[Users] Unable to login into console Spice VNC anyone?

David Jaša djasa at redhat.com
Wed Jul 25 11:04:25 EDT 2012

Hi Brent,

first guess: have a look if your iptables setup allow connection to the
qemu processes. RHEV 3.0 documentation (publicly accesible) says that a
host needs these ports open:
        port 22 for SSH, 
        ports 5634 to 6166 for guest console connections, 
        port 16514 for libvirt virtual machine migration traffic, 
        ports 49152 to 49216 for VDSM virtual machine migration traffic,
        port 54321 for the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager. 

If you have ovirt-engine running onu the same machine as vdsm, most of
the ports don't need to be accessible from outside but "guest console"
ports do.

If it isn't iptables, please share at least:
* what your actual topology is (engine on the physical host?)
* if you use some custom tls settings such as tls switched off
* what spice client & xpi versions are you using
* how exactly the client failed (showed error window? with what error?
  just didn't launch?)

In your email, you didn't write any debugging hints apart from the setup
being single-host one...


Brent Bolin píše v St 25. 07. 2012 v 09:00 -0500:
> About 6 months ago I asked on this list if it was possible to install
> ovirt on a single host.  Thread got long and winded and lost interest.
> Started looking at the project again about two days ago.  What I
> really didn't understand was using a base Fedora install.  Installing
> vdsm and then installing ovirt engine.
> So everything is up.  Created data center, storage, cluster, host and
> virtual machine.
> But I can't get there from here.  I can't get console running to
> configure the booted install.
> I've tried VNC, Spice, Firefox with spice-xpi plugin.
> Tried tweaking, turning, touching, swearing @ /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf
> settings.  tls settings.  Not even sure if this is the right place to
> be checking.
> This is a show stopper.
> LSB Version:    :core-4.0-amd64:core-4.0-noarch
> Distributor ID: Fedora
> Description:    Fedora release 16 (Verne)
> Release:        16
> Codename:       Verne
> [root at ovirt # rpm -qa|grep ovirt-engine
> ovirt-engine-3.0.0_0001-1.6.fc16.x86_64
> ovirt-engine-log-collector-3.0.0_0001-1.6.fc16.x86_64
> ovirt-engine-iso-uploader-3.0.0_0001-1.6.fc16.x86_64
> ovirt-engine-backend-3.0.0_0001-1.6.fc16.x86_64
> ovirt-engine-notification-service-3.0.0_0001-1.6.fc16.x86_64
> ovirt-engine-jboss-deps-3.0.0_0001-1.6.fc16.x86_64
> ovirt-engine-tools-common-3.0.0_0001-1.6.fc16.x86_64
> ovirt-engine-dbscripts-3.0.0_0001-1.6.fc16.x86_64
> ovirt-engine-setup-3.0.0_0001-1.6.fc16.x86_64
> ovirt-engine-jbossas-1.2-2.fc16.x86_64
> ovirt-engine-userportal-3.0.0_0001-1.6.fc16.x86_64
> ovirt-engine-restapi-3.0.0_0001-1.6.fc16.x86_64
> ovirt-engine-genericapi-3.0.0_0001-1.6.fc16.x86_64
> ovirt-engine-config-3.0.0_0001-1.6.fc16.x86_64
> ovirt-engine-webadmin-portal-3.0.0_0001-1.6.fc16.x86_64
> Any input would be appreciated
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David Jaša, RHCE

SPICE QE based in Brno
GPG Key:     22C33E24 
Fingerprint: 513A 060B D1B4 2A72 7F0D 0278 B125 CD00 22C3 3E24

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