[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH] [Wok 3/7] Update Request Logger to handle AsyncTask status

Aline Manera alinefm at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Thu Sep 1 16:19:11 UTC 2016

On 09/01/2016 12:56 PM, Lucio Correia wrote:
> On 01-09-2016 10:35, Aline Manera wrote:
>> On 08/31/2016 06:06 PM, Lucio Correia wrote:
>>> * Add ID to each entry
>>> * Change log entry format to one JSON per line
>>> * Modify getRecords() to apply AsyncTask entry status
>>> to original request entry
>>> Signed-off-by: Lucio Correia <luciojhc at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>> ---
>>>   src/wok/message.py   |   2 +-
>>>   src/wok/reqlogger.py | 142
>>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
>>>   2 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/src/wok/message.py b/src/wok/message.py
>>> index ff4cbc9..28462b7 100644
>>> --- a/src/wok/message.py
>>> +++ b/src/wok/message.py
>>> @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class WokMessage(object):
>>>           wok_app = cherrypy.tree.apps.get('', None)
>>>           # get app from plugin path if specified
>>> -        if self.plugin:
>>> +        if self.plugin and self.plugin != 'wok':
>> Why is that needed? Why wok is different from the rest of the 
>> application?
> This is consequence of returning 'wok' as default instead of None in 
> get_plugin_from_request. I will rethink it in case I can return None 
> there.
>>>               app = cherrypy.tree.apps.get(self.plugin, None)
>>>           # if on request, try to get app from it
>>>           elif cherrypy.request.app:
>>> diff --git a/src/wok/reqlogger.py b/src/wok/reqlogger.py
>>> index 9f1d2c8..2923d7c 100644
>>> --- a/src/wok/reqlogger.py
>>> +++ b/src/wok/reqlogger.py
>>> @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import logging
>>>   import logging.handlers
>>>   import os.path
>>>   import time
>>> +import uuid
>>>   from cherrypy.process.plugins import BackgroundTask
>>>   from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
>>> @@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ from wok.config import config, get_log_download_path
>>>   from wok.exception import InvalidParameter, OperationFailed
>>>   from wok.message import WokMessage
>>>   from wok.stringutils import ascii_dict
>>> -from wok.utils import remove_old_files
>>> +from wok.utils import plugin_root, remove_old_files
>>>   # Log search setup
>>> @@ -62,6 +63,9 @@ UNSAFE_REQUEST_PARAMETERS = ['password', 'passwd']
>>>   REQUEST_LOG_FILE = "wok-req.log"
>>>   WOK_REQUEST_LOGGER = "wok_request_logger"
>>> +# AsyncTask handling
>>> +
>> I am curious to see how this constant is used.
>>>   class RequestLogger(object):
>>>       def __init__(self):
>>> @@ -114,19 +118,17 @@ class RequestParser(object):
>>>           return LOG_DOWNLOAD_URI % os.path.basename(fd.name)
>>> -    def getTranslatedMessage(self, record, params, detParams):
>>> -        code = record.get('msgCode', '')
>>> -        app = record.get('app', 'wok')
>>> -        plugin = None
>>> -        if app != 'wok':
>>> -            plugin = "/plugins/%s" % app
>>> -
>>> +    def getTranslatedMessage(self, message, error, app):
>>> +        plugin = plugin_root.get(app, 'wok')
>> Do not set 'wok' as plugin name. It is not true as wok is not a plugin.
> The var is named plugin but it means app.. wok or any plugin. I may 
> change the variable name.
>>> +        code = message.get('code', '')
>>> +        params = message.get('params', {})
>>>           msg = WokMessage(code, params, plugin)
>>>           text = msg.get_text(prepend_code=False, translate=True)
>>> -        detCode = record.get('detCode', '')
>>> -        if detCode:
>>> -            msg = WokMessage(detCode, detParams, plugin)
>>> +        if error:
>>> +            code = error.get('code', '')
>>> +            params = error.get('params', {})
>>> +            msg = WokMessage(code, params, plugin)
>>>               text += ' ' + msg.get_text(prepend_code=True,
>>> translate=True)
>>>           return text
>>> @@ -137,8 +139,40 @@ class RequestParser(object):
>>>           for filename in glob.glob(self.baseFile + "-*[!.gz]"):
>>> records.extend(self.getRecordsFromFile(filename))
>>> -        # Return ordered by latest events first
>>> -        return sorted(records, key=lambda k: k['date'] + k['time'],
>>> +        # sort records chronologically
>>> +        sort = sorted(records, key=lambda k: k['info']['date'] +
>>> +                      k['info']['time'])
>>> +
>>> +        # normalize entries
>>> +        normalized = {}
>>> +        asynctask_updates = []
>>> +        for record in sort:
>>> +            # async task entries are left to the end
>> Why?
> Because they are just updates to the original request log entry. And 
> the task log entry may be written before the task finishes since runs 
> in separate thread.

Ok. Please, add more comments related to that so it is easy to 
understand the code proposal.

>>> +            if record['info']['req'] == ASYNCTASK_REQUEST_METHOD:
>>> +                asynctask_updates.append(record)
>>> +                continue
>>> +
>> Could you explain why do we need to add an specific 'req' information
>> for task?
> I use it to differentiate task finish log entries from regular request 
> log entries.

You can use the status parameter for that. We don't need an extra parameter.

>>> +            # initial request entry: generate message text
>>> +            message = record.pop('message')
>>> +            error = record.pop('error', None)
>>> +            plugin = record['info']['app']
>>> +            text = self.getTranslatedMessage(message, error, plugin)
>>> +            record['info']['message'] = text
>>> +
>>> +            id = record.pop('id')
>>> +            normalized[id] = record['info']
>>> +
>>> +        # async task entries: update only status
>>> +        for record in asynctask_updates:
>>> +            id = record.pop('id')
>>> +
>>> +            # task id may not exist, since GET requests are not
>>> logged but
>>> +            # may generate tasks (i.e. AsyncResource)
>>> +            if id in normalized:
>>> +                normalized[id]['status'] = record['info']['status']
>>> +
>>> +        # return results in chronological reverse order
>>> +        return sorted(normalized.values(), key=lambda k: k['date'] +
>>> k['time'],
>>>                         reverse=True)
>>>       def getRecordsFromFile(self, filename):
>>> @@ -151,34 +185,12 @@ class RequestParser(object):
>>>           if not os.path.exists(filename):
>>>               return []
>>> -        # read records from file
>>>           try:
>>>               with open(filename) as f:
>>>                   line = f.readline()
>>>                   while line != "":
>>> -                    data = line.split(">>>")
>>> -                    if len(data) > 1:
>>> -                        record = json.JSONDecoder().decode(data[0])
>>> -
>>> -                        if len(data) > 2:
>>> -                            # new log format: translate message on
>>> the fly
>>> -                            params = 
>>> json.JSONDecoder().decode(data[1])
>>> -                            detParams = None
>>> -
>>> -                            # has original exception details
>>> -                            if len(data) > 3:
>>> -                                detParams =
>>> json.JSONDecoder().decode(data[2])
>>> -
>>> -                            msg = self.getTranslatedMessage(record,
>>> params,
>>> - detParams)
>>> -                        else:
>>> -                            # make it compatible with v2.2 log files,
>>> which
>>> -                            # messages are already translated
>>> -                            msg = data[1].strip()
>>> -
>>> -                        record['message'] = msg
>>> -                        records.append(record)
>>> -
>>> +                    record = json.JSONDecoder().decode(line)
>>> +                    records.append(record)
>>>                       line = f.readline()
>>>               f. close()
>>> @@ -217,20 +229,32 @@ class RequestParser(object):
>>>   class RequestRecord(object):
>>> -    def __init__(self, msgParams, details, **kwargs):
>>> -        # log record data
>>> -        self.logData = kwargs
>>> -        self.details = details
>>> -
>>> +    def __init__(self, message, error, id=None, **kwargs):
>>>           # data for message translation
>>> -        self.code = self.logData['msgCode']
>>> -        self.params = self.getSafeReqParams(msgParams)
>>> -
>>> -        # register timestamp in local time
>>> +        self.message = {
>>> +            'code': message['code'],
>>> +            'params': self.getSafeReqParams(message['params']),
>>> +        }
>>> +
>>> +        # data for error translation (WokException)
>>> +        self.error = None
>>> +        if error:
>>> +            self.error = {
>>> +                'code': error.code,
>>> +                'params': error.params,
>>> +            }
>>> +
>>> +        # log entry info
>>> +        self.id = id or str(uuid.uuid4())
>>> +        self.info = kwargs
>>> +
>>> +        # generate timestamp
>>>           timestamp = time.localtime()
>>> -        self.logData['date'] = time.strftime(TS_DATE_FORMAT, 
>>> timestamp)
>>> -        self.logData['time'] = time.strftime(TS_TIME_FORMAT, 
>>> timestamp)
>>> -        self.logData['zone'] = time.strftime(TS_ZONE_FORMAT, 
>>> timestamp)
>>> +        self.info.update({
>>> +            'date': time.strftime(TS_DATE_FORMAT, timestamp),
>>> +            'time': time.strftime(TS_TIME_FORMAT, timestamp),
>>> +            'zone': time.strftime(TS_ZONE_FORMAT, timestamp),
>>> +        })
>>>       def getSafeReqParams(self, params):
>>>           result = params.copy()
>>> @@ -239,20 +263,16 @@ class RequestRecord(object):
>>>           return result
>>>       def __str__(self):
>>> -        # original exception details
>>> -        details = ''
>>> -        if self.details:
>>> -            self.logData['detCode'] = self.details.code
>>> -            details = ">>> %s" %
>>> json.JSONEncoder().encode(self.details.params)
>>> -
>>> -        # request log message
>>> -        msg = WokMessage(self.code, self.params)
>>> -        msgText = msg.get_text(prepend_code=False, translate=False)
>>> -        logData = json.JSONEncoder().encode(self.logData)
>>> -        msgParams = json.JSONEncoder().encode(self.params)
>>> +        entry = {
>>> +            "id": self.id,
>>> +            "message": self.message,
>>> +            "error": self.error,
>>> +            "info": self.info,
>>> +        }
>>> -        return '%s >>> %s %s >>> %s' % (logData, msgParams, details,
>>> msgText)
>>> +        return json.JSONEncoder().encode(entry)
>>>       def log(self):
>>>           reqLogger = logging.getLogger(WOK_REQUEST_LOGGER)
>>>           reqLogger.info(self)
>>> +        return self.id

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