[Users] simple networking? [SOLVED] mostly

Antoni Segura Puimedon asegurap at redhat.com
Mon Dec 16 18:01:51 EST 2013

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Moti Asayag" <masayag at redhat.com>
> To: "Antoni Segura Puimedon" <asegurap at redhat.com>
> Cc: users at ovirt.org, "Juan Pablo Lorier" <jplorier at gmail.com>
> Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 8:43:24 PM
> Subject: Re: [Users] simple networking? [SOLVED] mostly
> By looking at the output of 'getCapabilities' i noticed vdsm
> didn't report any value for 'lastClientIface': 'lastClientIface': ''
> It seems like the first 'getCapabilities' which the engine relies
> on to report the nic for configuring the management network on top
> of is missing.
> Toni, any idea in which case it might not be reported ?

Sure, this is fixed now (or at least the behavior was changed). The thing
is that this Caps reports the management_ip as, which leads me to
believe that this is probably an all in one setup. The code for getting
lastClientIface used to check for which device had assigned the management_ip,
which doesn't exist in this case.

If we were to use the current code, that tries to route a packet, it would
behave differently. However, it would still leave us out of luck as the device
that would be reported to the engine would be, if this is indeed
an allinone, the loopback device.
> Thread-20::DEBUG::2013-12-05 14:01:43,531::BindingXMLRPC::981::vds::(wrapper)
> return getCapabilities with {'status': {'message': 'Done', 'code': 0},
> 'info': {'HBAInventory': {'iSCSI': [{'InitiatorName':
> 'iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:1a6a2adc920'}], 'FC': []}, 'packages2': {'kernel':
> {'release': '358.23.2.el6.x86_64', 'buildtime': 1381955832.0, 'version':
> '2.6.32'}, 'glusterfs-rdma': {'release': '8.el6', 'buildtime': 1375787859L,
> 'version': '3.4.0'}, 'glusterfs-fuse': {'release': '8.el6', 'buildtime':
> 1375787859L, 'version': '3.4.0'}, 'spice-server': {'release': '6.el6',
> 'buildtime': 1385213397L, 'version': '0.12.4'}, 'vdsm': {'release':
> '11.el6', 'buildtime': 1384277438L, 'version': '4.13.0'}, 'qemu-kvm':
> {'release': '2.355.0.1.el6_4.9', 'buildtime': 1380718456L, 'version':
> ''}, 'qemu-img': {'release': '2.355.0.1.el6_4.9', 'buildtime':
> 1380718456L, 'version': ''}, 'libvirt': {'release': '29.el6',
> 'buildtime': 1385212305L, 'version': '0.10.2'}, 'glusterfs': {'release':
> '8.el6', 'buildtime': 1375787859L, 'version': '3.4.0'}, 'mom': {'release':
> '3.el6', 'buildtime': 1375215703L, 'version': '0.3.2'}, 'glusterfs-server':
> {'release': '8.el6', 'buildtime': 1375787859L, 'version': '3.4.0'}},
> 'cpuModel': 'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X5450  @ 3.00GHz', 'hooks': {},
> 'cpuSockets': '2', 'vmTypes': ['kvm'], 'supportedProtocols': ['2.2', '2.3'],
> 'networks': {'ovirtmgmt': {'iface': 'ovirtmgmt', 'addr': '',
> 'cfg': {'DEFROUTE': 'yes', 'IPADDR': '', 'GATEWAY':
> '', 'DELAY': '0', 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no', 'NETMASK':
> '', 'BOOTPROTO': 'none', 'STP': 'no', 'DEVICE': 'ovirtmgmt',
> 'TYPE': 'Bridge', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'ipv6addrs':
> ['fe80::21e:c9ff:fe2b:7a5c/64'], 'gateway': '', 'netmask':
> '', 'stp': 'off', 'bridged': True, 'qosInbound': '',
> 'qosOutbound': '', 'mtu': '1500', 'ipv6gateway': '::', 'ports':
> ['bond0.128']}, 'iscsi131': {'iface': 'iscsi131', 'addr': '',
> 'cfg': {'DEFROUTE': 'no', 'IPADDR': '', 'DELAY': '0',
> 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no', 'NETMASK': '', 'BOOTPROTO': 'none',
> 'STP': 'no', 'DEVICE': 'iscsi131', 'TYPE': 'Bridge', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'},
> 'ipv6addrs': ['fe80::215:17ff:fe9b:eb04/64'], 'gateway': '',
> 'netmask': '', 'stp': 'off', 'bridged': True, 'qosInbound': '',
> 'qosOutbound': '', 'mtu': '1500', 'ipv6gateway': '::', 'ports':
> ['bond1.131']}, 'iscsi130': {'iface': 'iscsi130', 'addr': '',
> 'cfg': {'DEFROUTE': 'no', 'IPADDR': '', 'DELAY': '0',
> 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no', 'NETMASK': '', 'BOOTPROTO': 'none',
> 'STP': 'no', 'DEVICE': 'iscsi130', 'TYPE': 'Bridge', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'},
> 'ipv6addrs': ['fe80::215:17ff:fe9b:eb04/64'], 'gateway': '',
> 'netmask': '', 'stp': 'off', 'bridged': True, 'qosInbound': '',
> 'qosOutbound': '', 'mtu': '1500', 'ipv6gateway': '::', 'ports':
> ['bond1.130']}}, 'bridges': {'ovirtmgmt': {'addr': '', 'cfg':
> {'DEFROUTE': 'yes', 'IPADDR': '', 'GATEWAY': '',
> 'DELAY': '0', 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no', 'NETMASK': '',
> 'BOOTPROTO': 'none', 'STP': 'no', 'DEVICE': 'ovirtmgmt', 'TYPE': 'Bridge',
> 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'ipv6addrs': ['fe80::21e:c9ff:fe2b:7a5c/64'], 'mtu':
> '1500', 'netmask': '', 'stp': 'off', 'ipv6gateway': '::',
> 'gateway': '', 'ports': ['bond0.128']}, 'iscsi131': {'addr':
> '', 'cfg': {'DEFROUTE': 'no', 'IPADDR': '',
> 'DELAY': '0', 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no', 'NETMASK': '',
> 'BOOTPROTO': 'none', 'STP': 'no', 'DEVICE': 'iscsi131', 'TYPE': 'Bridge',
> 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'ipv6addrs': ['fe80::215:17ff:fe9b:eb04/64'], 'mtu':
> '1500', 'netmask': '', 'stp': 'off', 'ipv6gateway': '::',
> 'gateway': '', 'ports': ['bond1.131']}, 'iscsi130': {'addr':
> '', 'cfg': {'DEFROUTE': 'no', 'IPADDR': '',
> 'DELAY': '0', 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no', 'NETMASK': '',
> 'BOOTPROTO': 'none', 'STP': 'no', 'DEVICE': 'iscsi130', 'TYPE': 'Bridge',
> 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'ipv6addrs': ['fe80::215:17ff:fe9b:eb04/64'],
>  'mtu': '1500', 'netmask': '', 'stp': 'off', 'ipv6gateway':
>  '::', 'gateway': '', 'ports': ['bond1.130']}}, 'uuid':
>  '44454C4C-5300-1038-8034-CAC04F4C4631', 'lastClientIface': '', 'nics':
>  {'p3p1': {'netmask': '', 'addr': '', 'hwaddr': '00:15:17:9b:eb:04', 'cfg':
>  {'SLAVE': 'yes', 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no', 'MTU': '1500', 'HWADDR':
>  '00:15:17:9b:eb:04', 'MASTER': 'bond1', 'DEVICE': 'p3p1', 'STP': 'no',
>  'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'ipv6addrs': [], 'permhwaddr': '00:15:17:9B:EB:04',
>  'speed': 1000, 'mtu': '1500'}, 'p3p2': {'netmask': '', 'addr': '',
>  'hwaddr': '00:15:17:9b:eb:04', 'cfg': {'SLAVE': 'yes', 'NM_CONTROLLED':
>  'no', 'MTU': '1500', 'HWADDR': '00:15:17:9b:eb:05', 'MASTER': 'bond1',
>  'DEVICE': 'p3p2', 'STP': 'no', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'ipv6addrs': [],
>  'permhwaddr': '00:15:17:9B:EB:05', 'speed': 1000, 'mtu': '1500'}, 'eth1':
>  {'netmask': '', 'addr': '', 'hwaddr': '00:1e:c9:2b:7a:5c', 'cfg': {'SLAVE':
>  'yes', 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no', 'MTU': '1500', 'HWADDR': '00:1e:c9:2b:7a:5e',
>  'STP': 'no', 'DEVICE': 'eth1', 'MASTER': 'bond0', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'},
>  'ipv6addrs': [], 'permhwaddr': '00:1E:C9:2B:7A:5E', 'speed': 1000, 'mtu':
>  '1500'}, 'eth0': {'netmask': '', 'addr': '', 'hwaddr': '00:1e:c9:2b:7a:5c',
>  'cfg': {'SLAVE': 'yes', 'MTU': '1500', 'HWADDR': '00:1E:C9:2B:7A:5C',
>  'MASTER': 'bond0', 'DEVICE': 'eth0', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'ipv6addrs': [],
>  'permhwaddr': '00:1E:C9:2B:7A:5C', 'speed': 1000, 'mtu': '1500'}},
>  'software_revision': '11', 'clusterLevels': ['3.0', '3.1', '3.2', '3.3'],
>  'cpuFlags':
>  u'fpu,vme,de,pse,tsc,msr,pae,mce,cx8,apic,sep,mtrr,pge,mca,cmov,pat,pse36,clflush,dts,acpi,mmx,fxsr,sse,sse2,ss,ht,tm,pbe,syscall,nx,lm,constant_tsc,arch_perfmon,pebs,bts,rep_good,aperfmperf,pni,dtes64,monitor,ds_cpl,vmx,est,tm2,ssse3,cx16,xtpr,pdcm,dca,sse4_1,lahf_lm,dts,tpr_shadow,vnmi,flexpriority,model_Conroe,model_coreduo,model_core2duo,model_Penryn,model_n270',
>  'ISCSIInitiatorName': 'iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:1a6a2adc920',
>  'netConfigDirty': 'False', 'supportedENGINEs': ['3.0', '3.1', '3.2',
>  '3.3'], 'reservedMem': '321', 'bondings': {'bond4': {'netmask': '', 'addr':
>  '', 'slaves': [], 'hwaddr': '00:00:00:00:00:00', 'cfg': {}, 'ipv6addrs':
>  [], 'mtu': '1500'}, 'bond0': {'netmask': '', 'addr': '', 'slaves': ['eth0',
>  'eth1'], 'hwaddr': '00:1e:c9:2b:7a:5c', 'cfg': {'DEVICE': 'bond0',
>  'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no', 'STP': 'no', 'ONBOOT': 'yes', 'BONDING_OPTS':
>  'mode=802.3ad miimon=150'}, 'ipv6addrs': ['fe80::21e:c9ff:fe2b:7a5c/64'],
>  'mtu': '1500'}, 'bond1': {'netmask': '', 'addr': '', 'slaves': ['p3p1',
>  'p3p2'], 'hwaddr': '00:15:17:9b:eb:04', 'cfg': {'DEVICE': 'bond1',
>  'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no', 'STP': 'no', 'ONBOOT': 'yes', 'BONDING_OPTS':
>  'mode=802.3ad miimon=150'}, 'ipv6addrs': ['fe80::215:17ff:fe9b:eb04/64'],
>  'mtu': '1500'}, 'bond2': {'netmask': '', 'addr': '', 'slaves': [],
>  'hwaddr': '00:00:00:00:00:00', 'cfg': {}, 'ipv6addrs': [], 'mtu': '1500'},
>  'bond3': {'netmask': '', 'addr': '', 'slaves': [], 'hwaddr':
>  '00:00:00:00:00:00', 'cfg': {}, 'ipv6addrs': [], 'mtu': '1500'}},
>  'software_version': '4.13', 'memSize': '15946', 'cpuSpeed': '2992.433',
>  'version_name': 'Snow Man', 'vlans': {'bond0.128': {'netmask': '', 'iface':
>  'bond0', 'addr': '', 'cfg': {'BRIDGE': 'ovirtmgmt', 'VLAN': 'yes', 'MTU':
>  '1500', 'STP': 'no', 'DEVICE': 'bond0.128', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'ipv6addrs':
>  ['fe80::21e:c9ff:fe2b:7a5c/64'], 'vlanid': 128, 'mtu': '1500'},
>  'bond1.131': {'netmask': '', 'iface': 'bond1', 'addr': '', 'cfg':
>  {'BRIDGE': 'iscsi131', 'VLAN': 'yes', 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no', 'STP': 'no',
>  'DEVICE': 'bond1.131', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'ipv6addrs':
>  ['fe80::215:17ff:fe9b:eb04/64'], 'vlanid': 131, 'mtu': '1500'},
>  'bond1.130': {'netmask': '', 'iface': 'bond1', 'addr': '', 'cfg':
>  {'BRIDGE': 'iscsi130', 'VLAN': 'yes', 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no', 'STP': 'no',
>  'DEVICE': 'bond1.130', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'ipv6addrs':
>  ['fe80::215:17ff:fe9b:eb04/64'], 'vlanid': 130, 'mtu': '1500'}},
>  'cpuCores': '8', 'kvmEnabled': 'true', 'guestOverhead': '65',
>  'management_ip': '', 'cpuThreads': '8', 'emulatedMachines':
>  [u'rhel6.4.0', u'pc', u'rhel6.3.0', u'rhel6.2.0', u'rhel6.1.0',
>  u'rhel6.0.0', u'rhel5.5.0', u'rhel5.4.
> 4', u'rhel5.4.0'], 'operatingSystem': {'release': '5.el6.centos.11.2',
> 'version': '6', 'name': 'RHEL'}, 'lastClient': ''}}
> Thread-21::DEBUG::2013-12-05 14:01:43,561::BindingXMLRPC::974::vds::(wrapper)
> client []::call getHardwareInfo with () {}
> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Juan Pablo Lorier" <jplorier at gmail.com>
> > To: "Moti Asayag" <masayag at redhat.com>
> > Cc: users at ovirt.org
> > Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 9:22:32 PM
> > Subject: Re: [Users] simple networking? [SOLVED] mostly
> > 
> > Hi Moty,
> > 
> > Here's the vdsm.log that should match the one I just sent to Antoni.
> > 
> > https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9OrU8RK9m26MGFTTGctUllxSHc/edit?usp=sharing
> > 
> > I can't be much of help these days (I'm out of office), but if it's just
> > send logs, I'll be back at office next friday and give you the info you
> > may request.
> > Regards,
> > 
> > 
> > On 16/12/13 17:09, Moti Asayag wrote:
> > >
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > >> From: "Juan Pablo Lorier" <jplorier at gmail.com>
> > >> To: users at ovirt.org
> > >> Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 7:54:34 PM
> > >> Subject: Re: [Users] simple networking? [SOLVED] mostly
> > >>
> > >> Itamar,
> > >>
> > >> I have the same problem and already have mentioned that in previous
> > >> posts. In my case, I have vlan 128 tagged assigned for ovirtmgmt so I
> > >> set the host ip manually on top of a vlan interface and the, after ovirt
> > >> does install the node, it fails to finish as it can't manage properly to
> > >> create the bridge and pass the ip to the brand new bridge. The ovirtmgmt
> > >> interface I create in engine is a bond (and originally I configure just
> > >> a single interface with the ip to grant engine access), just in case
> > >> this changes the scenario.
> > >> Regards,
> > >>
> > > Just to make sure i get it right:
> > >
> > > You're attempting to install a host which is configured:
> > > eth0 --- eth0.128 (which has a static ip configured)
> > >
> > > When you install the host, you provide as address either the ip of
> > > eth0.128
> > > as you configured manually or a fqdn which is resolved to the same ip.
> > >
> > > 'ovirtmgmt' logical network definition is a vm network tagged with 128.
> > >
> > > Can you provide the from the output of 'getCapabilities' from the
> > > vdsm.log
> > > immediately after vdsm starts during the installation the value of
> > > 'lastClientIface' ?
> > > Or even better - the entire output of 'getCapabilities' (which will
> > > indicate that
> > > vdsm reports properly the required information about the nic it should
> > > configure).
> > >
> > > Could you confirm the above and provide the missing pieces ?
> > >
> > >> _______________________________________________
> > >> Users mailing list
> > >> Users at ovirt.org
> > >> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
> > >>
> > 
> > 

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