[Users] How to delete Events in RHEV?

gao.song gao.song at neusoft.com
Wed Dec 5 06:31:15 UTC 2012

Hi Michael,

I was told that the RHEV was down yesterday once, because the select connections of postpresql database were over 300. Unfortunately , my project became one of suspects to cause that.

As I know, my project does request hundreds of REST API continuously in every 5 mins. Will it cause the database too busy to work? 

Best wishes, 

Dean Gao
发件人: Michael Pasternak
发送时间: 2012-12-04 17:19
收件人: gao.song; users at ovirt.org
主题: Re: How to delete Events in RHEV?
On 12/04/2012 10:43 AM, gao.song wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> Is there any REST API available to delete the events in RHEV please?


> The events raises so fast because of the huge number of REST requests, and it causes that the RHEV environment runs very slowly. I have to find a way to clean some
> unimportant events.

if you using > 3.1 backend, you should be using persistent authentication in api,
this way you'll have to pass JSESSIONID and login will happen only on first request.

> Thanks.
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> Dean Gao
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Michael Pasternak
RedHat, ENG-Virtualization R&D
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