[Users] Can't add NFS domain

Changsen Xu xucs007 at qq.com
Tue Sep 4 01:45:20 EDT 2012


Thanks a lot for your answer. I just got vdsm compiled and installed
on fresh FC17 (installed with live cd), used your 3.4.9 FC16 kernel.

Yes, now, engine can add it as host, great. But engine still can't
add NFS domain. Any idea what is happening?


John Xu

On Mon, 2012-09-03 at 23:52 +0200, Damiano Verzulli wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Il 03/09/2012 05:47, Changsen Xu ha scritto:
> > Damiano,
> > 
> > How did you install the kernel-3.4.9-2.fc16.x86_64.rpm ?
> with:
> 	rpm -ivh kernel-3.4.9-2.fc16.x86_64.rpm
> on the node. Actually my node was a Fedora 17 installed as such.... and
> not the ovirt-iso-image (BTW: I thought you were working on an FC17, not
> on a ovirt-node-image, sorry!).
> > Installed it on the node iso from ovirt.org ? Those iso are read
> > only, even if I "mount -o remount,rw /", I still can't persist the
> > kernel files, system complained out of space.
> Sorry. As I said, I worked on standard FC17.
> > Or did you install on fresh/empty Fedora Core ?
> exactly
> > Then how did you install the vdsm?
> by following this guide:
>     http://wiki.ovirt.org/wiki/OVirt_3.1_release_notes#Fedora_Host
> In detail, starting with a "running" fedora:
> # yum localinstall http://ovirt.org/releases/ovirt-release-fedora.noarch.rpm
> Afterwards, right after installing the Engine (on a different host, in my
> case), simply adding the "ovirt FC17 node" as a new node from the
> web-interface of the "engine", the "adding process" will take care of the
> setup of all the software components.
> So, in the end, it will be the engine that will connect to the node and
> launch, on the node, the setup (yum install....) of all the required RPMs
> (...that are provided by the repository provided by the initial
> ovirt-release-fedora.noarch.rpm.
> HTH.
> > I just can't find any detailed guide on internet.
> Ovirt is a great project, really. But unfortunatly it lacks documentations.
> Bye,
> DV
> - -- 
> Damiano Verzulli
> e-mail: damiano at verzulli.it
> - ---
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