oVirt site

Livnat Peer lpeer at redhat.com
Fri Sep 16 05:17:06 UTC 2011

On 09/15/2011 07:40 PM, Carl Trieloff wrote:
> On 09/15/2011 12:17 PM, Itamar Heim wrote:
>> - need to decide if patch must be verified before submitting, or
>> verification could be done as part of patch review (for example, gerrit
>> supports verification as part of flow. Some projects may prefer this
>> approach).
>> - (using gerrit terminology) anyone can +1 a patch. only maintainer can +2
>> the patch. a +1 would help a maintainer do the +2.
>> - going back to my earlier point on committer != maintainer: in a large
>> project, we'd still like committer to have right to commit to entire git
>> to make things simple, but may have maintainers (or call them sub
>> maintainers) per module in the project. A committer would expect (trust
>> would suffice I hope) the relevant maintainer[1] to give the +2 before
>> committing the patch[2]
> Itamar,
> Do you want to explicitly add the +2 for projects that use gerrit?  I
> can do that.

I don't think we should use gerrit terms, gerrit is only the tool we use
to apply the guidelines we are phrasing now.

I think we do need to add the trust model Itamar mentioned in his mail.


> Carl.

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