[node-patches] Change in ovirt-node[master]: edit-node: Identify packages with * in --install

dougsland at redhat.com dougsland at redhat.com
Wed Aug 13 01:53:48 UTC 2014

Douglas Schilling Landgraf has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: edit-node: Identify packages with * in --install

edit-node: Identify packages with * in --install

The --install option accepts packages that will be updated
in the oVirt Node iso. We can accept packages in the below

./edit-node --repo=./myrepo.repp
            --install vdsm,ovirt-node-plugin-vdsm* base_iso.iso
            --name mynewiso

However, edit-node is not able to generate the plugins
files correctly in /etc/ovirt-plugins.d/<plugin-name>
when the * is used affecting the Plugins option in the TUI.

This patch adds the hability to edit-node to identify
the packages correctly when * is used for similar packages name.

Change-Id: Iee564235caacffe04bafde0a3fb29404d135c2a2
Bug-Url: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1119606
Signed-off-by: Douglas Schilling Landgraf <dougsland at redhat.com>
M tools/edit-node
1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh://gerrit.ovirt.org:29418/ovirt-node refs/changes/28/31428/1

diff --git a/tools/edit-node b/tools/edit-node
index 9287953..845ef64 100755
--- a/tools/edit-node
+++ b/tools/edit-node
@@ -676,30 +676,38 @@
             os.system("mkdir -p %s" % plugin_info_dir)
             for pkg in pkg.split(","):
                 pkgfilename = re.sub("\.(rpm)$", "", os.path.basename(pkg))
-                # get version-release
-                cmd = "rpm -q %s --qf '%%{version}-%%{release}.%%{arch}\n'" \
-                      % pkgfilename
-                f = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT,
+                # get name#version-release
+                cmd = "rpm -qa %s --qf '%%{name}#%%{version}-" \
+                    "%%{release}.%%{arch}\n'" % pkgfilename
+                f = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
+                                     shell=True,
+                                     stdout=PIPE,
+                                     stderr=STDOUT,
-                vr, err = f.communicate()
-                # get install date
-                cmd = "LC_ALL=C rpm -q %s --qf '%%{INSTALLTIME:date}\n'" \
-                      % pkgfilename
-                f = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT,
-                                     preexec_fn=self._chroot)
-                install_date, err = f.communicate()
-                if os.path.isfile(pkg):
-                    #get rpm name
-                    cmd = "rpm -qp %s --qf '%%{name}'" % pkg
-                    f = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE,
-                                         stderr=STDOUT)
-                    pkg, err = f.communicate()
-                plugin_file = "%s/%s" % (plugin_info_dir, pkg)
-                pfile = open(plugin_file, "w")
-                pfile.write("Name:%s\n" % pkg)
-                pfile.write("Version:%s-%s" % (pkg, vr))
-                pfile.write("Install Date:%s" % install_date)
-                pfile.close()
+                namevr, err = f.communicate()
+                for nvr in namevr.split("\n"):
+                    if not nvr:
+                        break
+                    pkgname, pkgversion = nvr.strip("*").split("#")
+                    # get install date
+                    cmd = "LC_ALL=C rpm -q %s --qf '%%{INSTALLTIME:date}\n'" \
+                        % pkgname
+                    f = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
+                                         shell=True,
+                                         stdout=PIPE,
+                                         stderr=STDOUT,
+                                         preexec_fn=self._chroot)
+                    install_date, err = f.communicate()
+                    plugin_file = "%s/%s" % (plugin_info_dir, pkgname)
+                    with open(plugin_file, 'w') as f:
+                        f.write("Name:%s\n" % pkgname)
+                        f.write("Version:%s\n" % pkgversion)
+                        f.write("Install Date:%s" % install_date)
         update_dir_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(self._ImageCreator__builddir,
                                                  "iso", "isolinux", "update*"))

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: Iee564235caacffe04bafde0a3fb29404d135c2a2
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: ovirt-node
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Douglas Schilling Landgraf <dougsland at redhat.com>

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