[Users] oVirt-3.2 users creating snapshots fail

Karli Sjöberg Karli.Sjoberg at slu.se
Mon Aug 19 07:34:59 EDT 2013

mån 2013-08-19 klockan 07:28 -0400 skrev Ofri Masad:

Hi Karli

I've tried to reproduce this bug in 3.2 but couldn't.

Here is what I did. tell me where you did something different.
 - created a DC called dc_a
 - granted VmCreator roll to my_user

Granted where? System? DC?

 - added a quota called quota_a to dc_a (unlimited resources for cpu, memory and storage). quota covers all clusters and all storage domains.
 - added my_user as a consumer of quota_a

logged on to user portal as my_user:
 - created a new VM (consuming quota_a)

Was the new VM blank, from a template, or both?

 - added a disk to the VM (consuming quota_a)
 - created snapshot from that vm

everything looks ok. the snapshot was created

What I did different was to grant VmCreator to my_group (where my_user is member). And then added my_group as consumer of quota. Please try that and see if it still works.



----- Original Message -----
> From: "Karli Sjöberg" <Karli.Sjoberg at slu.se<mailto:Karli.Sjoberg at slu.se>>
> To: "Ofri Masad" <omasad at redhat.com<mailto:omasad at redhat.com>>
> Cc: users at ovirt.org<mailto:users at ovirt.org>
> Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 8:26:06 AM
> Subject: Re: [Users] oVirt-3.2 users creating snapshots fail
> sön 2013-08-18 klockan 03:01 -0400 skrev Ofri Masad:
> Hi Karli,
> First of all, thank you for your feedback.
> I am not quite sure the thread you are referring to is relevant to the bug
> you are witnessing.
> The bug in the thread was fixed only in 3.3 because it was only introduced in
> 3.3 (the behavior may be the same).
> anyway, I will try to reproduce your bug.
> meanwhile, try to verify the following:
>  - a storage quota exist which apply to the SD that the VM disks are located
>  on.
>  - the user is defined a consumer of that quota
>  - the disks of the VM are consuming that quota
> Yes, yes and yes:) Still won´t let anyone snapshot.
> No one can snapshot even if I assign to an unlimited quota, as long as it´s
> active(tried both audit and enforcing), no one is allowed to snapshot:(
> when creating a snapshot the user is consuming quota (the same quota the disk
> is consuming). so, if the user does not have consumer permission
> for that quota, he cannot create a snapshot.
> thanks
> Ofri
> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Karli Sjöberg" <Karli.Sjoberg at slu.se<mailto:Karli.Sjoberg at slu.se><mailto:Karli.Sjoberg at slu.se>>
> > To: users at ovirt.org<mailto:users at ovirt.org><mailto:users at ovirt.org>
> > Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 4:25:50 PM
> > Subject: Re: [Users] oVirt-3.2 users creating snapshots fail
> >
> > Well, well, looki here, the issue is reported by at least two more users:
> > http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/users/2013-June/014813.html
> >
> > Reported fixed already for 3.3... Whereas I´ve just been able to upgrade to
> > 3.2 after five months of bang-head-against-wall:ing:(
> >
> > I would very much like to see an oVirt-3.2.3 that includes this fix for
> > Quotas, because sure enough just disabling quota made users able to take
> > snapshots again, when quotas are something we plan on using quite heavily.
> >
> > /Karli
> >
> > ons 2013-08-14 klockan 12:45 +0000 skrev Karli Sjöberg:
> >
> >
> > Hi!
> >
> > After upgrading from oVirt-3.1 to oVirt-3.2, users´s ability to create
> > snapshots has disappeared. The only way to give users permission to take
> > snapshots that I´ve found so far is to give them "DataCenterAdmin" or
> > "Super
> > User" in either System or DataCenter, and any other given Role is met by
> > this lonely line in engine.log:
> > 2013-08-14 14:27:01,106 WARN
> > [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.CreateAllSnapshotsFromVmCommand]
> > (ajp-- CanDoAction of action CreateAllSnapshotsFromVm
> > failed.
> >
> > I even tried to create an admin Role with everything checked, all
> > permissions
> > granted, but a user or group associated with that Role still couldn´t take
> > snapshots. Only the built-in Admin roles seems to function correctly. How
> > can I start to troubleshoot this issue?
> >
> >
> >       --
> >
> > Med Vänliga Hälsningar
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Karli Sjöberg
> > Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
> > Box 7079 (Visiting Address Kronåsvägen 8)
> > S-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
> > Phone: +46-(0)18-67 15 66
> > karli.sjoberg at slu.se<mailto:karli.sjoberg at slu.se><mailto:karli.sjoberg at slu.se>
> >
> >       --
> >
> > Med Vänliga Hälsningar
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Karli Sjöberg
> > Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
> > Box 7079 (Visiting Address Kronåsvägen 8)
> > S-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
> > Phone: +46-(0)18-67 15 66
> > karli.sjoberg at slu.se<mailto:karli.sjoberg at slu.se><mailto:karli.sjoberg at slu.se>
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Users mailing list
> > Users at ovirt.org<mailto:Users at ovirt.org><mailto:Users at ovirt.org>
> > http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
> >
> --
> Med Vänliga Hälsningar
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Karli Sjöberg
> Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
> Box 7079 (Visiting Address Kronåsvägen 8)
> S-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
> Phone:  +46-(0)18-67 15 66
> karli.sjoberg at slu.se<mailto:karli.sjoberg at slu.se><mailto:karli.sjoberg at adm.slu.se>


Med Vänliga Hälsningar
Karli Sjöberg
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Box 7079 (Visiting Address Kronåsvägen 8)
S-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
Phone:  +46-(0)18-67 15 66
karli.sjoberg at slu.se<mailto:karli.sjoberg at adm.slu.se>
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