[Users] Can't add NFS domain

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Fri Sep 7 02:37:20 EDT 2012

On 09/07/2012 07:03 AM, Changsen Xu wrote:
> On Tue, 2012-09-04 at 08:19 +0200, Damiano Verzulli wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> (so you've switched discussing on the list. Ok. Let's go this way)
>> Il 04/09/2012 07:45, Changsen Xu ha scritto:
>>> [...] I just got vdsm compiled and installed on fresh FC17 (installed
>>> with live cd), used your 3.4.9 FC16 kernel. Yes, now, engine can add
>>> it as host, great. But engine still can't add NFS domain. Any idea
>>> what is happening?
>> To correctly troubleshoot your issues, please, ensure you're following
>> _all_ the steps suggested here:
>>      http://wiki.ovirt.org/wiki/Troubleshooting_NFS_Storage_Issues
>> In particular:
>> 1 - confirm your node are running the 3.4 kernel (uname -a), as
>> installing the new kernel is not enough. Such kernel _must_ be running;
>> 2 - confirm that your NFS server is configured:
>> 	- to default to NFSv3 (refer to above wiki page);
>> 	- with a correct export (refer to above wiki page). Please pay attention
>> to the need of having, on the NFS server, a USER with UID 36. Best if
>> related username is "vdsm";
> I've playing with this problem for several days, done every step
> I can find on internet, just can't figure out why.
> On my node/host, if I "su - vdsm -s /bin/bash", I can't
> never use mount. It always complained only root can use mount.
> I can use root to mount nfs server manually, but just can't add
> NFS domain in the engine side. I tried both ovirt 3.1 and 3.0, neither
> worked.
> I used /etc/hosts file on all engine, hosts, nfs server. Should I use
> DNS ?

only root can use mount.
vdsm uses sudo or vdsm super process (don't remember if it was changed 
already) to do the mount.

when you do it from the engine, it asks vdsm to do it.
can you share the vdsm logs from trying to add the nfs storage domain 
via the engine?

>> 3 - confirm that your FC17-nodes can "see" the exported mounts from the
>> NFS server by running, on the nodes:
>> 	# showmount -e <ip_addr_of_the_NFS_server>
>> When all of above steps are confirmed, you can start troubleshooting
>> file-permission issues. In detail:
>> 4 - from the FC17-node, manually mount the NFS share with something like:
>> 	# mount -t nfs <NFS_server_ip_addr>:<NFS_mount> <temp_mount_point>
>> (in my case: mount -t nfs /tmp/test_nfs)
>> and then try to:
>> 	- write a file in /tmp/test_nfs:
>> 		# touch /tmp/test_nfs/test_file.txt
>> and rightafter check, on the NFS server, its ownership/permission. As
>> said in the wiki page, the test_file.txt should be owned by "UID 36" user
>> and should have 755 file-permission
>> 5 - when the all of this is (succesfully) completed, you can retry adding
>> the NFS ISO-domain from the Engine.
>> BTW: if a previous addition attempt failed, in my case I needed to
>> manually remove, on the NFS server, the file/directory structure that
>> previous attempts generated.
>> HTH
>> Bye,
>> DV
>> P.S.: please, let's stick discussing on the list.
>> - --
>> Damiano Verzulli
>> e-mail: damiano at verzulli.it
>> - ---
>> possible?ok:while(!possible){open_mindedness++}
>> - ---
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>> nothing about everything." - William Stucke - AfrISPA
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