[lago-devel] [ovirt-devel] Lago and vm templates

Barak Korren bkorren at redhat.com
Thu Aug 24 14:22:26 UTC 2017

On 24 August 2017 at 16:53, Marc Young <3vilpenguin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Per cloud-init, I think that's doable. I added support for cloud-init so Ill
> see if that can get me going on an easy  path.
> Per uploading: I'm not sure. This might be pretty complex. Vagrant has a
> concept of boxes (for non local files its usually just a zip folder with a
> metadata manifest) [1] and uploading to their cloud platform atlas [2] but
> that kind of gets outside the realm of Vagrant and more into the niche that
> Packer[3] fits.
> There has been some work on packer with qemu[4] but not oVirt so possibly
> thats a good place for another project to fit (ovirt packer provider)

I was thinking on the following flow that can make oVirt Vagrant feel
much like Vagrant with the libvirt provider (I never tried it with any
other provider, so can`t refer to those) and even mke moving between
the two feel ratehr seamless:

1. User runs 'vagrant up' with a Vagrantfile that teles it to use
   the oVirt provider and names a box
2. Vagrant downloads the box from atlas.
3. If the box is a libvirt box, Vargarnt uploads the QCOW2  file
   in it to oVirt using the upload API
4. Vagrant launches a VM in oVirt from the uploaded image while
   using cloud-init to create /vagrant, inject SSH keys, etc.

I guess a challenge here would be to avoid downloading the same box
more then once if ti was already uploaded to oVirt.

(Sorry for taking your thread off-topic ;)

Barak Korren
RHV DevOps team , RHCE, RHCi
Red Hat EMEA
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