {
>>>>                       $(volTextbox).prop('disabled',true);
>>>>                       $(submitButton).prop('disabled', true);
>>>>                   }
>>>> -                volTextbox.selectpicker();
>>>> -                $('.selectpicker').selectpicker('refresh');
>>>> +            } else {
>>>> +                $(volTextbox).prop('disabled',true);
>>>> +                $(submitButton).prop('disabled', true);
>>>>               }
>>>> +            volTextbox.selectpicker();
>>>> +            $('.selectpicker').selectpicker('refresh');
>>>>           }, null, false);
>>>>       });
>>>> -
>>>>       typeTextbox.change(function() {
>>>>           var pathObject = {'cdrom': ".path-section", 'disk': '.volume-section'}; var selectType = $(this).val(); @@
>>>> -128,6 +220,47 @@ kimchi.guest_storage_add_main = function() { });
>>>> }); + var currentPage = 'new-disk-box'; +
>>>> $('#existing-disk').change(function() { + if (this.checked) { +
>>>> rbExisting = 'true'; + if (currentPage === 'new-disk-box') { +
>>>> kimchi.switchPage(currentPage, 'existing-disk-box', 'right'); + } +
>>>> currentPage = 'existing-disk-box'; +
>>>> $('#existing-disk-box').removeClass('hidden'); +
>>>> $('#new-disk-box').addClass('hidden'); + $('#guest-storage-add-window
>>>> .modal-body .template-pager').animate({ + height: "200px"
>>>> +            }, 300);
>>>> +            getStoragePools('existing');
>>>> +            $(pathTextbox).val("");
>>>> +            $(newPoolTextbox).val("");
>>>> +            $(capacityTextbox).val("");
>>>> +            $(formatTextbox).val("");
>>>> +        }
>>>> +    });
>>>> +
>>>> +    $('#new-disk').change(function() {
>>>> +        if (this.checked) {
>>>> +            rbExisting = 'false';
>>>> +            if (currentPage === 'existing-disk-box') {
>>>> +                kimchi.switchPage(currentPage, 'new-disk-box', 'right');
>>>> +            } else if($(capacityTextbox).is(":visible") === false ) {
>>>> +                 kimchi.switchPage(currentPage, 'new-disk-box', 'right');
>>>> +            }
>>>> +            currentPage = 'new-disk-box';
>>>> +            $('#existing-disk-box').addClass('hidden');
>>>> +            $('#new-disk-box').removeClass('hidden');
>>>> +            $('#guest-storage-add-window .modal-body .template-pager').animate({
>>>> +                height: "300px"
>>>> +            }, 400);
>>>> +            $(pathTextbox).val("");
>>>> +            $(poolTextbox).val("");
>>>> +            $(volTextbox).val("");
>>>> +        }
>>>> +    });
>>>> +
>>>>       if (kimchi.thisVMState === 'running') {
>>>>           types =typesRunning;
>>>>           $(typeTextbox).val('disk');
>>>> @@ -155,15 +288,104 @@ kimchi.guest_storage_add_main = function() {
>>>>           }
>>>>       };
>>>> +    var onError = function(result) {
>>>> +        if(!result) {
>>>> +            return;
>>>> +        }
>>>> +        var msg = result['message'] || (
>>>> +            result['responseJSON'] && result['responseJSON']['reason']
>>>> +        );
>>>> +        wok.message.error(msg);
>>>> +    };
>>>> +
>>>> +    var addStorage = function(settings) {
>>>> +        kimchi.addVMStorage(settings, function(result) {
>>>> +            wok.window.close();
>>>> +            wok.topic('kimchi/vmCDROMAttached').publish({
>>>> +            result: result
>>>> +            });
>>>> +        }, function(result) {
>>>> +            var errText = result['reason'] ||
>>>> +            result['responseJSON']['reason'];
>>>> +            wok.message.error(errText, '#alert-modal-container2');
>>>> +            $.each([submitButton, pathTextbox, poolTextbox, volTextbox, newPoolTextbox, capacityTextbox, formatTextbox], function(i, c) {
>>>> +                $(c).prop('disabled', false);
>>>> +            });
>>>> +        });
>>>> +    }
>>>> +
>>>> +    var createVol = function(settings, addVolSettings) {
>>>> +        kimchi.createVolumeWithCapacity('default', {
>>>> +            name: settings['vol'],
>>>> +            format: settings['format'],
>>>> +            capacity: settings['capacity']
>>>> +        }, function(result) {
>>>> +            var taskId = result.id;
>>>> +            function monitorTask() {
>>>> +                kimchi.getTask(taskId, function(result) {
>>>> +                    var status = result.status;
>>>> +                    if (status === "finished") {
>>>> +                        //Now add newly created volume to VM
>>>> +                        addStorage(addVolSettings);
>>>> +                    } else if (status === "running") {
>>>> +                        setTimeout(monitorTask, 2000);
>>>> +                        $(submitButton).prop('disabled', true);
>>>> +                    } else if (status === "failed") {
>>>> +                        var errText = result['reason'] ||
>>>> +                        result['responseJSON']['reason'];
>>>> +                        $(submitButton).prop('disabled', true);
>>>> +                        wok.message.error(errText, '#alert-modal-container2');
>>>> +                    }
>>>> +                });
>>>> +            }
>>>> +            setTimeout(monitorTask, 2000);
>>>> +        }, onError);
>>>> +    };
>>>> +
>>>> +    var bNewDisk = 'false';
>>>> +
>>>>       var validateDisk = function(settings) {
>>>> -        if (settings['pool'] && settings['vol']){
>>>> -           // Delete path property since it's not needed for disk
>>>> -           delete settings['path'];
>>>> -           return true;
>>>> +        // Determine whether it's existing disk or new disk
>>>> +        if($(capacityTextbox).is(":visible") === true ) {
>>>> +            bNewDisk = 'true';
>>>>           }
>>>> -        else {
>>>> -            wok.message.error(i18n['KCHVMSTOR0002E'],'#alert-modal-container2');
>>>> -            return false;
>>>> +        if (bNewDisk === 'true') {
>>>> +            if (settings['newpool'] && settings['capacity'] && settings['format']){
>>>> +                //Change settings['newpool'] to settings['pool']
>>>> +                settings['pool']=settings['newpool'];
>>>> +                var vmname = settings['vm'];
>>>> +                vmname = vmname + new Date().getTime();
>>>> +                //Unique vol name to be created
>>>> +                settings['vol']=vmname;
>>>> +                //This is all that is needed for attaching newly created volume to VM
>>>> +                var addVolSettings = {
>>>> +                    vm: settings['vm'],
>>>> +                    type: settings['type'],
>>>> +                    vol:  settings['vol'],
>>>> +                    pool: settings['pool']
>>>> +                };
>>>> +                var sizeInMB = parseInt(settings['capacity']) * 1024;
>>>> +                settings['capacity'] = sizeInMB;
>>>> +                //These need to be deleted so they don't get passed to backend
>>>> +                delete settings['path'];
>>>> +                delete settings['newpool'];
>>>> +                //Create an empty storage volume and attach to VM if successful
>>>> +                createVol(settings, addVolSettings);
>>>> +                return true;
>>>> +            } else {
>>>> +                wok.message.error(i18n['KCHVMSTOR0002E'],'#alert-modal-container2');
>>>> +                return false;
>>>> +            }
>>>> +        } else {
>>>> +            if (settings['pool'] && settings['vol']){
>>>> +                // Delete path property since it's not needed for disk
>>>> +                delete settings['path'];
>>>> +                return true;
>>>> +            }
>>>> +            else {
>>>> +                wok.message.error(i18n['KCHVMSTOR0002E'],'#alert-modal-container2');
>>>> +                return false;
>>>> +            }
>>>>           }
>>>>       };
>>>> @@ -172,6 +394,11 @@ kimchi.guest_storage_add_main = function() {
>>>>           if (submitButton.prop('disabled')) {
>>>>               return false;
>>>>           }
>>>> +        var bNewDisk = 'false';
>>>> +        // Determine whether it's existing disk or new disk
>>>> +        if($(capacityTextbox).is(":visible") === true ) {
>>>> +            bNewDisk = 'true';
>>>> +        }
>>>>           var formData = storageAddForm.serializeObject();
>>>>           var settings = {
>>>> @@ -179,40 +406,30 @@ kimchi.guest_storage_add_main = function() {
>>>>               type: typeTextbox.val(),
>>>>               path: pathTextbox.val(),
>>>>               pool: poolTextbox.val(),
>>>> -            vol: volTextbox.val()
>>>> +            vol: volTextbox.val(),
>>>> +            newpool: newPoolTextbox.val(),
>>>> +            format: formatTextbox.val(),
>>>> +            capacity: capacityTextbox.val()
>>>>           };
>>>>           $(submitButton).prop('disabled', true);
>>>> -        $.each([pathTextbox, poolTextbox, volTextbox], function(i, c) {
>>>> +        $.each([pathTextbox, poolTextbox, volTextbox, newPoolTextbox, capacityTextbox, formatTextbox], function(i, c) {
>>>>               $(c).prop('disabled', true);
>>>>           });
>>>>           // Validate form for cdrom and disk
>>>>           validateSpecifiedForm = validator[settings['type']];
>>>>           if (!validateSpecifiedForm(settings)) {
>>>>               $(submitButton).prop('disabled', false);
>>>> -            $.each([submitButton, pathTextbox, poolTextbox, volTextbox], function(i, c) {
>>>> +            $.each([submitButton, pathTextbox, poolTextbox, volTextbox, newPoolTextbox, capacityTextbox, formatTextbox], function(i, c) {
>>>>                   $(c).prop('disabled', false);
>>>>               });
>>>>               return false;
>>>>           }
>>>>           $(submitButton).addClass('loading').text(i18n['KCHVMCD6003M']);
>>>> -        kimchi.addVMStorage(settings, function(result) {
>>>> -            wok.window.close();
>>>> -            wok.topic('kimchi/vmCDROMAttached').publish({
>>>> -                result: result
>>>> -            });
>>>> -        }, function(result) {
>>>> -            var errText = result['reason'] ||
>>>> -                result['responseJSON']['reason'];
>>>> -            wok.message.error(errText, '#alert-modal-container2');
>>>> -
>>>> -            $.each([submitButton, pathTextbox, poolTextbox, volTextbox], function(i, c) {
>>>> -                $(c).prop('disabled', false);
>>>> -            });
>>>> -            $(submitButton).removeClass('loading').text(i18n['KCHVMCD6002M']);
>>>> -        });
>>>> -
>>>> +        if(bNewDisk === 'false'){
>>>> +            addStorage(settings);
>>>> +        }
>>>>           event.preventDefault();
>>>>       };
>>>> @@ -224,5 +441,8 @@ kimchi.guest_storage_add_main = function() {
>>>>       volTextbox.on('change propertychange', function (event) {
>>>>           $(submitButton).prop('disabled', $(this).val() === '');
>>>>       });
>>>> +    capacityTextbox.on('change input propertychange', function(event) {
>>>> +        $(submitButton).prop('disabled', $(this).val() === '');
>>>> +    });
>>>>   };
>>>> diff --git a/ui/pages/guest-storage-add.html.tmpl b/ui/pages/guest-storage-add.html.tmpl
>>>> index bde0eee..660c274 100644
>>>> --- a/ui/pages/guest-storage-add.html.tmpl
>>>> +++ b/ui/pages/guest-storage-add.html.tmpl
>>>> @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
>>>>   #*
>>>>    * Project Kimchi
>>>>    *
>>>> - * Copyright IBM, Corp. 2014
>>>> + * Copyright IBM, Corp. 2014-2016
>>>>    *
>>>>    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
>>>>    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
>>>> @@ -41,18 +41,50 @@
>>>>                       </select>
>>>>                       <p class="help-block"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i> $_("The device type. Currently, \"cdrom\" and \"disk\" are supported.")</p>
>>>>                   </div>
>>>> -                <div class="volume-section hidden">
>>>> -                    <div class="form-group">
>>>> -                        <label>$_("Storage Pool")</label>
>>>> -                        <select id="guest-disk-pool" class="selectpicker col-md-12 col-lg-12">
>>>> -                        </select>
>>>> -                        <p class="help-block"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i> $_("Storage pool which volume located in")</p>
>>>> +                <div class="volume-section hidden form-group">
>>>> +                    <div class="template-modal-container">
>>>> +                        <div>
>>>> +                            <span id="alert-modal-container"></span>
>>>> +                            <input type="radio" checked="checked" name="disk-btn" id="new-disk" value="new-disk" class="wok-radio">
>>>> +                            <label for="new-disk">$_("Create a new disk")</label>
>>>> +                            <input type="radio" name="disk-btn" id="existing-disk" value="existing-disk" class="wok-radio">
>>>> +                            <label for="existing-disk">$_("Select an existing disk")</label>
>>>> +                        </div>
>>>>                       </div>
>>>> -                    <div class="form-group">
>>>> -                        <label>$_("Storage Volume")</label>
>>>> -                        <select id="guest-disk-vol" class="selectpicker col-md-12 col-lg-12">
>>>> -                        </select>
>>>> -                        <p class="help-block"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i> $_("Storage volume to be attached")</p>
>>>> +                    <div class="template-pager">
>>>> +                        <div class="page" id="new-disk-box">
>>>> +                            <div class="form-group">
>>>> +                                <label>$_("Storage Pool")</label>
>>>> +                                <select id="guest-disk-pool-new" class="selectpicker col-md-12 col-lg-12">
>>>> +                                </select>
>>>> +                                <p class="help-block"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i> $_("Storage pool to create the volume in")</p>
>>>> +                            </div>
>>>> +                            <div class="form-group">
>>>> +                                <label>$_("Disk Size (GB)")</label>
>>>> +                                <input type="number" class="form-control" name="capacity" min="1" id="capacity" />
>>>> +                                <p class="help-block"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i> $_("New disk size to be created")</p>
>>>> +                            </div>
>>>> +                            <div class="form-group">
>>>> +                                <label>$_("Format")</label>
>>>> +                                <select id="guest-disk-format-new" class="selectpicker col-md-12 col-lg-12">
>>>> +                                </select>
>>>> +                                <p class="help-block"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i> $_("Format of the new disk to be created")</p>
>>>> +                            </div>
>>>> +                        </div>
>>>> +                        <div class="page" id="existing-disk-box">
>>>> +                            <div class="form-group">
>>>> +                                <label>$_("Storage Pool")</label>
>>>> +                                <select id="guest-disk-pool" class="selectpicker col-md-12 col-lg-12">
>>>> +                                </select>
>>>> +                                <p class="help-block"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i> $_("Storage pool in which the volume is located in")</p>
>>>> +                            </div>
>>>> +                            <div class="form-group">
>>>> +                                <label>$_("Storage Volume")</label>
>>>> +                                <select id="guest-disk-vol" class="selectpicker col-md-12 col-lg-12">
>>>> +                                </select>
>>>> +                                <p class="help-block"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i> $_("Storage volume to be attached")</p>
>>>> +                            </div>
>>>> +                        </div>
>>>>                       </div>
>>>>                   </div>
>>>>                   <div class="path-section form-group">
>>>> @@ -72,4 +104,4 @@
>>>>       kimchi.guest_storage_add_main();
>>>>   </script>
>>>>   </body>
>>>> -</html>
>>>> \ No newline at end of file
>>>> +</html>
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Kimchi-devel mailing list
>>> Kimchi-devel at ovirt.org
>>> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/kimchi-devel

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