[Users] oVirt test day summery

Moran Goldboim mgoldboi at redhat.com
Thu Jan 19 09:26:46 UTC 2012

I would like to thank all who has participated the oVirt test day below 
are some of the observation seen during the test day 

    * Participation -
          o Participation was mainly from Redhat, i have seen some
            mailing list activity which involved some non-redhats but
            all 30 bugs opened were by Redhats (28 by Rhevm QE). I was
            disappointed that not to many developers taking an active
            part in the testing.
          o It would be nice to hear some outside opinions on first
            encounter with oVirt from the community
    * Bugs found:
          o total of 30 bugs were found on ovirt - http://bit.ly/AAqM6A
          o Bugs per component:
                + ovirt-engine-webadmin - 12 Bugs
                + ovirt-engine-installer - 4 Bugs
                + ovirt-engine-cli - 4 Bugs
                + ovirt-engine-config - 2 Bugs
                + ovirt-engine-core - 3 Bugs
                + ovirt-engine-sdk - 2 Bugs
                + vdsm - 2 Bugs
                + ovirt-engine-api - 1 Bug
    * Component status - components are working as expected on basic
      operations, except ovirt-engine-cli in which some basic flows are
          o tools weren't tested

I think that all after all we have a stable candidate for first ovirt 
version Jan 31th.

Thanks again,

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