[Users] oVirt RPM for RHEL & Co.

Dael Maselli dael.maselli at lnf.infn.it
Mon Feb 27 11:04:58 UTC 2012


I was waiting the first release impatiently, when it was I suddenly 
downloaded the Installation Guide and I read:

"The packages provided via this mechanism are expected to work for users 
of Fedora, Red
Hat Enterprise Linux, and other Enterprise Linux derivatives."

I have Scientific Linux and/or Centos, but I can't find the rpm for 
these system (version 6.2).

Do you plan to build and realease also for those OS?

Thank you.

     Dael Maselli.


Dael Maselli  ---  INFN-LNF Computing Service  --  +39.06.9403.2214

          *http://www.lnf.infn.it/  *http://www.infn.it/  *

   *http://www.FrascatiScienza.it/  *http://www.BucoNero.eu/  *

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch

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