[Users] Perl Client for oVirt REST API

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Tue Sep 4 10:37:57 EDT 2012

On 09/04/2012 03:45 PM, Frank Wall wrote:
> Hi,
> I was searching for a Perl Client for the oVirt REST API, but I couldn't
> find one, so I hacked up one myself. It's called Net::oVirt::Lite and
> it's entirely based on Net::Twitter::Lite, so credits go to it's author
> Marc Mims for this nice module.
> Net::oVirt::Lite uses most of the XML examples from the REST API
> Guide [1]. You just need to pass the required params to the module
> and it will complete the XML code itself. The XML answer from
> oVirt Engine is parsed with XML::Simple and returned as a hashref
> for ease of use. You don't need to write or parse any XML.
> Although Net::oVirt::Lite is a quick hack and far from complete
> I'd like to share what I've got. If someone is interested I'd like
> to maintain and further enhance it. Feedback, patches, bug reports
> are very welcome. There's no help file, so take a look at the source
> to get the API calls and params you need.
> [1]
> https://access.redhat.com/knowledge/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Virtualization/3.0/html-single/REST_API_Guide/index.html
> ==============================
> Temporary download location: http://dl.moov.de/perl/Net-oVirt-Lite-0.1.tar.gz
> (sorry, not a complete distribution yet, no tests, no Makefile, no docs)
> ==============================
> Net::oVirt::Lite is Copyright (c) 2012 inotronic Computers GmbH
> Net::Twitter::Lite is Copyright (c) 2009 Marc Mims
> The oVirt API itself, and the description text used in this module is:
> Copyright (c) 2011 Red Hat, Inc.
> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
> it under the same terms as Perl itself.
> ==============================
>    use Net::oVirt::Lite;
>    my $ov = Net::oVirt::Lite->new(
>        apiurl   => 'https://ovirt-engine.example.com:8443/api',
>        username => $user,
>        password => $password
>    );
>    # Test connection
>    my $result = eval { $ov->api_connection_test };
>    # List all VMs
>    eval {
>        my $vms = $ov->vms;
>        foreach my $vm ( keys %{ $vms->{'vm'} } ) {
>            print "Found $vm with ID " . $vms->{'vm'}->{$vm}->{'id'} . "\n";
>        }
>        print "No VMs found.\n" if scalar(keys %{ $vms->{'vm'} }) < 1;
>    };
>    warn "$@\n" if $@;
>    # Stop VM
>    $result = eval { $ov->stop_vm({ vm_id => '8cc4b549-b79f-4fd5-82f1-556175225cf3' }) };
>    # Change CPU Cores
>    $ov->vm_cpu({ vm_id => '8cc4b549-b79f-4fd5-82f1-556175225cf3', cpu_cores => 2, cpu_sockets => 1 });
> Regards
> - Frank
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great to see this.
have you considered doing this based on the RSDL meta data to generate 
this, rather than maintain?

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