[Users] Unable to add ISOs to default ISO storage domain

Spyro Polymiadis spyro at rsp.com.au
Wed Feb 8 23:18:43 EST 2012

should actually mention - the issue is that i cannot see/select to use it in the webUI - even after logging out and back into it

----- Original Message -----
From: "Spyro Polymiadis" <spyro at rsp.com.au>
To: "Keith Robertson" <kroberts at redhat.com>
Cc: "Andrew Dunlop" <ajdunlop at gmail.com>, users at ovirt.org
Sent: Thursday, 9 February, 2012 2:47:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Users] Unable to add ISOs to default ISO storage domain

sorry to jump on the bandwagon here - ive also uploaded an iso to the ISO domain - which i said yes to create it locally on the engine-management host.
default exported as /mnt/iso - i didnt have to manually do anything to add it to the domain, only activate it.

cat /etc/exports
/mnt/iso     #rhev installer

i uploaded my iso like so:

 /usr/bin/engine-iso-uploader -i ISO -u admin at internal -r ovirtmgr.foo.com:8443 upload os_2.0-784729f4-19.iso

It finished successfully, the iso is owned vdsm.kvm and has the default 640 permissions.
I tried setting them to 755 as mentioned in one of these threads - but that didnt help..

$ tree -pug /mnt/iso

    └── [drwxr-xr-x vdsm     kvm     ]  23340f35-95ca-4b46-90ec-0c8b83a82786
        ├── [drwxr-xr-x vdsm     kvm     ]  dom_md
        │   ├── [-rw-r--r-- vdsm     kvm     ]  ids
        │   ├── [-rw-r--r-- vdsm     kvm     ]  inbox
        │   ├── [-rw-r--r-- vdsm     kvm     ]  leases
        │   ├── [-rw-r--r-- vdsm     kvm     ]  metadata
        │   └── [-rw-r--r-- vdsm     kvm     ]  outbox
        └── [drwxr-xr-x vdsm     kvm     ]  images
            └── [drwxr-xr-x vdsm     kvm     ]  11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111
                └── [-rw-r----- vdsm     kvm     ]  os_2.0-784729f4-19.iso

I havent rebooted the ovirtmgr host yet incase that "fixes" it

Any ideas?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Keith Robertson" <kroberts at redhat.com>
To: "Andrew Dunlop" <ajdunlop at gmail.com>, "Chris Brown (GE Healthcare)" <Christopher.Brown at med.ge.com>
Cc: users at ovirt.org
Sent: Saturday, 4 February, 2012 1:28:20 AM
Subject: Re: [Users] Unable to add ISOs to default ISO storage domain

Andrew and Chris,

You shouldn't need to manually place images on the NFS share and 
subsequently chmod them. The ISO uploader should be doing both the 
uploading and the chmod-ing for you, and if it is not doing this then 
it's a bug.

Here is a Successful Example:
[root at ovirt ~]# vim keith.iso <-- Create a junk file.
[root at ovirt ~]# chmod 400 keith.iso <-- Set restrictive perms on it.
[root at ovirt ~]# ovirt-iso-uploader -i iso1 upload keith.iso
Please provide the REST API password for RHEV-M (CTRL+D to abort):

// Let's check our work...
[root at ovirt ~]# mount <ip scrubbed>:/data/ovirt/iso1 /mnt/isodomain/ <-- 
mount the iso export domain
[root at ovirt ~]# su - vdsm
-bash-4.1$ ll 
-rw-r-----. 1 vdsm kvm 10 Feb 3 07:45 
<-- w00t!

Andrew, to help me debug, could you...
1. Is your ISO export domain being exported by a *nix system? If so can 
you reply with the line in /etc/exports that does the exporting. It 
looks something like mine below...
[root at inductor ~]# cat /etc/exports
/export *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)

2. Send me the output of "tree -pug" from the iso domain:
[root at ovirt ~]# su - vdsm
-bash-4.1$ cd /mnt/isodomain/92cf90c2-3698-48b5-84fd-d8e4f8684547/
-bash-4.1$ tree -pug
dom_md/ images/
-bash-4.1$ tree -pug images
└── [drwxr-xr-x vdsm kvm ] 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111


On 02/03/2012 05:31 AM, Itamar Heim wrote:
> On 02/03/2012 11:26 AM, Andrew Dunlop wrote:
>> It would appear that the problem was the permissions on the files.
>> after I did a chmod 0755 to the .iso it appeared almost immediately in
>> the web admin.
>> Should the iso-uploader script not have changed the permissions of the
>> file? It appears to have set the correct owner.
> Keith ---^ ?
>> On 2 February 2012 17:09, Brown, Chris (GE Healthcare)
>> <Christopher.Brown at med.ge.com> wrote:
>>> Easiest way to go about this, at least the way I go about it... 
>>> Manually
>>> place your iso images on the NFS ISO share.
>>> This can be accomplished two ways:
>>> Example 1: If you have direct access to your fileserver EG: NAS/etc and
>>> it is linux based.
>>> Simply login and sftp/scp/NFS/CIFS retrieve and/or copy the images into
>>> /export/path/to/iso/domain/<domUUID/images/11111111-1111-1111-1111-11111 
>>> 1111111
>>> Then chown 36:36
>>> /export/path/to/iso/domain/<domUUID/images/11111111-1111-1111-1111-11111 
>>> 1111111/*
>>> Example 2: Mount said NFS mount point on another client and copy the
>>> images into it.
>>> Export on NFS server is for example /rhev/iso --> mount
>>> <servername_or_ip>:/rhev/iso /mnt
>>> Copy the images into
>>> /mnt/<domUUID/images/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111/
>>> Then chown 36:36
>>> /mnt/<domUUID/images/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111/*
>>> - Chris
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: users-bounces at ovirt.org [mailto:users-bounces at ovirt.org] On 
>>> Behalf
>>> Of Andrew Dunlop
>>> Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 10:59 AM
>>> To: users at ovirt.org
>>> Subject: [Users] Unable to add ISOs to default ISO storage domain
>>> I have been trying to upload ISOs onto my ISO Storage Domain, set up
>>> when I ran engine-setup.
>>> I can run the command and the .iso file is correctly put in place,
>>> however this never appears in the available images for this domain on
>>> the web-admin.
>>> I notice that there are no file entries in
>>> https://xxxx.xxxx.co.uk:8443/api/storagedomains/a677acff-601b-4b6d-86ce- 
>>> 0798f3833629/files/
>>> just what is given in the verbose output from the uploader.
>>> Any ideas what the problem might be? I have tried a couple of ISOs and
>>> have also done a cleanup and setup.
>>> Below is the verbose output from the uploader:
>>> [admin at xxxx ~]$ sudo engine-iso-uploader -v -f -i ISOs upload
>>> Downloads/TinyCore-current.iso [sudo] password for admin:
>>> Please provide the REST API password for the admin at internal oVirt 
>>> Engine
>>> user (CTRL+D to abort):
>>> DEBUG: URL is
>>> https://xxxx.xxxx.co.uk:8443/api/storagedomains?search=name%3DISOs
>>> DEBUG: Returned XML is
>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
>>> <storage_domains>
>>> <storage_domain
>>> href="/api/storagedomains/a677acff-601b-4b6d-86ce-0798f3833629"
>>> id="a677acff-601b-4b6d-86ce-0798f3833629">
>>> <name>ISOs</name>
>>> <link
>>> href="/api/storagedomains/a677acff-601b-4b6d-86ce-0798f3833629/permissio 
>>> ns"
>>> rel="permissions"/>
>>> <link
>>> href="/api/storagedomains/a677acff-601b-4b6d-86ce-0798f3833629/files"
>>> rel="files"/>
>>> <type>iso</type>
>>> <master>false</master>
>>> <storage>
>>> <type>nfs</type>srmr
>>> <address>xxxx.xxxx.co.uk</address>
>>> <path>/isos</path>
>>> </storage>users@
>>> <available>48318382080</available>
>>> <used>4294967296</used>
>>> <committed>0</committed>
>>> <storage_format>v1</storage_format>
>>> </storage_domain>
>>> </storage_domains>
>>> DEBUG: id=a677acff-601b-4b6d-86ce-0798f3833629 address=xxxx.xxxx.co.uk
>>> path=/isos
>>> DEBUG: local NFS mount point is /tmp/tmpX03eVj
>>> DEBUG: NFS mount command (/bin/mount -t nfs -o rw,sync,soft
>>> xxxx.xxxx.co.uk:/isos /tmp/tmpX03eVj)
>>> DEBUG: /bin/mount -t nfs -o rw,sync,soft xxxx.xxxx.co.uk:/isos
>>> /tmp/tmpX03eVj
>>> DEBUG: _cmds(['/bin/mount', '-t', 'nfs', '-o', 'rw,sync,soft',
>>> 'xxxx.xxxx.co.uk:/isos', '/tmp/tmpX03eVj'])
>>> DEBUG: returncode(0)
>>> DEBUG: Size of Downloads/TinyCore-current.iso: 12507136 bytes 12214.0
>>> 1K-blocks 11.0 MB
>>> DEBUG: Available space in
>>> /tmp/tmpX03eVj/a677acff-601b-4b6d-86ce-0798f3833629/images/11111111-1111 
>>> -1111-1111-111111111111: 48557457408
>>> bytes 47419392.0 1K-blocks 46308.0 MB
>>> DEBUG: euid(0) egid(0)
>>> DEBUG: euid(0) egid(0)
>>> DEBUG: URL is
>>> https://xxxx.xxxx.co.uk:8443/api/storagedomains/a677acff-601b-4b6d-86ce- 
>>> 0798f3833629/files
>>> DEBUG: Returned XML is
>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <files/>
>>> DEBUG: /bin/umount -t nfs -f /tmp/tmpX03eVj
>>> DEBUG: /bin/umount -t nfs -f /tmp/tmpX03eVj
>>> DEBUG: _cmds(['/bin/umount', '-t', 'nfs', '-f', '/tmp/tmpX03eVj'])
>>> DEBUG: returncode(0)
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