oVirt Sync Call Meeting Agenda :: 2011-10-05

Robyn Bergeron rbergero at redhat.com
Wed Oct 5 11:19:40 UTC 2011

oVirt Sync Call Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, October 5, 2011 - 14:00 - 15:00  UTC (10:00am US Eastern, 
07:00am US Pacific)

== Invitees/Attendees ==
project-planning at ovirt.org list subscribers

If you do not currently have this call on your calendar and would like 
it to be, please mail rbergero at redhat.com.

== Intercall Conference ==

Toll Free Dial-In Number (US & Canada): (800) 451-8679
International Dial-In Number: (212) 729-5016
Other International Local and Toll-Free Dial-In Numbers: Listed in 
meeting invite and bottom of meeting agenda.

Conference code: 9197544554

If you are not actively participating in the conversation
please put your line on mute to make it easier for all participants to 
*6 -- Mute your line
#6 -- Unmute your line

== Project Schedule ==
  * Ongoing oVirt workshop promotion
  * oVirt Workshop - November 1, 2, 3
    * USA - CA - hosted by Cisco
      * Press release post workshop
      * Community startup at workshop
      * Schedule first community release
  * Community Infrastructure
    * Launch at workshop
    * First release - January/February.

== Call Agenda ==

1) Board news
  * Governance/Joining project guidelines
  * Project news / voting status
    * cli/sdk split proposal
    * Others?

2) Project launch status / Progress review
  * Statistics review (Carl)

3) oVirt Workshop / Summit  - Nov. 1 - 3, Cisco Main Campus, San Jose, CA.
  *  http://www.ovirt.org/news-and-events/workshop/
    *  Attendance updates (Robyn/Karsten)
      * Had 67 RSVP's as of 2011-10-03
    *  Logistics planning:
  * Capacity is now 80 people
  * Workshop attendees mailing list (Karsten)
  * Hotel, evening activities status (Karsten)
  * Press release status
  * Kerri is in all-day meeting today and unable to join; Press release 
is currently being drafted and will be shared when it is ready for review.

4) Infrastructure (Karsten)
  * Wiki status

5) Other updates / Agenda topics

== Previous Action Items ==
  * Kerri to put together draft press release for review next week - In 
progress, blocked this week.
  * Robyn to update meeting time to one hour - done
  * List discussion items: Two-tier project acceptance/graduation 
proposal, Webex discussion
  * Kyle to look into the option of getting a UCS on site rather than 
Andy shipping a rack  - in progress

== International Dial-in Information ==

Global Access Numbers Local:
Australia, Sydney Dial-In #: 0289852326
Austria, Vienna Dial-In #: 012534978196
Belgium, Brussels Dial-In #: 027920405
China Dial-In #: 4006205013
Denmark, Copenhagen Dial-In #: 32729215
Finland, Helsinki Dial-In #: 0923194436
France, Paris Dial-In #: 0170377140
Germany, Berlin Dial-In #: 030300190579
Ireland, Dublin Dial-In #: 014367793
Italy, Milan Dial-In #: 0236269529
Netherlands, Amsterdam Dial-In #: 0207975872
Norway, Oslo Dial-In #: 21033188
Singapore Dial-In #: 64840858
Spain, Barcelona Dial-In #: 935452328
Sweden, Stockholm Dial-In #: 0850513770
Switzerland, Geneva Dial-In #: 0225927881
United Kingdom Dial-In #: 02078970515
United Kingdom Dial-In #: 08445790676
United Kingdom, LocalCall Dial-In #: 08445790678
United States Dial-In #: 2127295016

Global Access Numbers Tollfree:
Argentina Dial-In #: 8004441016
Australia Dial-In #: 1800337169
Austria Dial-In #: 0800005898
Bahamas Dial-In #: 18002054776
Bahrain Dial-In #: 80004377
Belgium Dial-In #: 080048325
Brazil Dial-In #: 08008921002
Bulgaria Dial-In #: 008001100236
Chile Dial-In #: 800370228
Colombia Dial-In #: 018009134033
Costa Rica Dial-In #: 08000131048
Cyprus Dial-In #: 80095297
Czech Republic Dial-In #: 800700318
Denmark Dial-In #: 80887114
Dominican Republic Dial-In #: 18887512313
Estonia Dial-In #: 8000100232
Finland Dial-In #: 0800117116
France Dial-In #: 0805632867
Germany Dial-In #: 8006647541
Greece Dial-In #: 00800127562
Hong Kong Dial-In #: 800930349
Hungary Dial-In #: 0680016796
Iceland Dial-In #: 8008967
India Dial-In #: 0008006501533
Indonesia Dial-In #: 0018030179162
Ireland Dial-In #: 1800932401
Israel Dial-In #: 1809462557
Italy Dial-In #: 800985897
Jamaica Dial-In #: 18002050328
Japan Dial-In #: 0120934453
Korea (South) Dial-In #: 007986517393
Latvia Dial-In #: 80003339
Lithuania Dial-In #: 880030479
Luxembourg Dial-In #: 80026595
Malaysia Dial-In #: 1800814451
Mexico Dial-In #: 0018664590915
New Zealand Dial-In #: 0800888167
Norway Dial-In #: 80012994
Panama Dial-In #: 008002269184
Philippines Dial-In #: 180011100991
Poland Dial-In #: 008001210187
Portugal Dial-In #: 800814625
Russian Federation Dial-In #: 81080028341012
Saint Kitts and Nevis Dial-In #: 18002059252
Singapore Dial-In #: 8006162235
Slovak Republic Dial-In #: 0800001441
South Africa Dial-In #: 0800981148
Spain Dial-In #: 800300524
Sweden Dial-In #: 200896860
Switzerland Dial-In #: 800650077
Taiwan Dial-In #: 00801127141
Thailand Dial-In #: 001800656966
Trinidad and Tobago Dial-In #: 18002024615
United Arab Emirates Dial-In #: 8000650591
United Kingdom Dial-In #: 08006948057
United States Dial-In #: 8004518679
Uruguay Dial-In #: 00040190315
Venezuela Dial-In #: 08001627182

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