[Users] could not add local storage domain

Christian Lox lox at netzwerkplanet.com
Sat Nov 3 14:29:39 EDT 2012

Hi all.

Trying to set up ovirt on a fedora 17 host.
engine-setup fails with:

AIO: Validating CPU Compatibility...                               [ DONE ]
Configuring oVirt-engine...                                        [ DONE ]
Creating CA...                                                     [ DONE ]
Editing JBoss Configuration...                                     [ DONE ]
Setting Database Configuration...                                  [ DONE ]
Setting Database Security...                                       [ DONE ]
Creating Database...                                               [ DONE ]
Updating the Default Data Center Storage Type...                   [ DONE ]
Editing oVirt Engine Configuration...                              [ DONE ]
Editing Postgresql Configuration...                                [ DONE ]
Configuring the Default ISO Domain...                              [ DONE ]
Configuring Firewall (iptables)...                                 [ DONE ]
Starting JBoss Service...                                          [ DONE ]
Handling HTTPD...                                                  [ DONE ]
AIO: Creating storage directory...                                 [ DONE ]
AIO: Adding Local Datacenter and cluster...                        [ DONE ]
AIO: Adding Local host (This may take several minutes)...          [ DONE ]
AIO: Adding Local storage (This may take several minutes)...    [ ERROR ]
Error: could not add local storage domain
Please check log file /var/log/ovirt-engine/engine-setup_2012_11_03_19_15_53.log for more information

[root at x.y.zlox]# vim /var/log/ovirt-engine/engine-setup_2012_11_03_19_15_53.log 

2012-11-03 19:18:22::INFO::all_in_one_100::286::root:: Adding local storage domain
2012-11-03 19:19:22::ERROR::all_in_one_100::289::root:: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/plugins/all_in_one_100.py", line 287, in addStorageDomain
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk/infrastructure/brokers.py", line 3587, in add
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk/infrastructure/proxy.py", line 117, in add
    return self.request('POST', url, body, headers)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk/infrastructure/proxy.py", line 128, in request
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk/infrastructure/errors.py", line 98, in __init__
    f_detail = params.parseString(res)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk/xml/params.py", line 19340, in parseString
    doc = parsexml_(StringIO(inString))
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk/xml/params.py", line 73, in parsexml_
    doc = etree_.parse(*args, **kwargs)
  File "lxml.etree.pyx", line 2957, in lxml.etree.parse (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:59972)
  File "parser.pxi", line 1550, in lxml.etree._parseDocument (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:87477)
  File "parser.pxi", line 1578, in lxml.etree._parseMemoryDocument (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:87759)
  File "parser.pxi", line 1457, in lxml.etree._parseDoc (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:86558)
  File "parser.pxi", line 965, in lxml.etree._BaseParser._parseDoc (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:83179)
  File "parser.pxi", line 569, in lxml.etree._ParserContext._handleParseResultDoc (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:79352)
  File "parser.pxi", line 650, in lxml.etree._handleParseResult (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:80249)
  File "parser.pxi", line 590, in lxml.etree._raiseParseError (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:79576)
XMLSyntaxError: Space required after the Public Identifier, line 1, column 47

2012-11-03 19:19:22::DEBUG::setup_sequences::62::root:: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/setup_sequences.py", line 60, in run
  File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/plugins/all_in_one_100.py", line 290, in addStorageDomain
    raise Exception(ERROR_ADD_LOCAL_DOMAIN)
Exception: Error: could not add local storage domain

2012-11-03 19:19:22::DEBUG::engine-setup::1742::root:: *** The following params were used as user input:
2012-11-03 19:19:22::DEBUG::engine-setup::1747::root:: override-httpd-config: yes
2012-11-03 19:19:22::DEBUG::engine-setup::1747::root:: http-port: 80
2012-11-03 19:19:22::DEBUG::engine-setup::1747::root:: https-port: 443
2012-11-03 19:19:22::DEBUG::engine-setup::1747::root:: mac-range: 00:1A:4A:2E:F3:00-00:1A:4A:2E:F3:FF
2012-11-03 19:19:22::DEBUG::engine-setup::1747::root:: host-fqdn: x.y.z
2012-11-03 19:19:22::DEBUG::engine-setup::1747::root:: auth-pass: ********
2012-11-03 19:19:22::DEBUG::engine-setup::1747::root:: org-name: Simon Byte
2012-11-03 19:19:22::DEBUG::engine-setup::1747::root:: default-dc-type: NFS
2012-11-03 19:19:22::DEBUG::engine-setup::1747::root:: db-remote-install: local
2012-11-03 19:19:22::DEBUG::engine-setup::1747::root:: db-host: localhost
2012-11-03 19:19:22::DEBUG::engine-setup::1747::root:: db-local-pass: ********
2012-11-03 19:19:22::DEBUG::engine-setup::1747::root:: nfs-mp: /data/ovirt/iso
2012-11-03 19:19:22::DEBUG::engine-setup::1747::root:: iso-domain-name: iso
2012-11-03 19:19:22::DEBUG::engine-setup::1747::root:: config-nfs: yes
2012-11-03 19:19:22::DEBUG::engine-setup::1747::root:: override-iptables: no
2012-11-03 19:19:22::DEBUG::engine-setup::1747::root:: config-allinone: yes
2012-11-03 19:19:22::DEBUG::engine-setup::1747::root:: storage-path: /data/ovirt/vdsm
2012-11-03 19:19:22::DEBUG::engine-setup::1747::root:: superuser-pass: ********
2012-11-03 19:19:22::ERROR::engine-setup::2376::root:: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/bin/engine-setup", line 2370, in <module>
  File "/bin/engine-setup", line 2159, in main
  File "/bin/engine-setup", line 2105, in runSequences
  File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/setup_controller.py", line 54, in runAllSequences
  File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/setup_sequences.py", line 154, in run
  File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/setup_sequences.py", line 60, in run
  File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/plugins/all_in_one_100.py", line 290, in addStorageDomain
    raise Exception(ERROR_ADD_LOCAL_DOMAIN)
Exception: Error: could not add local storage domain

XMLSyntaxError: Space required after the Public Identifier, line 1, column 47 looks somewhat strange to me.

Any hint what causes this error?



P.S.: The installation failed several times before that, until i figured out that the engine-setup needs to login in via ssh; we had configured sshd to allow only public key auth, and this raised an error.

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