[Users] vdsm/engine do not like Infiniband
Andrew Cathrow
acathrow at redhat.com
Thu Sep 13 23:49:15 UTC 2012
Yes you are right there is a known issue with the mac address length in IB cards. IIRC there was a hardware vendor who was working on a patch to extend the length and add the appropriate validation.
Dead Horse <deadhorseconsulting at gmail.com> wrote:
When attempting to activate/add a host with Infiniband cards present:
16:16:29,306::BindingXMLRPC::884::vds::(wrapper) return getCapabilities
with {'status': {'message': 'Done', 'code': 0}, 'info': {'HBAInventory':
{'iSCSI': [{'InitiatorName': 'iqn.2012-09.net.azeroth:kezan'}], 'FC': []},
'packages2': {'kernel': {'release': '200.29.3.el6uek.x86_64', 'buildtime':
1346177011.0, 'version': '2.6.39'}, 'spice-server': {'release': '10.el6',
'buildtime': 1340343617L, 'version': '0.10.1'}, 'vdsm': {'release':
'435.el6', 'buildtime': 1347508928L, 'version': '4.10.0'}, 'qemu-kvm':
{'release': '2.295.el6_3.2', 'buildtime': 1346867328L, 'version':
''}, 'libvirt': {'release': '21.el6_3.4', 'buildtime': 1345740034L,
'version': '0.9.10'}, 'qemu-img': {'release': '2.295.el6_3.2', 'buildtime':
1346867328L, 'version': ''}}, 'cpuModel': 'Intel(R) Xeon(R)
CPU E5540 @ 2.53GHz', 'hooks': {}, 'vmTypes': ['kvm'],
'supportedProtocols': ['2.2', '2.3'], 'networks': {'ovirtmgmt': {'iface':
'ovirtmgmt', 'addr': '', 'cfg': {'IPV6INIT': 'no', 'IPADDR':
'', 'DELAY': '0', 'PREFIX': '22', 'BOOTPROTO': 'none', 'STP':
'off', 'DEVICE': 'ovirtmgmt', 'TYPE': 'Bridge', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'mtu':
'1500', 'netmask': '', 'stp': 'off', 'bridged': True,
'gateway': '', 'ports': ['bond2']}, 'maelstrom': {'iface':
'maelstrom', 'addr': '', 'cfg': {'IPV6INIT': 'no', 'DELAY': '0',
'BOOTPROTO': 'none', 'STP': 'off', 'DEVICE': 'maelstrom', 'TYPE': 'Bridge',
'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'mtu': '1500', 'netmask': '', 'stp': 'off', 'bridged':
True, 'gateway': '', 'ports': ['bond0']}, 'twistingnether':
{'iface': 'twistingnether', 'addr': '', 'cfg': {'IPV6INIT':
'no', 'IPADDR': '', 'DELAY': '0', 'PREFIX': '22', 'BOOTPROTO':
'none', 'STP': 'off', 'DEVICE': 'twistingnether', 'TYPE': 'Bridge',
'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'mtu': '1500', 'netmask': '', 'stp': 'off',
'bridged': True, 'gateway': '', 'ports': ['bond1']}},
'bridges': {'ovirtmgmt': {'addr': '', 'cfg': {'IPV6INIT': 'no',
'IPADDR': '', 'DELAY': '0', 'PREFIX': '22', 'BOOTPROTO': 'none',
'STP': 'off', 'DEVICE': 'ovirtmgmt', 'TYPE': 'Bridge', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'},
'mtu': '1500', 'netmask': '', 'stp': 'off', 'ports':
['bond2']}, 'maelstrom': {'addr': '', 'cfg': {'IPV6INIT': 'no', 'DELAY':
'0', 'BOOTPROTO': 'none', 'STP': 'off', 'DEVICE': 'maelstrom', 'TYPE':
'Bridge', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'mtu': '1500', 'netmask': '', 'stp': 'off',
'ports': ['bond0']}, 'twistingnether': {'addr': '', 'cfg':
{'IPV6INIT': 'no', 'IPADDR': '', 'DELAY': '0', 'PREFIX': '22',
'BOOTPROTO': 'none', 'STP': 'off', 'DEVICE': 'twistingnether', 'TYPE':
'Bridge', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'mtu': '1500', 'netmask': '',
'stp': 'off', 'ports': ['bond1']}}, 'uuid':
'lastClientIface': 'twistingnether', 'nics': {'ib0': {'addr':
'', 'cfg': {'IPV6INIT': 'no', 'IPADDR': '', 'MTU':
'65520', 'PREFIX': '16', 'BOOTPROTO': 'none', 'CONNECTED_MODE': 'yes',
'DEVICE': 'ib0', 'TYPE': 'Infiniband', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'mtu': '65520',
'netmask': '', 'hwaddr':
'80:00:04:04:fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:12:79:ff:ff:b5:b0:f1', 'speed': 0},
'ib1': {'addr': '', 'cfg': {'IPV6INIT': 'no', 'MTU': '65520', 'BOOTPROTO':
'none', 'CONNECTED_MODE': 'yes', 'DEVICE': 'ib1', 'TYPE': 'Infiniband',
'ONBOOT': 'no'}, 'mtu': '2044', 'netmask': '', 'hwaddr':
'80:00:04:05:fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:12:79:ff:ff:b5:b0:f2', 'speed': 0},
'eth5': {'permhwaddr': '00:15:17:00:10:0B', 'addr': '', 'cfg': {'SLAVE':
'yes', 'IPV6INIT': 'no', 'HWADDR': '00:15:17:00:10:0B', 'BOOTPROTO':
'none', 'MASTER': 'bond2', 'DEVICE': 'eth5', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'mtu':
'1500', 'netmask': '', 'hwaddr': '00:15:17:00:10:0a', 'speed': 1000},
'eth4': {'permhwaddr': '00:15:17:00:10:0A', 'addr': '', 'cfg': {'SLAVE':
'yes', 'IPV6INIT': 'no', 'HWADDR': '00:15:17:00:10:0A', 'BOOTPROTO':
'none', 'MASTER': 'bond2', 'DEVICE': 'eth4', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'mtu':
'1500', 'netmask': '', 'hwaddr': '00:15:17:00:10:0a', 'speed': 1000},
'eth3': {'permhwaddr': '00:21:28:83:CE:4B', 'addr': '', 'cfg': {'SLAVE':
'yes', 'HWADDR': '00:21:28:83:CE:4B', 'BOOTPROTO': 'none', 'MASTER':
'bond1', 'DEVICE': 'eth3', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'mtu': '1500', 'netmask': '',
'hwaddr': '00:21:28:83:ce:4a', 'speed': 1000}, 'eth2': {'permhwaddr':
'00:21:28:83:CE:4A', 'addr': '', 'cfg': {'SLAVE': 'yes', 'HWADDR':
'00:21:28:83:CE:4A', 'BOOTPROTO': 'none', 'MASTER': 'bond1', 'DEVICE':
'eth2', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'mtu': '1500', 'netmask': '', 'hwaddr':
'00:21:28:83:ce:4a', 'speed': 1000}, 'eth1': {'permhwaddr':
'00:21:28:83:CE:49', 'addr': '', 'cfg': {'SLAVE': 'yes', 'IPV6INIT': 'no',
'HWADDR': '00:21:28:83:CE:49', 'BOOTPROTO': 'none', 'MASTER': 'bond0',
'DEVICE': 'eth1', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'mtu': '1500', 'netmask': '', 'hwaddr':
'00:21:28:83:ce:48', 'speed': 1000}, 'eth0': {'permhwaddr':
'00:21:28:83:CE:48', 'addr': '', 'cfg': {'SLAVE': 'yes', 'IPV6INIT': 'no',
'HWADDR': '00:21:28:83:CE:48', 'BOOTPROTO': 'none', 'MASTER': 'bond0',
'DEVICE': 'eth0', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'mtu': '1500', 'netmask': '', 'hwaddr':
'00:21:28:83:ce:48', 'speed': 1000}}, 'software_revision': '435',
'management_ip': '', 'clusterLevels': ['3.0', '3.1', '3.2'],
'ISCSIInitiatorName': 'iqn.2012-09.net.azeroth:kezan', 'netConfigDirty':
'False', 'memSize': '36272', 'reservedMem': '321', 'bondings': {'bond4':
{'addr': '', 'cfg': {}, 'mtu': '1500', 'netmask': '', 'slaves': [],
'hwaddr': '00:00:00:00:00:00'}, 'bond0': {'addr': '', 'cfg': {'BRIDGE':
'maelstrom', 'IPV6INIT': 'no', 'BOOTPROTO': 'none', 'BONDING_OPTS': 'mode=4
miimon=250 xmit_hash_policy=layer2+3', 'DEVICE': 'bond0', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'},
'mtu': '1500', 'netmask': '', 'slaves': ['eth0', 'eth1'], 'hwaddr':
'00:21:28:83:ce:48'}, 'bond1': {'addr': '', 'cfg': {'BRIDGE':
'twistingnether', 'IPV6INIT': 'no', 'BOOTPROTO': 'none', 'BONDING_OPTS':
'mode=4 miimon=250 xmit_hash_policy=layer2+3', 'DEVICE': 'bond1', 'ONBOOT':
'yes'}, 'mtu': '1500', 'netmask': '', 'slaves': ['eth2', 'eth3'], 'hwaddr':
'00:21:28:83:ce:4a'}, 'bond2': {'addr': '', 'cfg': {'BRIDGE': 'ovirtmgmt',
'IPV6INIT': 'no', 'BOOTPROTO': 'none', 'BONDING_OPTS': 'mode=4 miimon=250
xmit_hash_policy=layer2+3', 'DEVICE': 'bond2', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'mtu':
'1500', 'netmask': '', 'slaves': ['eth4', 'eth5'], 'hwaddr':
'00:15:17:00:10:0a'}}, 'software_version': '4.10', 'cpuSpeed': '2527.246',
'cpuSockets': '2', 'vlans': {}, 'cpuCores': '8', 'kvmEnabled': 'true',
'guestOverhead': '65', 'supportedRHEVMs': ['3.0', '3.1'], 'version_name':
'Snow Man', 'emulatedMachines': [u'rhel6.3.0', u'pc', u'rhel6.2.0',
u'rhel6.1.0', u'rhel6.0.0', u'rhel5.5.0', u'rhel5.4.4', u'rhel5.4.0'],
'operatingSystem': {'release': '1', 'version': '6.3', 'name': 'RHEL'},
'lastClient': ''}}
2012-09-13 16:16:28,559 INFO
[org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.ActivateVdsVDSCommand] (pool-3-thread-50)
[21c70ebd] START, ActivateVdsVDSCommand(vdsId =
1a3d06a8-fde1-11e1-a02d-00151712f280), log id: 4483b716
2012-09-13 16:16:29,339 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.VdsManager]
(pool-3-thread-50) [21c70ebd] ResourceManager::activateVds - failed to get
VDS = 1a3d06a8-fde1-11e1-a02d-00151712f280 capabilities with error:
CallableStatementCallback; SQL [{call insertvds_interface(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}]; ERROR: value too long for type
character varying(20)
Where: SQL statement "INSERT INTO vds_interface(addr, bond_name,
bond_type, gateway, id, is_bond, bond_opts, mac_addr, name, network_name,
speed, subnet, boot_protocol, type, VDS_ID, vlan_id, mtu, bridged)
VALUES(v_addr, v_bond_name, v_bond_type, v_gateway, v_id, v_is_bond,
v_bond_opts, v_mac_addr, v_name, v_network_name, v_speed, v_subnet,
v_boot_protocol, v_type, v_vds_id, v_vlan_id, v_mtu, v_bridged)"
PL/pgSQL function "insertvds_interface" line 3 at SQL statement; nested
exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: value too long for
type character varying(20)
Where: SQL statement "INSERT INTO vds_interface(addr, bond_name,
bond_type, gateway, id, is_bond, bond_opts, mac_addr, name, network_name,
speed, subnet, boot_protocol, type, VDS_ID, vlan_id, mtu, bridged)
VALUES(v_addr, v_bond_name, v_bond_type, v_gateway, v_id, v_is_bond,
v_bond_opts, v_mac_addr, v_name, v_network_name, v_speed, v_subnet,
v_boot_protocol, v_type, v_vds_id, v_vlan_id, v_mtu, v_bridged)"
PL/pgSQL function "insertvds_interface" line 3 at SQL statement.
2012-09-13 16:16:29,342 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.VdsManager]
(pool-3-thread-50) [21c70ebd] ResourceManager::activateVds - failed to
activate VDS = 1a3d06a8-fde1-11e1-a02d-00151712f280
2012-09-13 16:16:29,344 ERROR
[org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.VDSCommandBase] (pool-3-thread-50)
[21c70ebd] Command ActivateVdsVDS execution failed. Exception:
UncategorizedSQLException: CallableStatementCallback; uncategorized
SQLException for SQL [{call updatevdsdynamic(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
?, ?)}]; SQL state [25P02]; error code [0]; ERROR: current transaction is
aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block; nested exception
is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: current transaction is
aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
2012-09-13 16:16:29,345 INFO
[org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.ActivateVdsVDSCommand] (pool-3-thread-50)
[21c70ebd] FINISH, ActivateVdsVDSCommand, log id: 4483b716
NOTE the length of the Infiniband card "hwaddr" perhaps a clue to the above
engine DB insert barf? --> (ERROR: value too long for type character
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