[Users] ovirt-node install hangs

Fabian Deutsch fabiand at redhat.com
Mon Oct 8 07:22:39 UTC 2012


Am Sonntag, den 07.10.2012, 15:29 +0100 schrieb Alexandre Santos:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to install the ovirt-node iso image on a SATA disk and when
> it gets to the screen where it shows 25% completed the kernel hangs. I
> can't connect using a serial console to see what has happened. If I
> reboot using a usb linux disk I see that the SATA disk has been
> formated and the partitions that existed before disappeared, being
> there just one partition of type "ee"

Is there any error displayed when kernel hangs at 25%? And it can take
some time to pass the 25% (up to ~2min or so).

> If I use a 8 GB usb pen-drive instead of the SATA disk, the
> installation comes to an end and I reboot but then I get some error
> about not getting /dev/mapper/by-name/Root and the boot fails to a
> dracut shell.
> Any ideas?

In the dracut shell, could you run blkid and post the results?

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