[Users] cannot add new logical network to host

Alan Johnson alan at datdec.com
Thu Nov 15 17:59:16 UTC 2012

On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 11:29 AM, Moti Asayag <masayag at redhat.com> wrote:

> I tried same scenario but haven't got any error like this. However, I'm
> working on the latest version...
> Could you send the content of the vds_interface table ? even off-list so
> I can try to debug it on my system ?

Be sure to read my other post before running with this as it may be a dead
end, but here is the dump from last night's backup (just the one row):

-- Name: vds_interface; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: engine;

CREATE TABLE vds_interface (
    id uuid NOT NULL,
    name character varying(50) NOT NULL,
    network_name character varying(50),
    vds_id uuid,
    mac_addr character varying(20),
    is_bond boolean DEFAULT false,
    bond_name character varying(50),
    bond_type integer,
    bond_opts character varying(4000),
    vlan_id integer,
    speed integer,
    addr character varying(20),
    subnet character varying(20),
    gateway character varying(20),
    boot_protocol integer,
    type integer DEFAULT 0,
    _create_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT ('now'::text)::timestamp
without time zone,
    _update_date timestamp with time zone,
    mtu integer,
    bridged boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL

INSERT INTO vds_interface(addr, bond_name, bond_type, gateway, id, is_bond,
bond_opts, mac_addr, name, network_name, speed, subnet, boot_protocol,
type, VDS_ID, vlan_id, mtu, bridged)
        VALUES(v_addr, v_bond_name, v_bond_type, v_gateway, v_id,
v_is_bond, v_bond_opts, v_mac_addr, v_name, v_network_name, v_speed,
v_subnet, v_boot_protocol, v_type, v_vds_id, v_vlan_id, v_mtu, v_bridged);
END; $$;

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