[lago-devel] [29-02-2016] Weekly meeting minutes

David Caro dcaro at redhat.com
Mon Feb 29 16:20:53 UTC 2016

Discussions (continued):

* oVirt sdk version
    * On oVirt 4.0 two versions of the sdk will be supported, 3 and 4, api
      version 3 is provided by the ovirt-sdk-3.6 rpms, while the 4 is provided
      by the 4.0 ones (not ready yet), so we will be using the 3.6 until 4.0
      ones are ready, when we will start to adapt to it with oVirt 5.0 as

* Change from json to yaml
    * Maybe support both at first
    * Nicer multiline
    * Comments
    * Nicer quoting

* Userland runs (running lago without special permissions, qemu:///session)
    * Network is an issue
        * http://blog.wikichoon.com/2016/01/qemusystem-vs-qemusession.html
        * https://github.com/pradels/vagrant-libvirt/issues/272
        * http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.emulators.libvirt/117725
        * ^ have to chat with the libvirt guys on how to use that
        * You have to create the bridge nets with superuser privs, and then
          use the bridges from the conf:

    * A dump of the domain xml shows:
        <interface type='bridge'>
        <mac address='52:54:00:91:98:c6'/>
        <source bridge='virbr0'/>
        <target dev='tap0'/>
        <model type='virtio'/>
        <alias name='net0'/>
        <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03' function='0x0'/>
    * There’s a default bridge (virbr0) always created and available on fedora
      boxes (by ways of /etc/qemu/bridge.conf), is what gnome-boxes uses
    * Might be nice to have, even requesting root pass to create bridges when

* Multiple ‘envs’ in the same prefix workflows, now that .lago is the default
  prefix path (see 
    * Should we use multiple envs per prefix? or one prefix per env?
    * Allow selecting the environment, and the prefix dir

* layered images for vms (will probably have to develop ourselves, at least,
  the client side)
    * Make it work on el7 too (maybe just open/push bzs to bring in the needed
      libguestfs features

* Export/import of vm images from prefix? On the long run, being able to
  export/import full prefixes?
    * Very interesting to have

* Ovirt:
    * ovirt-standard-ci plugin to build vdsm/ovirt rpms
    * Being able to run/deploy live vdsm/ovirt (unpackaged)
    * Drop reposync for now
    * Run engine in a container/chroot + vdsm in a vm?

* Action items:
    * Start a thread to discuss the reposync drop
    * Open github issues for all the agreed features
    * Change the ovirt 4.0 publisher to publish the 3.6 sdk (until 4.0 is
      ready, then publish both on 4.0 repo)

David Caro

Red Hat S.L.
Continuous Integration Engineer - EMEA ENG Virtualization R&D

Tel.: +420 532 294 605
Email: dcaro at redhat.com
IRC: dcaro|dcaroest@{freenode|oftc|redhat}
Web: www.redhat.com
RHT Global #: 82-62605
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