[Kimchi-users] Wok Feedback

Jason Jack maniacmog at gmail.com
Fri May 5 01:40:35 UTC 2017

Kimchi Dev,

I didn't want to post an issue, because I solved it, but I think it'd be 
useful to post a README update on how to update Wok to to listen on all 
network devices so as to be accessed outside of localhost.

I was able to do so by updating /etc/nginx/conf.d/wok.conf to change to and then updating semanage rules:

(on Centos 7)

sudo systemctl stop wokd
sudo systemctl stop nginx
sudo sed -ri 's/' /etc/nginx/conf.d/wok.conf
sudo semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 8001
sudo semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 8010
sudo semanage port -m -t http_port_t -p tcp 8000
sudo systemctl start wokd

Then after accessing from another machine I had to accept the SSL 
certificates first, where it redirected me to, which was confusing.  Back after going 
back to https://my-kimchi-host:8001 the login page successfully loaded.

I found this confusing and couldn't find any documentation or guide.  I 
think others may find this information useful.  Should I post this to 
the issue board for feedback?


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