[Users] Lvm vgs failed on allinone setup

Adrian Gibanel adrian.gibanel at btactic.com
Tue Nov 27 16:53:50 UTC 2012

I've debugged the lvm vgs failed part. It seems to run this command: 

[adrian at server ~]$ sudo vgs --noheadings --units b --nosuffix --separator \| -o uuid,name,attr,size,free,extent_size,extent_count,free_count,tags,vg_mda_size,vg_mda_free 033a2b87-def7-4c27-ab74-9860531f2ed4 
Volume group "033a2b87-def7-4c27-ab74-9860531f2ed4" not found 

If I run the same commands without arguments I found out the current VGs:

[adrian at server ~]$ sudo vgs --noheadings --units b --nosuffix --separator \| -o uuid,name,attr,size,free,extent_size,extent_count,free_count,tags,vg_mda_size,vg_mda_free 

So I try to run it with the uuid seen:
[adrian at server ~]$ sudo vgs --noheadings --units b --nosuffix --separator \| -o uuid,name,attr,size,free,extent_size,extent_count,free_count,tags,vg_mda_size,vg_mda_free Na9Bdu-aELy-1G3m-JgcV-dBYM-PfaP-arsvUo Volume group "Na9Bdu-aELy-1G3m-JgcV-dBYM-PfaP-arsvUo" not found 
it says it cannot find it.

Now with the name:
[adrian at server ~]$ sudo vgs --noheadings --units b --nosuffix --separator \| -o uuid,name,attr,size,free,extent_size,extent_count,free_count,tags,vg_mda_size,vg_mda_free maquinasVG 

It works!

So that would maybe fix it. Although I'm not very sure because this is just a WARNING. And because I think it's not a good idea to rename current uuids for storage or iso domains (not sure which it's exactly) in the database just to match the LVM uuids.

Now I'm going to debug the other messages which are ERRORs and not warnings.

----- Mensaje original ----- 

> De: "Adrian Gibanel" <adrian.gibanel at btactic.com>
> Para: users at ovirt.org
> Enviados: Martes, 27 de Noviembre 2012 17:16:50
> Asunto: Re: [Users] Lvm vgs failed on allinone setup

> After seeing that I had many named errors I've disabled ipv6 by
> adding -4 to OPTIONS line as described in:
> http://www.hafizonline.net/blog/?p=164 . After had I have rebooted
> the logs regarding lvm change a bit. Here you are:

> Nov 27 17:09:15 server vdsm Storage.LVM WARNING lvm vgs failed: 5 []
> [' Volume group "c20da291-baf5-480a-b314-b775a6dde6e8" not found']


Adrián Gibanel 
I.T. Manager 

+34 675 683 301 

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