Updated: Workshop - more details

Dor Laor dlaor at redhat.com
Mon Sep 26 11:47:50 UTC 2011

On 09/26/2011 01:13 PM, Alexander Graf wrote:
> Am 25.09.2011 um 08:59 schrieb Livnat Peer<lpeer at redhat.com>:
>> On 09/23/2011 10:00 PM, Carl Trieloff wrote:
>>> I've updated the agenda with all the input received so far.
>>> (URL REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html)
>>> I still have interactive sessions starting in the afternoon of the first
>>> day. If only get break out rooms from day two we can move the morning
>>> content from day 2 to day one and work around that.
>>> Take a look and fire additional comments.
>> Hi,
>> I think a session on the conversion process from c# to java of the
>> engine core could be both interesting (previous experience) and useful
>> for explaining parts of the current engine code.
> Yup, please also include some of the rationale behind it. I very much prefer c# as a language and environment over Java, though I don't know if the web server stuff in there is as bad as J2EE. Given that MS is not exactly worse than Oracle, the patent FUD part is out of question too.
> I'd also be interested in some real (and honest) comparison between the 2 frameworks. Which one was easier to code for? Which one is more stable? Eadier to read?
> Thinking about it, this could be a very interesting talk for a Linux/OSS conference :). Better than the initial meeting even, as history shouldn't matter too much for us going forward. The state is what it is.

For the history records, I was the only one against using windows for 
the kvm mgmt application back then in the Qumranet days. I though that 
it is wrong to pick a completely different environment than the hosts 
that runs the VMs. In addition, I envisioned a distributed mgmt so it 
resides on the KVM hosts themselves, with full application level fault 
tolerant thus being scalable and support high availability inherently.

Hope to get to that one day.

> Alex
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