[lago-devel] Lago OST Plugin (ovirtlago) new repository

Nadav Goldin ngoldin at redhat.com
Tue May 9 19:55:07 UTC 2017

I finished moving 'ovirtlago' from Lago into a new repository. You can
take a look at: https://github.com/lago-project/lago-ost-plugin.git.

Reviewing the patches[1][2] and raising concerns(if any) would be
appreciated, as changing the cut-off point is a little complicated.

Some notes:
1. As far as installation from RPMs, nothing changes - both projects
deploy to the same Lago unstable repository, which we manually deploy
to 'stable' when releasing.
2. Versions - Lago's next version will be 0.39. Lago-ost-plugin will
be 0.40. Which means it will skip v0.39. This to ensure the next
release will be from the new repository.
3. lago-ost-plugin requires Lago >= 0.38(current version).
4. CI-GitHub flow is the same(ci test/merge etc).
5. I added in 'lago-ost-plugin' spec file also 'provides:
lago-ost-plugin', so theoretically(did not test) it could be installed
additionally with 'yum install lago-ost-plugin'.
6. I setup https://lago-ost-plugin.readthedocs.io, not much there for
now(references to oVirt/Lago/OST). It is auto-updated via the normal
7. lago-ost-plugin's functional tests are identical in
check-patch/merged. We could add more tests there, it is relatively
thin now.
8. Only files used by ovirtlago are in the git history of the new
repository. Though this includes automation/ directory, so some
changes might appear to be unrelated. On Lago's repository the
relevant files were just 'git rm'ed.

With this cleared off the table, we can move to the next goal: pip.



[1] https://github.com/lago-project/lago/pull/537
[2] https://gerrit.ovirt.org/76641

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