oVirt Sync Call Meeting Minutes :: 2011-08-31
Robyn Bergeron
rbergero at redhat.com
Wed Aug 31 19:12:53 UTC 2011
oVirt Sync Call Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, Aug 31 2011, 17:30 UTC (1:30pm US Eastern, 10:30am US Pacific)
NOTE: Meeting moves next week, details in minutes below.
== Invitees/Attendees ==
project-planning at ovirt.org list subscribers
Andy Cathrow (Red Hat)
Mike Evans (Red Hat)
Itamar Heim (Red Hat)
Jim Jagielski (Red Hat)
Mike Day (IBM)
Robyn Bergeron (Red Hat)
Perry Myers (Red Hat)
Karsten Wade (Red hat)
Adam Mendoza (NetApp)
Jim Wasko (IBM)
Ryan Harper (IBM)
(If I missed your name, again, sorry - a ton of noise all at once. I may
drop the attendees section in the future since meeting notes reflect a
lot of the participation - takes too much time out of a short meeting to
try and capture who is on.)
== Project Schedule ==
* Confirm initial project invites by September 14
* Website Launch - September
* oVirt Workshop - week of (October 24th or November 14th)
* Community startup @ workshop
* Press release post-workshop
* Community Infrastructure Tasks - People - October - December (need list)
* Governance
* How to get involved
* Community Infrastructure Tasks - Technology - Now - October/November
(need list)
* Source code release
* ??
* First release - January/February.
== Working Shared Document ==
(URL REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html)
== Week's Action Items ==
* Everyone: Please notify Carl or Robyn of people not yet subscribed
to project-planning mailing list that should be. (ongoing)
* Everyone: list speaking/engagement opportunities in the Google Doc,
use times to advertise workshop. (Section 8) (ongoing)
* Action: Robyn to continue driving Workshop location / participation
on list.
* Action: All - Need to add companies we are in discussions with ((COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html),
(COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html) for example) to invite list for workshop
* Action: Karsten to drive mailing discussion on
positioning/differentiation, interaction with other communities.
* Action: Jim J. to follow up with Karsten / Carl on first draft of
website content.
* Action: Robyn/Andy to work on updated slide set to send out.
* Action: Karsten to drive mailing discussion on
positioning/differentiation, interaction with other communities.
* Action: Andy to loop back with Mike Day on contact details for (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html)
* Action: Robyn to send out updated meeting invites
* Action: Mike Day to look into other parts of Intel - querying Mike
Richmond from Intel from systems management perspective.
* Action: Ryan/Mike of IBM to follow up with Anthony on (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html)
convo (or Anthony can provide an update as well)
== Agenda ==
1) Board invites, status (Mike)
* New confirmations / Follow-up on confirmations in progress:
* SUSE (Carl) - now confirmed
* (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html)
* (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html) (Jan W.) - need update.
* New status Mike day is aware of:
* (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html)
* (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html) - Waitng to hear back from people in Virt.
* Action: Andy to loop back with Mike Day on contact details for (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html)
* Other:
* Other folks on call / list are allowed to speak with other
potential invites
* (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html) as prospect -
* Mike Day to look into other parts of Intel - querying Mike
Richmond from Intel from systems management perspective.
2) Settle ongoing meeting time slot
* Agreed - 10am Wednesdays
* Robyn to send out updated invites
3) Updated slide set (Robyn)
* Things to update:
* Consistent feedback has been:
* How do we envision the board - when is the board elected - etc.
* Info on board being fluid, larger, more board members
* NEED TO: Crisp up slides that clarify board role and members
* How does this relate to OpenStack, other projects that may be a
* Need to be clear about why it's not a conflict
* Define plans on interaction with other communities
* NEED TO add FAQ or slide to stack re: Other communities.
* Slides around deliverables - define what RHEV was or IS
* Need to update with current board members, schedule., workshop info.
* Action: Robyn/Andy to work on updated slide set to send out.
* Need additional slide set to send out to non-board but community
participants, esp. to get participation in the initial workshop.
* To be a condensed version of Board slide deck
* Action pending Robyn/Andy update of original slide deck.
4) OpenStack discussion (added mid-meeting)
* Everyone in industry has joined
* Why are we competing
* IBM doesn't want support/sponsorship of oVirt to say anything about
what they are doing or plan to do with OpenStack.
* Team Thoughts:
* We may be conflicting at some point
* OS is not nearly as open of a community, really only 2 companies
rep'd on board
* More of a cloud vendor solution, oVirt more of a data center virt
* OpenStack not as concerned with Data Center solutions
* OpenStack can build on top of oVirt, in addition to Nova
* We are KVM specific
* We don't restrict our scope - open to a wide range of contributions
* Key differentiator - we are focused on building a community from
the ground up, that develops the open source projecss and projects,
board is not restricting/driving direction
* Following the Open Source Way
* Action: Karsten to drive mailing discussion on
positioning/differentiation, interaction with other communities.
* Jim J. happy to take lead on any specific community questions people
4) Website launch (Karsten, Carl, Jim J.)
* Status on first-pass of site content
* Jim has started drafting some content/blog post for an intro. He's
going to clean up and send to Karsten / Carl for feedback.
* Karsten is working on getting up a wiki instance in a private space
for us in the meantime, should be up in the next week.
5) oVirt Workshop / Summit (Karsten/Robyn)
* Workshop participation - attendee list status (Robyn)
* We still need names. PLEASE ADD THEM.
* Please reach out to your teams internally or add their names
* Action: If you were a touch point in inviting someone to the board
who is NOT representing on the Workshop list - please reach out to them.
* Location
* Tentatively considering colocation with LinuxCon Europe.
* Action: Robyn to continue driving on list.
* Action: Need to add companies we are in discussions with ((COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html), (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html)
for example) to invite list.
* Non-Board invitees - Need to frame how to invite.
* Pending updated slideset for non-board members.
* Current Workshop Attendee / Invitee list:
(URL REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html)
6) Governance Docs (Carl)
* Carl out this week.
7) Infrastructure (Open Agenda item)
* Need more discussion on google doc - Robyn to prod on mailing list.
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