[Users] Feedback/ input needed on Host power management

René Koch r.koch at ovido.at
Thu Aug 15 10:33:11 EDT 2013

Hi Malini,

What I got so far as a feedback when implementing oVirt or RHEV systems is, that "Power Management" is totally unclear.
Most users don't see a reason for configuring power management or don't understand what this will do.
So in my opinion the greatest improvement would be to rename power management to "Fencing" as this is more clear to everyone who already had to do with clusters...

Beside the naming, I figured out that having a second power management / fence method is very uncommon (maybe you have other experience here, but all my oVirt/RHEV/RHEL Cluster/pacemaker setups only have 1 fence method).
So my preferred workflow would be:
- click on Fencing :)
- configure first fence method
- ignore second method

So approch 2 is too much clicking for me and in some way confuses me.

Approach 1 seems is my favorite, but I would add a space after primary power management card , add text "Optional" and move "Define 2 Cards" and "Power management card behavior" below the primary power management card (above the secondary power management card).
So users with 1 card don't have to think about these options and don't get confused by them. Users with 2 cards can configure the second card and choose the behavior...

I hope I could describe my thoughts understandable...

-----Original message-----
> From:Malini Rao <mrao at redhat.com>
> Sent: Wednesday 14th August 2013 20:50
> To: engine-devel <engine-devel at ovirt.org>
> Cc: Eldan Hildesheim <ehildesh at redhat.com>; users at ovirt.org
> Subject: [Users] Feedback/ input needed on Host power management
> Hello all, 
> In taking a look at the current implementation of Hosts> Power management, we have come up with a couple of approaches on improving this from a UX perspective -http://www.ovirt.org/Talk:Community#UXD_Proposals_for_Host_Power_management. We want your thoughts and input on what approach makes more sense from a user's perspective before fine tuning the UI.
> Thanks
> Malini
> User Experience designer
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