[Users] Statistics of virtual machines

зоррыч zorro at megatrone.ru
Sun Feb 19 22:01:08 UTC 2012


I use Scientific linux 6.2 on the nodes.
The problem is that the field "Ip Address" and the memory is always empty
Why not?

vdsm not support scientific linux, but I edited the file /etc/redhat-release
on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.2 (Santiago) for a successful
How vdsm % load determines the memory address and un virtual machine?


Thread-143582::DEBUG::2012-02-19 16:43:51,692::clientIF::59::vds::(wrapper)
return getVmStats with {'status': {'message': 'Done', 'code': 0},
'statsList': [{'status': 'Up', 'username': 'Unknown', 'memUsage': '0',
'acpiEnable': 'true', 'pid': '6344', 'displayIp': '',
'displayPort': u'5900', 'session': 'Unknown', 'displaySecurePort': '-1',
'timeOffset': '28', 'pauseCode': 'NOERR', 'clientIp': '', 'kvmEnable':
'true', 'network': {u'vnet0': {'macAddr': u'00:1a:4a:a8:7a:0d', 'rxDropped':
'0', 'rxErrors': '0', 'txDropped': '0', 'txRate': '0.0', 'rxRate': '0.0',
'txErrors': '0', 'state': 'unknown', 'speed': '1000', 'name': u'vnet0'}},
'vmId': '0a3c7b86-b5f2-43b7-a4c1-4bbba10d46c6', 'monitorResponse': '0',
'cpuUser': '39.86', 'disks': {u'vda': {'readLatency': '1496993',
'apparentsize': '12058624', 'writeLatency': '104532640', 'imageID':
'c146b12f-ddb9-468f-b4ed-aca758df137a', 'flushLatency': '38107', 'readRate':
'1626746.53', 'truesize': '11939840', 'writeRate': '23148.73'}}, 'boot':
'c', 'statsAge': '1.03', 'cpuIdle': '60.14', 'elapsedTime': '62', 'vmType':
'kvm', 'cpuSys': '0.00', 'appsList': [], 'guestIPs': '', 'displayType':
'vnc', 'nice': ''}]}

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