[Users] trouble with imported windows VM

Richard W.M. Jones rjones at redhat.com
Wed Apr 24 20:57:30 UTC 2013

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 05:14:50PM +0000, Jonathan Horne wrote:
> This is my current gotcha.  If I import it with a single disk from KVM (C drive only), its successful.  If I add the 2nd disk to KVM and import it, it will import both disks, but I get the error at the beginning of this thread.  If I detach the 2nd imported disk, it boots again.
> Now, I made another VM on kvm that contained only my D drive, and imported that.  After the import, I got this:
> [root at d0lppc021 ~]# virt-v2v -i libvirt -ic qemu+ssh://root@rnd8/system -o rhev -os d0lppc021.skopos.me:/opt/nfs -of qcow2 -oa sparse -n ovirtmgmt ws08-svr-3Donly
> ws08-svr-03-0_copy.raw: 100% [=========================================================================================================================]D 4h09m19s
> virt-v2v: No root device found in this operating system image.
> The D drive contains only things like SQL db files and other related data.  Am I using virt-v2v incorrectly for this 2nd disk (in either scenario, a single VM with 2 disks, or even on a standalone (and albeit unbootable) VM with just the D drive)?

The bad news is that virt-v2v won't work on a data disk.  It has to be
presented with either just the operating system disk, or all disks at

The good news is that you don't need to convert data disks!  virt-v2v
knows nothing about them, and would do nothing to them.  Simply copy
the data disk over to the export domain using 'scp' or 'dd' or whatever.


Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat http://people.redhat.com/~rjones
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