[lago-devel] [2016-05-26] Weekly lago release 0.19.0

David Caro dcaro at redhat.com
Thu May 26 19:54:37 UTC 2016

Hi everyone!

A new lago release is out, this one adds the possibility to extend lago with
three new plugins:

    * VMPlugin: Allows to modify each and every VM action, useful though when
        you want to extend the actions a VM can take, or customize some high
        level behavior (like defining a different set of artifacts to collect)
        We have lago.vm.DefaultVM (default), ovirtlago.virt.EngineVM
        (ovirt-engine), ovirtlago.virt.NodeVM (ovirt-node) and
        ovirtlago.virt.HostVM (ovirt-host).
        You can specify which one your domain belongs to with the key 'vm-type'
        and one of the above values, like:

                    vm-type: ovirt-engine

    * VMProvider: Allows to implement a different set of low-level methods,
        like snapshot, or start/stop a vm, to allow to use different
        virtualization (or not) systems (only
        LocalLibvirtVMProvider (local-libvirt) and SSHVMProvider (ssh) are
        implemented right now).
        You can specify a custom provider for your domains with the
        'vm-provider' key, like:

                    vm-provider: local-libvirt

    * ServicePlugin: This is the class that implements the service-handling
        functions for a vm, starting/stopping a service, checking if the
        service is enabled, etc.
        Current implementations are SystemdService (systemd), SysVInitService
        (sysvinit) and SystemdContainerService (systemdcontainer).
        You can specify a custom service provider for your domain with the key

                    service_provider: systemd

Another important fixed bug is that now copying a directory to a vm works :)

For the latest docs and changelog you can go to the docs page:


David Caro

Red Hat S.L.
Continuous Integration Engineer - EMEA ENG Virtualization R&D

Tel.: +420 532 294 605
Email: dcaro at redhat.com
IRC: dcaro|dcaroest@{freenode|oftc|redhat}
Web: www.redhat.com
RHT Global #: 82-62605
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