[Users] cannot assign network without IP address

Vincent Van der Kussen vincent at vanderkussen.org
Wed Apr 3 06:38:23 UTC 2013


I'm using oVirt 3.1 on CentOS 6.3 and have the following issue

If I add a logical network to the datacenter i cannot assign it to a host 
without giving it an IP address.

I just want to use the logical network as a bridge without specifying an IP 
address (None option in the network settings). 

This is the error message :

	 Error while executing action Setup Networks: Illegal or Incomplete IP Address

In the log on the engine i see the following error :

VDSGenericException: VDSNetworkException: Specified netmask or gateway but not ip

To me this is complete bogus since none of my nics have any ip settings defined.
Only the ovirtmgmt network has this which is copied from the initial network setup
during the ovirt-engine install

I also found this post which discusses the same problem : 


When adding the logical network to the datacenter I can also not unset the
"VM Network" option. 

In our RHEV setup we can do this perfectly. 


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