update on Linuxcon potential venue

Karsten Wade kwade at redhat.com
Tue Sep 6 17:40:10 UTC 2011


Figured we should move in parallel on Linuxcon Prague as a potential
location for our workshop. I am now in contact with the event manager,
and have filled her in on the generalities and event specifics.

One item we need to consider immediately is budget. Planning this
close to the event may mean we take on more costs than if e.g. any of
us had the workshop included as part of our sponsorship for
Linuxcon. I've given Linux Foundation some basic specs - one big room,
four smaller breakout spaces, wireless connectivity, simple
refreshments. The dates I chose were the three days prior to the
conference - Sun, Mon, and Tue (23 to 25 October.)

I also asked the Linux Foundation to consider how they might be a
sponsor of the workshop. To lend support to that, I offered to bring
them in to the fold about the oVirt Project reboot. Under normal
circumstances, the oVirt workshop would be just the kind of thing the
Linux Foundation would support and sponsor. At this point, it would be
great to get a break on pricing and maybe gain some logistical support
for the workshop.

When I get some pricing and such, I'll share back to this list
whatever details I can put in the public record.

- Karsten
name:  Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team:   Red Hat Community Architecture & Leadership
uri:             http://communityleadershipteam.org
gpg:                                       AD0E0C41
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